You upgraded it? I'm a cheap bastard and running the bounty again.
lol yeah thats how I am feeling as well, saving for that Hawkmoon drop...thats coming..soon.
p.s Ban Agent plz..
Oh I can buy 100 heavy ammo packs for 20 coins. That seems cheap. My coin collection is growing larger and larger every week. My only problem is where to put the ammo packs.
RNGesus has been very kind to me on my two VoG hard clears.
2 Vex Mythoclasts
Visions of Confluence
Praedyths Revenge
Atheons Epilogue
and it even threw in a Hard Light
The Vex and Fatebringer were really the only guns I wanted, but I'll gladly take the others to add to my collection. Thanks for letting me jump on tonight guys.
*screaming internally*
I guess that answers my question quite thoroughly.
i rolled the dice on an exotic helmet engram from xur, got a wrong class. have no interest in ever playing a second class, what to do with it?
You can always dismantle it for an exotic shard.
I hv the cp on ps4. Wanna do it legit or glitch him?
I need to kill him as well. 31 warlock here. PSN: theflyingpigeon
another question. i used an exotic shard for my new ice breaker sniper upgrade xur had, but it didn't seem to do anything?!
another question. i used an exotic shard for my new ice breaker sniper upgrade xur had, but it didn't seem to do anything?!
So...that's 3? Anyone else for Crota CP?
So...that's 3? Anyone else for Crota CP?
So...that's 3? Anyone else for Crota CP?
I'm down. Just need to switch chars
PSN x_Magik_ox
Neither.What's Xur got today?
I need Gjallarhorn trade or a fresh Hawkmoon.
Ok so Crota Checkpoint:
1. Me
2. Flying pigeon
3. Magik
4. Silver
Two more!
Ok so Crota Checkpoint:
1. Me
2. Flying pigeon
3. Magik
4. Silver
Two more!
I just got a universal remote from the Vanguard ROC. Is this thing worth an exotic slot for PVE? Does it upgrade well? I usually rock the GHorn for my exotic.
i'm heresent you fr already
Ok so Crota Checkpoint:
1. Me
2. Flying pigeon
3. Magik
4. Silver
5. Manp
6. Pansa
Two more!
Edit: full for now!
Gimme a sec to fr stuff. We will start in 10 minutes
Sweet. Let's do this!
i'm also available for hard VoG later if anyone is interested
i'm heresent you fr already
i'm also available for hard VoG later if anyone is interested
I'd be down for that as well! Fatebringer and the Vex still elude me![]()
Worst exotic in the game. Its completely useless. The reason I don't shard it is because CE is supposed to have some kind of inventory check and Crota does drop exotics.
we really need more vault space....
Worst exotic in the game. Its completely useless. The reason I don't shard it is because CE is supposed to have some kind of inventory check and Crota does drop exotics.
Yep, same for me so I'll be up for it later.
This Plasteel Plating is a real stick in my ass
I calculated it would take me 7-8 days if I keep doing the bounty trick to get rank 4 since I just got to rank 3 today. My calculations doesn't take into account the class based missions.Got Eris to Rank 3 this morning, upgraded my Murmur & then Husk of the Pit to Eidolon Ally. Now I have to get 4000 rep to get to Rank 4 when they only give us 3-4 bounties a day. Come on man, I just want that damn Sunsetting shader.
This Plasteel Plating is a real stick in my ass
Lol I def don't farm strikes hoping to get a lucky engram..maybe..the thirst is real for #forevernohawkmoon or #forevernoballerhorndo the strikes playlist, earn plasteel and hawkmoon.
closing in on 500 and still none. some day there'll be a stone with engravings that read "raindoc 19xx-20xx: a man who had everything, except a healthy heart and Hawkmoon"
This Plasteel Plating is a real stick in my ass
I was down to 12 last night. After some bounties and ROC strikes, I'm up to 22.This Plasteel Plating is a real stick in my ass
A friend got his second GH after a control match. :/
do the strikes playlist, earn plasteel and hawkmoon.
closing in on 500 and still none. some day there'll be a stone with engravings that read "raindoc 19xx-20xx: a man who had everything, except a healthy heart and Hawkmoon"
Lol I def don't farm strikes hoping to get a lucky engram..maybe..the thirst is real for #forevernohawkmoon or #forevernoballerhorn
Lol I def don't farm strikes hoping to get a lucky engram..maybe..the thirst is real for #forevernohawkmoon or #forevernoballerhorn
Lol I def don't farm strikes hoping to get a lucky engram..maybe..the thirst is real for #forevernohawkmoon or #forevernoballerhorn