Best hunter cloak? Now I'm debating between the level 4 cloak for Eres, the new vanguard cloak, or the cloud walker.
Dead Zone Revolution paired with Thunderdevil all day ury day!
Best hunter cloak? Now I'm debating between the level 4 cloak for Eres, the new vanguard cloak, or the cloud walker.
6pm EST. I'm a bit flexible with time too
Bungie needs to look at adding ways of getting double crucible marks for a few games or something similar. The weekly strike hands out 25+ vanguard marks and it would be great to have that option with crucible marks.
Xur will have the slots for exotics that he usually has, then he will have a bunch of Upgrades for various exotics.
Hopefully he will have Mythoclast, Gjallarhorn and a helmet for hunter or Warlock tomorrow to upgrade.
I think the VoG cloak is sweet, actually.
Dead Zone Revolution paired with Thunderdevil all day ury day!
Have you done it before? I haven't yet and want to go in semi-blind.
No I havent. All I know is whats been said on GAF. Not that it helps much haha. So can I put you down?
CE fresh Raid, 7pm GMT
1. Me - 30 warlock
2. Raindoc - 30 Titan
3. Braxzy?
Anyone wanna play the new Raid right now? I have a Japanese dude with me, haha. Should prove to be an interesting experience. Will probably stream.
We're doing the new story missions at the moment
Add Hedgeyy on PS4
I haven't had a chance to venture in yet and am only level 30, but if you were running it from the top I'd be down - 5:30 central might be a little more comfortable for me than 5.
I can't believe I finally hit 30 and am already saying "only level 30".
Can't believe we did the 2nd checkpoint in one shot lol
We've got 3 of us left wanting to try and do Crota. 2 31s I think. Who wants in? PS4 btw
have a 31 hunter
psn arassuil
I need 5 level 30/31s forCrota's End Checkpoint. I'll be running it in an hour and a half. I just need to beat this part to catch up with my team before we continue later on in the day.Bridge/Totem
PSN is namikaze1
I can do it today.
I'm down too nami
Wouldn't mind doing the first checkpoint though for my Hunter
You are starting in about 45 mins? If so I can join 31 warlock. PSN is Darknyss.
Aboslutely we had 5 31's I think and it really makes a difference. Knowing what to do and being 31 speeds things up so much.
Vanguard Roc is not a Nightfall playlist. It is a playlist Dark Below content on Normal Difficulty, at Level 26.
It would be so anti-climactic if Dark Below came out and the weekly event was just some strike we've already done 4 times over. Everybody wants to see how the new strikes play on higher difficulties. I'm not sure why so many expected them to keep milking old stuff when they have new content to slide into rotation.
Did you guys finish last night?
31 Titan looking to Raid about 5pm Central. I have 2 Crota Checkpoints or we can start fresh. However you like it, baby.
Nice! No armor drops for me on this run.Aboslutely we had 5 31's I think and it really makes a difference. Knowing what to do and being 31 speeds things up so much.
Thanks Team! And we got the extra timed chest too! Now I have warlock CE Raid gloves & chest & boots. Here is what they look like...
Give me an exotic helm and I can make it to 32 eventually.... but I think it's gonna be a long long time until I can upgrade them to 32 though. That grind for radiant shards looks real.
No... I dropped out at 3:30 am with Cuco... we were the last two from our original team besides Boguester. (DrDrizzay).. Boguester was not wearing the emblem when I woke up this morning so he may not have finished it either but he kept going after we left.
I watched a different strategy this morning that looks promising on youtube and I think it's very do-able it just requires extreme co-odination and very few mistakes.From the video's it looks like some teams are able to take a lot more damage off of Crota than we were doing on each attempt. They can take him out in 3-4 trips.
Let's do it. And yeah, tomorrow is a very important Xur day. If he flops yet again he will have finally and permanently broken me.I'd be up to join you tonight. Won't be 31 until tomorrow though. Xur plz.
Double checking. Anyone interested in doing Crota now?
So far we've got
1. Deku Tree
2. Vereataes
3. toastyToast
Aboslutely we had 5 31's I think and it really makes a difference. Knowing what to do and being 31 speeds things up so much.
Thanks Team! And we got the extra timed chest too! Now I have warlock CE Raid gloves & chest & boots. Here is what they look like...
Give me an exotic helm and I can make it to 32 eventually.... but I think it's gonna be a long long time until I can upgrade them to 32 though. That grind for radiant shards looks real.
31 Titan looking to Raid about 5pm Central. I have 2 Crota Checkpoints or we can start fresh. However you like it, baby.
Double checking. Anyone interested in doing Crota now?
So far we've got
1. Deku Tree
2. Vereataes
3. toastyToast
Holy shit! 3 raid armour pieces in one run?
Did you sleep yet? it was fun attempting with the team last night.
I am!
Nope. I ran it straight until right now when we just got it. Holy fucking shit that was intense. The party chat was still called DekuBleep's Party, haha!
If anybody needs aLv31 sword assassin I can run Crota's ass into the ground all day with my Titan.
Two runs to the halfway point. Yup... It looks like Bungie upped the drop rate but made it extremely difficult to get Radiant Shards so if you want to get to 32 quickly... Bungie says too bad... even if you have the armor.
raid raid raid raid raid raid
Double checking. Anyone interested in doing Crota now?
So far we've got
1. Deku Tree
2. Vereataes
3. toastyToast
Nope. I ran it straight until right now when we just got it. Holy fucking shit that was intense. The party chat was still called DekuBleep's Party, haha!
If anybody needs aLv31 sword assassin I can run Crota's ass into the ground all day with my Titan.
Also, to the gaffers that suggested Titans use Flashbang grenades, a big thank you. It's been a long while since I played as a Striker so I forgot how useful that grenade is.
Nope. I ran it straight until right now when we just got it. Holy fucking shit that was intense. The party chat was still called DekuBleep's Party, haha!
If anybody needs aLv31 sword assassin I can run Crota's ass into the ground all day with my Titan.