The Lamonster
new exotic weapons take 17% less xp than old ones. That may not be much, but it isn't nothing either.
Whoa, good to know. Where'd you find that information?
new exotic weapons take 17% less xp than old ones. That may not be much, but it isn't nothing either.
new exotic weapons take 17% less xp than old ones. That may not be much, but it isn't nothing either.
So i just leveled to 29 about 10 mins ago....if i were to attempt VoG on hard would a decent team be able to pull me through or is it worth waiting until i'm a higher level?
Never tried CE yet so guess same question about that on normal?
I should note - I don't feel that way about the artists, just the designers. The art and music in the game is outstanding.
So i just leveled to 29 about 10 mins ago....if i were to attempt VoG on hard would a decent team be able to pull me through or is it worth waiting until i'm a higher level?
Never tried CE yet so guess same question about that on normal?
LiK if we can get something together tonight will keep you in the loop.
Assuming Hawkian, Hood and my buddy are all free at 9EST we could potentially have 5 for a HM run
My PSN is ColonelOCorn
You should be fine. Just be sure to upgrade your weapons as well.So i just leveled to 29 about 10 mins ago....if i were to attempt VoG on hard would a decent team be able to pull me through or is it worth waiting until i'm a higher level?
Never tried CE yet so guess same question about that on normal?
I'm pretty sure I'd be down for a HM raid around then as well, if you are looking keep me posted.
Bungie lied - exotic weapons do not level any faster than they used to.
I'm still pissed that upgrading an exotic at Xur resets the node progress. It really sucks losing the speed boost from MIDA :/
You don't want to upgrade any of that list this week?
Plan c, Monte Carlo, mida, p&t, etc?
LiK if we can get something together tonight will keep you in the loop.
Assuming Hawkian, Hood and my buddy are all free at 9EST we could potentially have 5 for a HM run
My PSN is ColonelOCorn
So i just leveled to 29 about 10 mins ago....if i were to attempt VoG on hard would a decent team be able to pull me through or is it worth waiting until i'm a higher level?
Never tried CE yet so guess same question about that on normal?
Yeah that was exactly my loadout for our Flawless run. We dropped Atheon with 1-The only time a RL was required was back when Atheon was still glitched. The only way we were able to kill him before enrage on my first flawless was WoL + GHorn. We never got Time's V and he died maybe 10 seconds before enrage.
Nowadays I definitely think you are right, shouldn't ever be necessary. VoC or FB + IB + CMeasure is a fantastic flawless load out.
Anyone running Crota? Or wanna start a group?
Hawk.. You ever get the kill Wednesday?
I'm up for a CE run myself, I would be bringing my 31 warlock with Gjallarhorn, I've completed the raid a few times now, and have experience with the sword if needed. Oh and I have the bad juju bounty as well so we could buddy up for that, I'm on your FR already PSN = QwellMy hunter got to 31 last night. If anyone is forming a CE raid crew tonight after 8:30pm EST let me know. I am looking for a hopefully quick kill with experienced players. I am an expert at tower duty and I know all aspects of the raid. We did the whole thing a few days ago with no wipes. I also have the Crota check point if people want to start at Crota and then pick up the early loot afterwards.
Then after that I need to do another 15 strikes with my 31 Warlock before Xur leaves so that I can get on with my second Bad Juju exotic bounty. So I might be (semi-selfishly) up for helping people through Nightfall and Weeklies.
i guess bungie isnt doing the whole weekly update thing anymore
If you need shards and LiK needs shards why not just make it a full fresh run?
i guess bungie isnt doing the whole weekly update thing anymore
Gave my Timurs Lash a try for the first time in the crucible last night (regular not Iron banner) and couldn't get a damn kill with the thing. I even have pretty good perks.
I have Performance Bonus and third eye as my two main perks and then my 3 option perks are Field Scout, Flared magwell, and explosive rounds.
The thing just has too slow of a fire rate to win any shootouts.
I'm up for a CE run myself, I would be bringing my 31 warlock with Gjallarhorn, I've completed the raid a few times now, and have experience with the sword if needed. Oh and I have the bad juju bounty as well so we could buddy up for that, I'm on your FR already PSN = Qwell
You don't understand the rush because you got it after only three tries![]()
I've never done the hard version of the VoG raid, but I'm close to hitting 31, and maybe I should check it out before I do.
My biggest question: Does the loot stack like the weekly strikes (i.e. Does doing the hard version give you the loot for the normal version as well, or do you have to do the normal afterward)?
Then after that I need to do another 15 strikes with my 31 Warlock before Xur leaves so that I can get on with my second Bad Juju exotic bounty. So I might be (semi-selfishly) up for helping people through Nightfall and Weeklies.
LOL patience and time dropped from gorgon chest
bungie pls, good to know. Where'd you find that information?
The playerbase would have by and large been okay with any upgrade system which led to increase damage but did not reset a weapon's unique ("exotic," even) perks they'd already invested in, even if the gun actually took MORE xp to relevel.exotics seem slightly faster but wth, all my perks should've stayed active after I upgraded it. I spent 7+k to upgrade it. it should keep its perks.
Twice, in fact.Anyone running Crota? Or wanna start a group?
Hawk.. You ever get the kill Wednesday?
exotics seem slightly faster but wth, all my perks should've stayed active after I upgraded it. I spent 7+k to upgrade it. it should keep its perks.
LOL patience and time dropped from gorgon chest
bungie pls
Yep, going to be some 3 months retrospective bullshit.There is supposed to be one today, but here is an early sneak peak:
"You guys love Destiny! Here are some numbers! Destiny is great! Killing Crota is the best Christmas present around. Keep giving us your feedback, we're listening.
Operations center:
Lowered the percentage of people with the Baboon error by 15%.
Happy holidays Guardians."
I call those Quality of Life improvements, of which Destiny is severley lacking. Plenty of room for improvement as far as small conveniences or rewards.Destiny is rather bad at offering what I would call "hush puppies"- small token design elements that don't make a large impact overall, but soothe gamer psychology in order to make grind/repetition feel less onerous.
Well my buddy said he probably can't swing it now due to a meeting, but that gives us 5. I can scare up a 6th unless you guys want to grab someone.
Totally down for a fresh HM run
Lowered the percentage of people with the Baboon error by 15%."
Oh FFS, this weekly would be a cakewalk if it wasn't fucking Arc Burn.
Wizard bastards and their instadeath stream of shit can fuck right off.
Me and fellow gaffer firehawk ran the Solar Burn Nexus NFall 8 straight times to do that part of the Bad Juju bounty, haha. Took like 8 minutes each run.
Twice, in fact.
Dude; wanna team up on this one? Same thing is kicking my ass.
Sure I was only running the 24, but we can try any. My PSN is my GAF name
Not miced up at the moment though.
Destiny is rather bad at offering what I would call "hush puppies"- small token design elements that don't make a large impact overall, but soothe gamer psychology in order to make grind/repetition feel less onerous.
Twice, in fact.
Yep, going to be some 3 months retrospective bullshit.
No one gives a shit. Just prove that you really are listening and that changes are coming that will improve the experience.
You forgot one part:
Baboon errors have been relabeled and split into orangutan, chimpanzee, and jabberwocky errors.
Are you leveled to run the nightfall and the weekly at 30?
Yah nexus is definitely the way to do the bad juju bounty. I did it twice (and have the NEW bounty twice yet again) and both times were during a weekly Nexus. I got reaaaallly good at running it, think my fastest Nexus clear was just under 7 minutes.Me and fellow gaffer firehawk ran the Solar Burn Nexus NFall 8 straight times to do that part of the Bad Juju bounty, haha. Took like 8 minutes each run.
Unfortunately not 29 here.
Damn. I was hoping to run them for rewards on my alt. :/