To be honest, I haven't actually paid any attention to it. Someone wanna verify it?Is this really true? I've heard nothing but the Nightfall bonus affects Eris's rep.
If not, I can finally stop using that horrible low-level Eris shader. Blech
To be honest, I haven't actually paid any attention to it. Someone wanna verify it?Is this really true? I've heard nothing but the Nightfall bonus affects Eris's rep.
I've been wearing all three. The thing is that unlike rank 1-3, to get to rank 4, you need 4000 rep points.Are you wearing the shader, emblem and class item? I'm pretty sure they're treated like the Iron Banner and Queens bounties and give you percentage increases on Rep earned.
Hard VoG going when we have 6. PS4
1. Ourobolus
2. Dave_6
I'll join. Psn jtran2003. 29 titan
K. By the time we get everyone it may be around 30 min anyway.Sign me up if it starts in 30 mins. I'm busy till then (10pm gmt). I may be able to get on earlier but will need to clear it with the boss (missus)
30 hunter btw
I've been wearing all three. The thing is that unlike rank 1-3, to get to rank 4, you need 4000 rep points.
To be honest, I haven't actually paid any attention to it. Someone wanna verify it?
If not, I can finally stop using that horrible low-level Eris shader. Blech![]()
I'll join on my Titan
K. By the time we get everyone it may be around 30 min anyway.
1. Ourobolus
2. Dave_6
3. Jtran2003
4. Agent_tiro (alt if we get more)
K. By the time we get everyone it may be around 30 min anyway.
1. Ourobolus
2. Dave_6
3. Jtran2003
4. Agent_tiro (alt if we get more)
5. Mrchowderclam
Well, I think we have it then - no bonuses from Eris gear.I think it does. I got 120 or so from a 100 rep bounty.
Oh wait, its just Nightfall bonus. nm.
I wouldn't know how IB is like since I never got past Rank 1. For Vanguard, crucible, and factions, I've seen 2500 up to 3000 but you get 5 bounties each day for Vanguard and Crucible, a total of 10 for factions, and Nightfall gives around 500 rep points to Vanguard or Factions while weekly gives 400 (without doing Nightfall first) or 499 (with nightfall buff) rep points.and that's kind of unprecedented as far as Destiny rep goes, isn't it?
or is IB like that too?
I'll join on my Titan
A few thoughts, now that the year is about over and we've seen what Bungie is doing in terms of supporting the base game, vs. what is included in paid expansions.
Level 31 Defender Titan looking for a Crota raid - will be online in 20 minutes.
I will also do a Hard VoG if I can't find a CE. PSN Tokunbo.
Sent you a fr for crota raid
Need 3 more to start
Sent you a fr for crota raid
Need 3 more to start
This game really demoralizes you
Putting so much time teaching people the last boss and getting the win and netting yourself only 3 radiant shards...
Game is starting to get to me, took 3+ days off, this game does have it's highs, but it's lows really piss you the fuck off
If you haven't found anyone yet I can bring a lvl 31 hunter, PSN = QwellNeed one more as an alternate for hard VoG, if Dave isn't on in a few minutes we'll go with you![]()
This game really demoralizes you
Putting so much time teaching people the last boss and getting the win and netting yourself only 3 radiant shards...
Game is starting to get to me, took 3+ days off, this game does have it's highs, but it's lows really piss you the fuck off
So I finally get something other than a scout or pulse rifle from an engram ... and its the auto rifle from Dead Orbit ... that has an impact of like 2 maybe. Oh well, I'll give it a shot and see how it is. One of the scouts I got previously has the firefly (splosion on critical) so I can't complain too much.
Level 31 Defender Titan looking for a Crota raid - will be online in 20 minutes.
I will also do a Hard VoG if I can't find a CE. PSN Tokunbo.
Scouts are my go-to gun. Just fun to use.
Sent you a fr for crota raid
Need 3 more to start
Yah I never really used them outside of VoC which is definitely a gun I lean on pretty heavy. I do like a good auto rifle though, and could use a legendary replacement. It just doesn't seem like there is a good Shadow Price type of replacement, except the Monarchy one.Scouts are my go-to gun. Just fun to use.
Yah I never really used them outside of VoC which is definitely a gun I lean on pretty heavy. I do like a good auto rifle though, and could use a legendary replacement. It just doesn't seem like there is a good Shadow Price type of replacement, except the Monarchy one.
Played some Vanguard Roc (three man fireteam, no randoms joining or leaving)
Spongebob -> quit/restart
Spongebob -> fuck this
So I've heard conflicting information about the healing effects on SUROS and Red Death. Can anyone actually confirm if these guns do or don't heal you during the Presence of Crota debuff?
Sent you a fr for crota raid
Need 3 more to start
I'd be in, 31 Titan
So I've heard conflicting information about the healing effects on SUROS and Red Death. Can anyone actually confirm if these guns do or don't heal you during the Presence of Crota debuff?
So I've heard conflicting information about the healing effects on SUROS and Red Death. Can anyone actually confirm if these guns do or don't heal you during the Presence of Crota debuff?
Suro's has healing effects? I had no idea.
Online now.
Just joined another group before your post, but will do another tonight.
Does the New Monarchy auto rifle Vanquisher have field scout on it?
I got the Vanquisher as a drop and it seems like a good auto rifle but it has a very tiny clip size of 22.
Need another 2 for crota boss checkpoint... Ready to go
Yep. My favorite AR too. So good.The one you buy doesn't. It does have kills increase reload speed, hammer forged and glass half full. It's my favourite auto rifle. Took me forever to get it since I barely play crucible, but I might just do to get the higher attack version again.
I was expecting at least new vanguard bounties and public events wth the expansion. Part of the reason I feel ripped off is that they really didn't add much. Doing existing levels backwards is all they could come up with I guess. I know a lot of people complain and keep playing and I've been one of them but I really haven't been playing much lately. I used to do all bounties on all characters every day even if I had nothing to level. Last 2 weeks I've barely done any bounties and when I do play it's mainly to hang out with some good people I've met playing this game. If Bungie wants to keep me playing this game they better make some significant changesA few thoughts, now that the year is about over and we've seen what Bungie is doing in terms of supporting the base game, vs. what is included in paid expansions.
In general I think Bungie has done a good job updating Destiny's systems since ship, with some exceptions (I think we all know what those are). But it's clear at this point that most of their patches are going to focus on refining systems, rather than refining content, which is what I had hoped. There are several activities that seem like they could serve as pipelines for new content, but have so far been ignored.
First up, public events. They're a pretty great feature in the game, but one that by definition everyone is exposed to since they occur in public spaces. But since Destiny came out, Bungie has only updated the frequency with which they occur. No new events, or event locations, or change ups in the existing events. It will be unfortunate if the set that shipped with the game is all we ever see.
Likewise, patrols are pretty vanilla right now. The missions are simple, not leveled in any way to the player and only occur in certain areas. I thought we'd start to see new mission types, or locations, or activities added over time, but that does not appear to be on the roadmap. (It would be neat if the powerful target that spawned was actually powerful, or if neglected spaces like the Grotto on Earth were utilized in patrols.) They were okay as a starting point for Destiny, but is this really what we're going to be left with until Destiny 2 comes out?
Similarly, bounties. They're fun, basically the daily challenges I liked doing from the later Halo games. I thought we'd see new ones dropped into rotation after time, as a low-cost way to add some variety. Instead, the only new ones appeared at a new vendor, with new rep to grind, as part of the TDB. There are not that many regular bounties in rotation. Are there no plans to expand on them? Do we need new vendors every time a new set of bounties to add? I haven't begun to work on Eris' as I'm so annoyed at the thought of having yet another set of rep to grind.
What about the special events? There's one for PvP (Iron Banner) and one for PvE (Queen's Wrath). Is...that going to be all? What happened to the Queen's Wrath?
And so on. There are several other aspects of Destiny that feel pretty good for a start, but with clear room for improvement or refinement. (Enemy spawns in public spaces, behaviors like patrolling areas, remixing strikes, etc.) But so far, we've no indications that Bungie is going to really work on the base game content - only the expansions. This surprises me a great deal and will more than anything contribute to my getting burned out on the game sooner rather than later. I'd like to see Destiny as a whole improve, but that's going to require Bungie to update the shipping game's content and activities, not just the underlying progression and loot systems.
In fact some underdogs shine during this Raid. First there are the Hunters and especially the useless for PvE Bladedancer. Then there is the Agility perk.
MIDA is excellent for this Raid. Monte Carlo gives you instant Blink Strikes if things get hairy. Red Death gives shield back.