So far as I can help sculpt this into something we'd use in actual practice...
If facing enemies above your level, increasing your Attack value does help, but it is always a better idea to raise your own level if possible.
Against enemies at or below your level, raising your own level does nothing, increasing your Attack value does something.
edit: For example, if you're deciding how to get the most bang for your buck out of an Exotic shard, an armor upgrade is the answer 99% of the time.
Yeah, this is the right approach. The design is intended for people to upgrade their weapons and armor over time as they have the resources to fill in a particular bubble and not worry about what affects what too much.I actually do understand everything you've said up until this point but generally I don't think too much about these minute details. I am always maxing out my weapons and gear so that seems obvious. Level is a priority over weapons but I'm always doing both. It's not like I'm ever making a conscious decision to focus on weapons only. But I can only speak for myself.
Ah yeah, well Timur's Lash isn't a magic wand that makes hand cannoneering easy or anything; it's just a very good hand cannon. You gotta land your headshots and never throw a bullet away. TLW is a completely different beast. Relying on 4 body shots to get a kill with a typical HC is definitely a recipe for death.Gave my Timurs Lash a try for the first time in the crucible last night (regular not Iron banner) and couldn't get a damn kill with the thing. I even have pretty good perks.
I have Performance Bonus and third eye as my two main perks and then my 3 option perks are Field Scout, Flared magwell, and explosive rounds.
The thing just has too slow of a fire rate to win any shootouts.
I do pretty good with The Last Word but mostly stick to auto rifles so I'm not too good at hand cannon style of play and making each shot count. But I thought with that impact I'd be doing some pretty good damage. And I did for one or two shots, but was always dead before I could get 3 or 4 shots to land.
Pretty awesome running crota for several hours, giving people advice the whole time and 2 hours into it people ask why this or that happens and I get to say that it's the advice I've been saying this time repeatedly over and over.
So far as I can help sculpt this into something we'd use in actual practice...
If facing enemies above your level, increasing your Attack value does help, but it is always a better idea to raise your own level if possible.
Against enemies at or below your level, raising your own level does nothing, increasing your Attack value does something.
edit: For example, if you're deciding how to get the most bang for your buck out of an Exotic shard, an armor upgrade is the answer 99% of the time.
Hahaha, yeah, I actually just addressed this in this post, I know these pages are moving fast. There's a max damage per shot per gun that can be done to any particular enemy. The rule is that if the damage popup is white, regardless of how many levels below you the target is, there's room to get more damage from raising Attack. If it's grey, you're just hitting the max cap.This is somewhat not picky, but raising your attack power might not do anything to lower level enemies as it caps how much damage you can do to lower levels.
Several times I looked at the damage pre and post attack upgrade, and the damage done didn't change. Destiny's weapon damage is so confusing as it depends on attack, level differential, and impact but can also be capped.
If all you can get is a templar CP I'd be up for helping out if there is room. Need that Fatebringer, lol.
I can join if you just get Atheon CP too though if you need bodies.
I'd love to do an HM Templar as I still must desperately have fatebringer, and could help get through Atheon if needed,but time is a little on the limited side tonight. Let me know if/when this happens!
Speaking of, is there any way to see how many Ghosts we have picked up?
I think my Husk of the Pit drop rate is the same as Nami's which means I'll probably never get one because I'm not ascrazydedicated.
Well, thanks to Xur bringing heavy synth... and almost nothing else I want.... I probably don't even have to get back on the glimmer farm this weekend. Oh well.
haha If I had a nickel for every time this happened... I'd have a lot of nickels.
Bungie lied - exotic weapons do not level any faster than they used to.
I'm still pissed that upgrading an exotic at Xur resets the node progress. It really sucks losing the speed boost from MIDA :/
Hahaha, yeah, I actually just addressed this in this post, I know these pages are moving fast. There's a max damage per shot per gun that can be done to any particular enemy. The rule is that if the damage popup is white, regardless of how many levels below you the target is, there's room to get more damage from raising Attack. If it's grey, you're just hitting the max cap.
So.... I want to attempt Flawless Raider
If anyone is interested send an FR to sjay1994 on PS4.
Please be at least level 30, and have a good sniper or rocket launcher
BTW what is this Husk everyone is talking about?
I think my Husk of the Pit drop rate is the same as Nami's which means I'll probably never get one because I'm not ascrazydedicated.
BTW what is this Husk everyone is talking about?
I don't understand the rush - hard mode doesn't even have a release date yet.
If I do the weekly on 24, can I do it on 30 later an get the other coins I missed out on?
Okay, thanks for the quick answer.You'll get the coins.
If I do the weekly on 24, can I do it on 30 later an get the other coins I missed out on?
You don't understand the rush because you got it after only three triesI don't understand the rush - hard mode doesn't even have a release date yet.
It's a common weapon that upgrades to a legendary and that legendary upgrades into the Necrochasm. The item needed for the Necro is dropped by Crota in hard mode.
No worries Biz! Congrats to Yeti!!! Did he ever have Hawkmoon is was it his first?
I learned last night:
High level MG's burn down SB fast
Call out shield percentage for sword wielder's approach
Kill all the knights
Bungie lied - exotic weapons do not level any faster than they used to./
So.... I want to attempt Flawless Raider
If anyone is interested send an FR to sjay1994 on PS4.
Please be at least level 30, and have a good sniperor rocket launcher
lol Arnold voice was the true MVP on that run, everything came together with his inspiration.
Wow thanks gents. A buddy asked me who has a 30 Hunter and a 28 Titan who is vexed by Vexlessness and is busy tomorrow night. Maybe we can bang out a HM VoG run this eve?
hopes Hood and Hawkian both get FB's and my buddy gets a Vex
I just need shards
Sometimes I don't' think anyone at Bungie plays this game.
Oh I still need to do this with my level 31 warlock. Then I'll have the platinum too. I usually can play after 8:30 pm EST and not before then... Just got the grimore notification last night that I have 30 Atheon kills.
Seriously. I've had this thought occur every time the game is updated. Seems like making Destiny is just a 9-5 gig for them, no passion toward actually spending time playing and enjoying it.
I should note - I don't feel that way about the artists, just the designers. The art and music in the game is outstanding.
You dont want anyone on your team to do Flawless with a RL, if I were you. Better to be safe than sorry.
I'm down to help you out with this if you need one more, so just let me know when. I gotta catch up to Boguester![]()
Well, thanks to Xur bringing heavy synth... and almost nothing else I want.... I probably don't even have to get back on the glimmer farm this weekend. Oh well.
haha If I had a nickel for every time this happened... I'd have a lot of nickels.
Oh I still need to do this with my level 31 warlock. Then I'll have the platinum too. I usually can play after 8:30 pm EST and not before then... Just got the grimore notification last night that I have 30 Atheon kills.
I see urk online all the time playing...
ok. Are you free tomorrow?
I'm down to help you out with this if you need one more, so just let me know when. I gotta catch up to Boguester![]()
Had a friend stay the night yesterday and when I wake up today I find he has leveled my Warlock three levels for me.
Can I get a live in Destiny grinder? It feels like a Christmas surprise, haha.
i'm up for some Normal or Hard VoG tonight. I just want some stupid shards.