Yeah, but that sounds more like P&T where it's pretty good in a specific situation. I want my raid gear to be like Preadyth or Corrective Measure where it's a top tier multi use weapon. PR was the best high rate of fire, low impact sniper. Black Hammer should just be the best high impact low rate of fire sniper, not a quirky Exotic type.
Still need one?so need 4 for VoG Hard runthrough I guess, tryin ta be quick and then do weekly/nightfalls :O
Anyone doing VoG hard later today? I need fatebringer and have 2 alts left to run it.
You need 33 light gloves?
Yeah, but that sounds more like P&T where it's pretty good in a specific situation. I want my raid gear to be like Preadyth or Corrective Measure where it's a top tier multi use weapon. PR was the best high rate of fire, low impact sniper. Black Hammer should just be the best high impact low rate of fire sniper, not a quirky Exotic type.
Its ridiculous how fucking good Praedyth, Corrective, VoC and Fatebringer still are. I love it and I may even understand why there isn't an upgrade for these. A 331 Fatebringer would only make matters worse lol. Only the Hezen seems to be outmatched by Hunger of Crota (but its still extremely good). And perhaps the Foil by the new FR, though the Foil has sick impact still.
My favourite loadout is the VoG stuff. Even though they didn't have an unique design like CE weapons have. Didn't the solo guy mostly use VoG stuff?
Need 1 more to kill crota? Got 30 mins to do it.
Psn: iRAWRasaurus
So I pop a heavy synth during a cut scene and when it ends I have no heavy ammo but I'm still on a 5 min cooldown until I can pop another one... Thanks Bungie!!!
Need 1 more to kill crota? Got 30 mins to do it.
Psn: iRAWRasaurus
You guys trying to form a party? I have 3 including myself.I'm in
Psn same as gaf
Does completing VOG on hard negate normal VOG rewards?
Completed hard earlier this week and just ran normal with a friend but recieved nothing for my trouble.
Although the random 27 in our group got a Ghorn, so..
Yeah. You're supposed to get both normal and hard drops in one go if you do hard first
You guys really like PR that much? I always felt like the impact was too low on that thing to be useful in PVE
Personally, I'm just not feeling the sniper. I really want to like it, but that 3 round clip is just balls. I'm just not good enough to consistently get three crits in a row. One out of three almost always misses, and even if I get all three, guaranteed I'll miss one in the next three. That puts it at a max 6 round clip. I think I'd rather a regular sniper with field scout to have a guaranteed 5 or 6 round clip.
This is especially a problem in a 6 man raid where 9 times out of 10 you will have at least one other person shooting at the same target that you are, and sometimes dealing the killing blow right as you're trying to get your third crit in.
Decided to hop into Iron Banner because my Titan is completing Bad Juju.
Forgot how fun Iron Banner is. Will definitely avoid grinding levels, but I will be playing more again. My 300 Thorn still gets it done.
First Blade kill of the day: Husk of the Pit!
First helmet engram: Saint 14!
First Iron Banner match: Ketch me if you Can!
Second helmet engram: Inmost Light :
I'm never going to get Obsidian Mind. It's the Heart of Praxic Fire of our time.
Deathsinger help:
Should we rush her once the Shriekers are down, or thin the Knights out?
Get her down asap. Ignore the knights as best you can until she's dead.
I'm not exaggerating when I say there must be a good 20 Knights when we are rushing her....
Deathsinger help:
Should we rush her once the Shriekers are down, or thin the Knights out?
Iam downso, can we get this HM VoG going?
go to the left side (crota's left) and kill some of the knights so you have some breathing room. there will be more enemies on the other side and you shouldn't bother with them.
Deathsinger help:
Should we rush her once the Shriekers are down, or thin the Knights out?
Looking for 2 more for Crota's End raid on PS4. Starting at Crota.
PSN Kopyasu
Sending a party chat invite.I'm game. Xplicitone
I'm not exaggerating when I say there must be a good 20 Knights when we are rushing her....
I'm not exaggerating when I say there must be a good 20 Knights when we are rushing her....
so, can we get this HM VoG going?
from reddit
from reddit
Also add bigmanny287I'm in. Psn is D-psipher.
from reddit
I know it's said a million times, but they could at least bring the strange coin count at least up to par with the amount of shards and energy you get.
I got 5 coins on both my strikes. I can understand one but both.i can't decide...
I know it's said a million times, but they could at least bring the strange coin count at least up to par with the amount of shards and energy you get.
Any one else having issues getting psn to connect?
Guys I was arranging to run VoG hard with I will be on ASAP. Gonna try turning everything off and back on again.