I've still got Crota on my Titan too. Been focusing on lv31 more than the raid.
Haha, awesome!
I've still got Crota on my Titan too. Been focusing on lv31 more than the raid.
So that makes 4 of us?
That's 5.I'm down for Crota if anyone is starting a group. I need Crota on Warlock and Hunter 31
i'm available in 1 hour or so if we can get a team going.
PS4: Manp
That's 5.
Ohk then, need one more for crota.
1. X-Frame
2. Coy
3. blackfalg
4. rodiard
5. Dhruv_hanom
6. open
I'll join, psn Moridhin. Didn't get to kill him last nightOhk then, need one more for crota.
1. X-Frame
2. Coy
3. blackfalg
4. rodiard
5. Dhruv_hanom
6. open
Sweet. Let's do this!
i'm also available for hard VoG later if anyone is interested
Ohk then, need one more for crota.
1. X-Frame
2. Coy
3. blackfalg
4. rodiard
5. Dhruv_hanom
6. open
all old stuff including exotics, which blows.Is there any benefit to doing VoG anymore? Will it drop new loot now or still the old?
I'm shaking GAF!
Is there any benefit to doing VoG anymore? Will it drop new loot now or still the old?
i'm available in 1 hour or so if we can get a team going.
PS4: Manp
LFG VoG hard Templar cp
PSN: TheLamonster
I'd like to join too if you got any spot left. Already in your friend's list: ms1582
I'd be interested. Are the exotics the upgraded versions, or do they still have to be traded to Xur?Was thinking of starting a VoG run on either Hard or Normal in order to gather those last weapons and possibly exotics to crap. Anyone interested in joining?
I'd be interested. Are the exotics the upgraded versions, or do they still have to be traded to Xur?
Which class? Show us a screenshot!
So finally took he plunge and bought the game. Playing right now and just beat The Dark Within on Earth and I'm about to do The Warmind. I'm not seeing what the big fuss is about the game. It's fun and I can see myself getting addicted to running missions trying to get better loot. If you want to hep me out or whatever, my PSN on PS4 is renewman1.
When you get to around 25, come join a newbie raid on thursdays if you can make it!So finally took he plunge and bought the game. Playing right now and just beat The Dark Within on Earth and I'm about to do The Warmind. I'm not seeing what the big fuss is about the game. It's fun and I can see myself getting addicted to running missions trying to get better loot. If you want to hep me out or whatever, my PSN on PS4 is renewman1.
I have an Atheon Hard checkpoint if anyone is interest.
I'd like to grab that checkpoint for one of my alts. PSN?
Is there any benefit to doing VoG anymore? Will it drop new loot now or still the old?
Anyone got any tips for the Deathsinger section? Both sides at the same time or one at a time?
Opposite for me. I have two of fatebringer and 1 vision but no vex.I will not stop until I get Fatebringer and vision of confluence. Even though the game trolls me with back to back Mythoclasts every week (and the Templar keeps on giving me 6 shards lol).
I can't be stopped, but I can be paused.
Which mission is that?
team up. his shields regen so quickly, i don't think you can do that guy on your own, with or without G'horn.
8pm gmt onwards for me is good
We are looking at starting from scratch if you are interested
We should be good after 8pm gmt if you still fancy?
I've got the missus' Christmas pressies to wrap and will be on after that
How long does it take to get to a level that's decent for IB? I just hit 20 and I want to grind it but it's tough at such a low level even with medallions
Eris quest. I need to do it before Xur leaves, I believe.
PS4: iRAWRasaurus
Give me 5 mins and I can get on
Sorry I had to bail guys, looked like it was going to be a quick one too :/My Psn is casmith7509
I'm shaking GAF!
Need one more for crota.
I got the shotgun on my fifth Crota kill last night. What a disappointment. Is it gonna be like Atheon where I get like twenty shotguns and I never get the some of the guns I want? Looking at you pretorian foil...
So far I got two machine guns a fusion rifle and now the shotgun... I just want the rocket launcher and maybe also the sniper.
I have 50 radiant shards. I need 13 more for level 32.