Daily story rotation is all kinds of fucked up, but is it really 3 ascendant mats now?
Interesting Xursday...
I'll need the Claws, and they beat Praxic Fire for utility with my Monte Carlo build. Match made in heaven right there. Crazy thing is I'll now have a 36 Light Warlock Helm, Gloves, and Chest to choose from with Starfire Protocol. As a result I might really just pass on the Praxic Fire upgrade. I can still use it in PvP without penalty, and even hit 31 with it equipped if I get a single raid piece. Same story with No Backup Plans. I'll upgrade them one day as a luxury, but my coins are better saved for now.
MIDA Multi-Tool, Hunter Crest of Alpha Lupi, and Monte Carlo get upgraded, and MIDA becomes my Titan's main all-in now considering I screwed up the Red Death thing last week. A nice handful of coins will go to Heavy Synthesis, bankrupted my Titan against Crota.
Just need transmutes! some blue gear is among my favorite aesthetically in the game.