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Destiny |OT12| Play. Whine. Repeat.

Deku Tree

Perhaps someone could solve this riddle for me:

I went to Xur, and saw that I could upgrade my Thorn and Super Good Advice. The Thorn it shows as getting a max damage increase when I upgrade it, so I did. But the SGA shows exactly the same stats when I compare - so should I still upgrade it at Xur or not? Am I missing something?

The Thorn dropped before the changes to Exotics, the SGA after - so does that mean exotic guns that drop now, don't need to go through the 'upgrade' process at Xur?

Yes. Exactly.

Hey, rodiard! Fig!


aw that's so sweet ~


Reposting since I landed on the bottom of the last page:

I have a level 31 Hunter. Just need a chest (and tons of radiant shards) to get to 32.

The only drop I missed in Crota's raid is the one in the hallway you have to run for. Got it last week, but we have missed it both times I ran the raid this week. How do you keep it from going to the next checkpoint? Also, does that chest just drop shards/energy or can you get gear/weapons?

I plan to make one of each class (Warlock next) to take advantage of the class differences since each one has different advantages in the bigger battles.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Perhaps someone could solve this riddle for me:

I went to Xur, and saw that I could upgrade my Thorn and Super Good Advice. The Thorn it shows as getting a max damage increase when I upgrade it, so I did. But the SGA shows exactly the same stats when I compare - so should I still upgrade it at Xur or not? Am I missing something?

The Thorn dropped before the changes to Exotics, the SGA after - so does that mean exotic guns that drop now, don't need to go through the 'upgrade' process at Xur?
Everywhere but the Vault of Glass! Hopefully that'll get fixed.
welp, i'm gonna have to pat myself on the back for figuring this one out.


Rahool has 3 class items that are tied to your level. None of those class items appeared for me when I was level 20+

So i might be able to find the frumious cloak again.


welp, i'm gonna have to pat myself on the back for figuring this one out.


Rahool has 3 class items that are tied to your level. None of those class items appeared for me when I was level 20+

So i might be able to find the frumious cloak again.

If you can figure out how to get the Cloak of Perception, a blue item, PLEASE let me know.


Tower Knight patrollers don't have time to look at Crota much.
I haven't seen that stand on top of the doors strat before.
I guess it prevents the ogre's AI from making them walk into and shoot at the walls and be hard to take down.

Bingo. And yeah, it also shows how important Tower Knight duty is. I'm sure I would've gotten smoked by one of those boomers if it wasn't for them.

Also, it's alot safer cleaning up trash from the inside/out than outside/in with Knights watching.
If you can figure out how to get the Cloak of Perception, a blue item, PLEASE let me know.

well i read that somebody found one of the cloaks from the beta out in the wild while they were a low level, but white and greens stop dropping class items after a while. if you're looking for a certain item that's level 16 or below, it's probably not going to drop if you're level 20 or above.
Last night's Crota run with Boguester and Zewone on Gjallarduty, Tyrant on Tower Knight patrol and yours truly on the Blade. Even though I totally botched that first sword (lolglide), we were able to bounce back strong and bring him down before "Enrage is near" happened. Video is from Tower Knight patrol perspective.

I really need to remember to press save clip after a run :/

Nice to see some others taking up the strat of having someone dedicated to the right tower. It's such a cluster when two are on the left and they keep popping out to shoot across the field. Also, what you guys do when the Ogres come out is fantastic. Standing in the middle doesn't draw them away from the lower fire team, and you can clear the trash.


So, Urzok the Hated. There are three of us just hanging out in Skywatch. Is that all there is to finding him? Just wait long enough?

Yup. I did it today. My recommendation...bring Arc everything. The shield recharges almost instantly.

Also, be prepared for a zillion mobs. Urzok shows up at the end.
He'll show up when a public event happens.
It's not your standard PE, though. It'll say "enemies move against each other".


Yup. I did it today. My recommendation...bring Arc everything. The shield recharges almost instantly.

Also, be prepared for a zillion mobs. Urzok shows up at the end.

Ah, so that's why the place was going batshit insane there yesterday; I passed through it during the strike and the place was just gonzo.

Been 20 minutes...going to give it five more and then give up. This is ridiculous. :(


Ok So after finally reaching the Crucible, this game might have just taken over my go to MP game over Advanced Warfare. It's like if Halo and CoD had a baby. Then to my surprise after playing 5 matches for my bounty, that you GAIN LEVELS FOR PLAYING MP.



Subete no aware
It's not your standard PE, though. It'll say "enemies move against each other".
He can show up for both. I got it when it's the Fallen vs Hive battle and also when the Warsat dropped. Of course the latter has a bonus of being an official public event that you might get a reward for.
Ah, so that's why the place was going batshit insane there yesterday; I passed through it during the strike and the place was just gonzo.

Been 20 minutes...going to give it five more and then give up. This is ridiculous. :(

The next event for skywatch is slated for in about 5 minutes. Wait 10 just to make sure.


Looking for 4 more players for CE raid. First time for me jayforone and second time for LionelHutz.

Invite us and let's for this group!
So we made it last the Deathsinger. Was quite simple really once we were all coordinated.

Any tips for the big man? We are grouping down the bottom, trying to time the sword welding making the jump up with Crota kneeling. It's a bit problematic though when he starts moving. What's the best place to set up shop? How many swords does it take to kill him?

I got carried away.

TL; DR: First sword attacks Crota in middle; he goes right; 2nd sword attacks him in middle again; fall bottom middle to kill ogres; 3rd sword attacks Crota in middle/right; 4th sword kills Crota when he comes back from right to middle.

Team Distribution
1 person: Runs sword, helps kill sword bearers and ogres
Suggested Load Out: VoC + Black Hammer + GHorn... whatever can kill ogres and sword guys fast

2 people: Tower knight "bitch" duty, punishment for not buying a GHorn week 2, always focus on 2 boomer and 1 melee knight in each tower. Stay alive.
Suggested Lout Out: VoC + IceB/P&T/331 sniper + tracking R Launcher or MG like CMeasure

3 people: Kill Sword Bearers and DPS Crota to break his shield when the sword bearer approaches Crota.
Suggested Load Out: VoC + strong sniper + GHorn or other tracking RL

Crota has a steady movement pattern of [middle-->right-->middle-->left-->middle-->right-->middle-->left-->middle-->right] = ENRAGE on right. Encounter phases according to his position:

  1. Crota middle:
    Kill 1st Sword Bearer (SB #1) !!!quickly!!!, whether from left side or bottom middle. Get two shield breaks and two sword combos before he starts running right.​

  2. Crota right:
    Assuming damage on Crota is good (~25%), pass the chalice and regroup. Damage the Sword Bearer #2 but don't kill him until Crota starts moving back middle.​

  3. Crota middle:
    As soon as Crota moves, down SB #2 and get two more shield breaks and combos with him in the middle. Everybody fall back bottom middle, behind your original Death Singer spawn location.​

    These first two swords (4 shield breaks) can be done with the Sword kill/Shield break team either on the left or bottom middle. Sword bearer pulls more easily to bottom middle, but sword kills must be punctual because it's too dangerous to do shield breaks when Crota is on the sides. Staying on the left side lets you be more adaptable so you can do shield breaks in middle or right, but the SB is leashed very strongly to the middle area so people need to be more aggressive about killing him without dying themselves.​

  4. Crota left:
    Wait for ogres to appear (usually left side first) then kill them quickly. Snipers, VoC and Weapons of Light are great. If ogre kills are quick, Crota will still be left so just run out and up right side. Regroup, clear out thralls/cursed thralls, pass chalice and set up shop on the left side. Don't go outside if Crota is still there !!!​

  5. Crota middle:
    Sword #3 should probably be executed with the shield break team positioned on the left side. Otherwise he will move right and mess up at least the 2nd shield break if people are bottom middle.​

    (a) If ogre kills were quick, SB #3 should be out. If you can kill him quickly, you can still get two shield breaks+combos in the middle. If ogres were really fast, shield break team can stay bottom middle but this is risky.​

    (b) If ogres were slow, Crota will already be middle when you come out so just go left side and regroup, clear out trash and knights, sip the cup etc. As long as the sword runner is comfortable with it, you will probably want to wait for Crota to move right before shield breaking because you don't want to try the 2nd break while he's moving. Do not kill the sword bearer until you are ready to get in position for shield breaking.​

  6. Crota right:
    Once 3rd sword (6th shield break) is done, either in middle or on right side, then two things can happen:​

    (a) If you see thralls spawning from the tops of the towers (where Boomers are) and jumping to the walkway, you will have another ogre phase. Ogres can come after the 3rd sword, they are not based on "every 2 swords." They seem to come "early" especially if damage is high on Crota, but I don't know the exact trigger. Immediately all fall back middle and kill them ASAP.​

    (b) If you see the bottom middle door open (by the chalice table), keep a close eye on it because SB #4 should be coming out. Same as SB #2, tick down his health until Crota goes middle then burn him down and get two shield breaks in the middle. He should be dead after 8 solid shield breaks. ///CROTA DEAD///​

  7. Crota middle --> left:

    (a) If ogres came after Sword #3, they should be dead. Go back up right side.
    (i) If damage is good (75-80%+), fall back left side and stay safe. Crota will be going/on the left by the time you get set up so stay back inside and don't die/watch for thralls. See step 4 above.​
    (ii) If damage is behind (<75%) you will likely need two more swords and therefore must kill SB #4 immediately with the team on the right side. Wait until Crota is going left before the sword dies then get two solid shield breaks with Crota on left.​

    (b) If you had SBs #3 and #4 back to back and Crota isn't dead, you will have ogres now. Everyone fall bottom middle and kill them quickly. Just remember that if you did two middle shield breaks with sword #4, Crota will be coming left. For safety if Crota is headed left, you can run all the way right and then go bottom as long as no one falls behind (ogres won't be there yet). Kill ogres ASAP.​

  8. Crota middle:

    (a) If ogres came after sword #3...
    (i) ...and damage was ~75-80%+, kill sword #4 when Crota goes middle and get shield breaks 7 and 8 there. ///CROTA DEAD///​
    (ii) ...and damage was <75%, you should be looking for SB #5. Kill him ASAP then do the last one or two shield breaks when Crota is stable on the right side. He is going to enrage and summon the Oversoul when he reaches the right, but the sword can still do damage as long as his shield is still broken. He will just stay standing up instead of kneeling. ///CROTA DEAD///​

    (b) If SBs #3 and 4 were back to back, go back up left once second ogre wave is dead. Find SB #5 and kill him ASAP. Get the first shield break in the middle if possible, but remember that he will be moving right soon.

  9. Crota right:
    He will ENRAGE when he reaches the right side. You can still get a big final combo in as long as the shield break is there since he will stand still summoning the Oversoul. ///CROTA DEAD///​

Aim for an easy 4 sword kill. A 3 sword kill is extremely possible, but 4 swords should be very easy to fit in before enrage. Don't get greedy with the sword if damage to that point is good. A 5th sword is possible before enrage if damage is low but each phase has been done quickly.
Yes, I waited for a new page to post this.

Deku Tree

Ah, so that's why the place was going batshit insane there yesterday; I passed through it during the strike and the place was just gonzo.

Been 20 minutes...going to give it five more and then give up. This is ridiculous. :(

Did you check this link below? The public event is on a timer so you can wait forever or show up five or ten minutes before it starts.
Basically; you might want to check out http://destinypublicevents.com to make sure you aren't sitting there forever.
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