Sounds like it's better already cuz it does more dmg, right?
So is legendary hunger of Crota with its cluster explosions thing almost as good as the ghorn?
And perks? Hmm. I'd take a 30% increase in damage output by being level 31 over extra ammo any day. But different strokes, I guess
Stuff about (as I call it) stage 2Let's pretend for a second that one of the sword wielders is 29
Sounds like it's better already cuz it does more dmg, right?
No. Wolfpack Rounds are what makes the GH so good. Cluster explosions aren't in the same league.
Probably around 99% of the Destiny player population.
Yeah, I'm confused about this. I thought the cost of the upgrade was one exotic shard + 7000 glimmer. I'd never heard there was a 7 coin cost besides that which it'd cost you if you don't have a shard.
Anyone have a go to glitter farming method?
Omg got Dragons Breath from a legendary engram.
Necrochasm starts as common you upgrade to legendary with an item from Eris.
The item you need to get to make it an exotic probably drops from hard raid still:
Stuff about (as I call it) stage 2
None of this answers your question:
To answer your question
After trying different annoying rage inducing things, we put our 29 as sword holder 1 (or 2?) to beat it
I'm fairly sure it's just the glimmer and the shard to upgrade to unlevelled vanilla exotic 2.0.
Yeah, I'm confused about this. I thought the cost of the upgrade was one exotic shard + 7000 glimmer. I'd never heard there was a 7 coin cost besides that which it'd cost you if you don't have a shard.
The price we were told to upgrade was 7k glimmer plus one exotic shard. Then you'll need one more exotic shard to max your upgraded weapon. The price to buy a new weapon is 17 coins for a secondary or heavy exotic or 23 coins for a primary exotic. Then you'll also need an exotic shard to upgrade it fully.
I would guess armor was similar although for armor at 13 strange coins it's not clear that it is a better deal to upgrade vs buy new however no guarantee that he'll offer upgrades for the same things that he is selling.
Seems quicker to get in and get out from there, we should definitely try it out.Here is another strat to defeatfrom "up top":Crota
Exclusion Zone of our raid mates discovered this during the Crota's End last section.
image is a spoiler:
what does this mean?
No idea what triggered it, a teammate managed to spot it and called it out, none of us saw it but he saved an image and video. Will link if it's uploaded. He also shot it and it was predictably immune.
None of us could get up there when we tried it at the beginning without triggering the start because of an invisible wall.
Anyone have a go to glitter farming method?
Necrochasm starts as common you upgrade to legendary with an item from Eris.
The item you need to get to make it an exotic probably drops from hard raid still:
So is legendary hunger of Crota with its cluster explosions thing almost as good as the ghorn?
Whole write-up much appreciated. Good refresher for tonight's attempts. We basically had it last night, but people had to go to bed. I (our 29) was going over on the 3rd gatekeeper, as we had two titans over there able to flashbang for me.
Sorry guys I derp'd big time. 7k Glimmer plus + Shard to upgrade, coins + Shard to buy. I have an abundance of coins, glimmer is capped at 25k which means at most you can upgrade 3 out the gate if you are maxed and would have to go farm more glitter. I'll bet taking the "purchase new" route over "rexurbish" when possible.
Seems quicker to get in and get out from there, we should definitely try it out.
I wonder if we should switch you to going second? I haven't been to the other side yet so I don't know how hard it is over there but maybe it'd be better to get you over sooner?
Looks like it's there as a cheese prevention. I was close to getting up there as a of our raid mates discovered this during the Crota's End last section.
image is a spoiler:
what does this mean?
MAD did you finish the raid yet? Saw you on it yesterday.Sorry guys I derp'd big time. 7k Glimmer plus + Shard to upgrade, coins + Shard to buy. I have an abundance of coins, glimmer is capped at 25k which means at most you can upgrade 3 out the gate if you are maxed and would have to go farm more glitter. I'll bet taking the "purchase new" route over "rexurbish" when possible.
Seems quicker to get in and get out from there, we should definitely try it out.
I really wonder if this was the main reason they held off releasing the hard version. We've debated it, and I assume it is, but knocking out / fixing cheese this way is probably much easier for them.Damn.
Too bad that one is an easy fix. They're going to turn the zones up there into kill zones.
VoG is still relevant, they just need to fix the exotics to have new stats.
Exclusion zone. Kill all the yellow bar enemies at the beginning and leave the big shield guy alive, once you've killed everyone else let shield guy kill you, then repeat. Oh and always be popping a "resupply code" which you will get a lot more of while doing this method. Should reach the glimmer cap from zero in 1-2 hours (closer to one) if you do it right.
I wonder if we should switch you to going second? I haven't been to the other side yet so I don't know how hard it is over there but maybe it'd be better to get you over sooner?
Yeah, I'm confused about this. I thought the cost of the upgrade was one exotic shard + 7000 glimmer. I'd never heard there was a 7 coin cost besides that which it'd cost you if you don't have a shard.
Query?Why aren't you sending him over 4th or 5th out of curiosity? It's not like he can't hide in safety when the job of keeping the bridge open switches to the opposite side + it'll allow more higher leveled people over there to fend off the baddies.
Weird... maybe he stays up there the whole time to prevent you from going in there and just killing the knights where they spawn. It could be cheese prevention... I wonder if you can kill him with the sword and if it does anything though?
Looks like it's there as a cheese prevention. I was close to getting up there as a Warlock.
Sweet, thanks for the details.
Video please. What did you get for drops?Sword kill #2 in the books, didn't even take a full 3 rounds. Dude got straight up embarrassed, damn.
I'm guessing it's part of the Xur quest no one has been able to start.Question is, how do we acquire the common version of the gun first? From Eris?
Where's my Khvostov upgade path?
Anyone done the nightfall at 29 without feeling like a burden?
Omnigul is the worst strike in the game. Even on lower difficulties it's rubbish. Extremely short, mostly rehashed areas and an end boss that is absolutely no fun to fight.
Like holy fuck bungie, all that feedback about strikes and boss fights and you came up with this?
I really wonder if this was the main reason they held off releasing the hard version. We've debated it, and I assume it is, but knocking out / fixing cheese this way is probably much easier for them.
Query?Why aren't you sending him over 4th or 5th out of curiosity? It's not like he can't hide in safety when the job of keeping the bridge open switches to the opposite side + it'll allow more higher leveled people over there to fend off the baddies.
I thought this too... but then I realized something... to get to level 32 you need to get a 3 CE pieces of RAID armor and one exotic all fully upgraded. I now have three pieces of CE raid armor myself and I hope to buy an exotic helm with 36 light from Xur this weekend. However to fully upgrade the RAID armor you need 21 "radiant shards" per piece. And Radiant shards only drop in the CE raid. And it looks like they made it so that even if you beat the raid three times a week every week then it will still take quite many weeks to get 63 radiant shards to fully upgrade your CE raid armor... I also expect that the hard CE raid is going to be just pretty close to impossible for many gamers if you don't have mostly 32's. So if all that is true then it would be pointless to release the hard CE raid right now while it seems like it will take a lot of grinding for everybody to get to 32.
Heres how it works. Upgrading exotic weapons and armor is completed by interacting with the weekend vendor, Xur. When he arrives every Friday morning, he will now have a new option to upgrade one of your equipped exotic items. Each week, hell offer some (but not all) exotic items as being available to upgrade.
Youll need three things. First, you need to own the original version of that exotic item, and turn it in to exchange for the upgraded version. It doesnt matter if this old version of the item is brand new or fully upgraded. To complete the upgrade, youll also need to turn in an exotic shard. This recently introduced new material is available for purchase for seven strange coins from Xur, or by breaking down another existing exotic item in your inventory. Finally, each exotic upgrade costs a hefty dose of cash around 7000 glimmer as of my playthrough of the expansion in mid-November. After turning all three of these things into Xur, hell hand you a brand new version of your item with a higher defense or attack value cap.
Can raid gear have 30 light without the radiant shard upgrades?
But if hard was available and cheese methods were found, people would be clearing out hard raid, even at lower levels and have the great gear.
I am going with the theory it's to find the cheeses before release.
No. It gets 30 light with the first radiant upgrade, followed by 33, then 36.
No. It gets 30 light with the first radiant upgrade, followed by 33, then 36.
Here is another strat to defeatfrom "up top":Crota[/spoiler]
Looks like it's there as a cheese prevention. I was close to getting up there as a Warlock.
MAD did you finish the raid yet? Saw you on it yesterday.
Do you still need a shard to fill in the last bubble if you buy it with a shard? If so, it's 2 shards + coins to upgrade and max, versus coins and 1 shard to buy and max.