I wish I was home playing Destiny right about now. First exam is done. Second isn't for another hour. Kill me please.
we were still getting overwhelmed on the original side with the sword bearers and other knights coming, so I was thinking keeping another 30 over there instead of his wimpy 29 hunter would help us out. But again like I said, I don't really know what's going on over on the new side so not sure if just a 30 and him can hold that side until the 3rd guy goes over
I barely played more than five minutes of Far Cry 4. Dragon Age got my undivided attention for the second half of November and then The Dark Below came along.I just wanna finish this Raid and I'm off to play other games.
Is this confirmed?
Wow. So this confirms that you technically dont need anybody on the other side of the bridge. The objective is simply kill adds till Ogres show up.
I think people are confusing the "exotics level faster" with less XP requirements.
I'm almost positive the only reason they would level faster is that Ass Mats are no longer required.
With that said, the process of upgrading exotic items is now faster, and does not require ascendant materials.
I wish I was home playing Destiny right about now. First exam is done. Second isn't for another hour. Kill me please.
Suggestion. There are many ways to complete it, of course, but....
If, after the third person gets over, the original side hightail it up the steps to your original spawn point, they're basically completely safe. You get two thralls which spawn occasionally and run out, but so long as you don't block them, they will literally run right by you down to the bottom.
You can then safely pick them / swordbearer off at leisure from on-high.
Can also do this from a few pillars, but jumping / tomb raider skills / effort, blargh.
Obviously, I'd send the 29 over 4th or worst case scenario 5th since his damage is helping the least killing the following swordbearers, but I imagine it'd help to have 3 30's on the other side when he arrives.
Two cents, etc.
adds (then ogres) don't spawn unless a condition is met
-sword goes across
-or there is no one left on old side
by jumping up there, the game thinks there's no one left on old side, so it starts the ogre spawns, which in turn activates the first acolyte/knight spawns
Are you sure there isn't a lower XP requirement. Reading the game informer it states
"With that said, the process of upgrading exotic items is now faster, and does not require ascendant materials."
If it was only faster to upgrade the exotics because they no longer require the mats it should have read something like
With that said, the process of upgrading exotic items is now faster AS IT does not require ascendant materials.
Suggestion. There are many ways to complete it, of course, but....
If, after the third person gets over, the original side hightail it up the steps to your original spawn point, they're basically completely safe. You get two thralls which spawn occasionally and run out, but so long as you don't block them, they will literally run right by you down to the bottom.
You can then safely pick them / swordbearer off at leisure from on-high.
Can also do this from a few pillars, but jumping / tomb raider skills / effort, blargh.
Obviously, I'd send the 29 over 4th or worst case scenario 5th since his damage is helping the least killing the following swordbearers, but I imagine it'd help to have 3 30's on the other side when he arrives.
Two cents, etc.
I barely played more than five minutes of Far Cry 4. Dragon Age got my undivided attention for the second half of November and then The Dark Below came along.
I thought this too... but then I realized something... to get to level 32 you need to get a 3 CE pieces of RAID armor and one exotic all fully upgraded. I now have three pieces of CE raid armor myself and I hope to buy an exotic helm with 36 light from Xur this weekend. However to fully upgrade the RAID armor you need 21 "radiant shards" per piece. And Radiant shards only drop in the CE raid. And it looks like they made it so that even if you beat the raid three times a week every week then it will still take quite many weeks to get 63 radiant shards to fully upgrade your CE raid armor... I also expect that the hard CE raid is going to be just pretty close to impossible for many gamers if you don't have mostly 32's. So if all that is true then it would be pointless to release the hard CE raid right now while it seems like it will take a lot of grinding for everybody to get to 32.
Of course if anyone finds cheese they will definitely take it out before the hard CE raid ships.
That's what I did as well. Got to Crota but was a pain with a full team of 30.Hey look who it is
Nope. We dropped by Crota's place, said hi and visited for a bit. Only a matter of time before we evict him and redecorate, hopefully tonight. Will be farming this one for a while, methinks.
;_;The Conspiracy!
Its REAL!!!!!!!
Huh, you guys already got 3 pieces? Is this fairly typical? They really improved the drop rate then.
I'm guessing you were just lucky tho or had 3 characters of same class?
(I dont have new dlc, so I'm curious)
Maybe not the best strategy, but our group had our 29 go 5th. The Gatekeeper was kited to the bridge button so that our 29 could start attacking him as quickly as possible. Upon reaching the other side, our 29 got instantly bitchslapped and died, dropping the sword. A nearby 30 just picked it up and killed the Gatekeeper.
Honestly, that actually worked really well. We were able to get our 6th across no problem and revive our dead 29 with time to spare.
Huh, you guys already got 3 pieces? Is this fairly typical? They really improved the drop rate then.
I'm guessing you were just lucky tho or had 3 characters of same class?
(I dont have new dlc, so I'm curious)
Okay, VoG is still relevant if you haven't done the new raid and got new raid armour or you desperately need materials for some reason (I guess I'm one of the few who ran multiple raids per week and stocked up on everything?). But all the weapon and armour drops have been nullified at this point. Which is a big reason why people were doing it, I think. Or at least the people I was with /shrugs
Still. They could have increased the level of enemies and buffed all the equipment to level 31 at least.
And perks? Hmm. I'd take a 30% increase in damage output by being level 31 over extra ammo any day. But different strokes, I guess
The Conspiracy!
Its REAL!!!!!!!
I'm so confused. How do you need 14 coins in the latter scenario? I really don't think this is correct.Say Xur is selling the Sunbreakers and the upgrade option for them. If you buy the new item and dismantle your old Sunbreakers it costs 13 coins and gives you a shard. If you upgrade the existing Sunbreakers and buy the shard it costs you 14 coins.
RNGod doesn't look at your KDR, but what's inside your heart.
What's everyone's go-to method for increasing vanguard or faction rank as quickly as possible? Gotta get them commendations!
Which raises the question. Why not just have the 29 drop the sword as soon as it crosses?
Yes. I leveled up the first shard bubble on my gear and it's at 30 light.
Which raises the question. Why not just have the 29 drop the sword as soon as it crosses?
you need to play like shit to get anything good in PVP
That's what I did as well. Got to Crota but was a pain with a full team of 30.
Let me know if you end up having a spot for your main or any of your other characters. Need to do it on my other 2 as well.
Which raises the question. Why not just have the 29 drop the sword as soon as it crosses?
*Mind blown*
Hey look who it is
Nope. We dropped by Crota's place, said hi and visited for a bit. Only a matter of time before we evict him and redecorate, hopefully tonight. Will be farming this one for a while, methinks.
I'm so confused. How do you need 14 coins in the latter scenario? I really don't think this is correct.
Sword kill #2 in the books, didn't even take a full 3 rounds. Dude got straight up embarrassed, damn.
The Conspiracy!
Its REAL!!!!!!!
I got jackshit from Crota's End so far. LiK, the raid has a thing against us two. You got Radiant Shard/Energy, I got the same. It'll be hilarious if we both end up getting some exotic while the others get shard/energy once we beat Crota.
All radiants here, holla.
He's a lucky person.
My Titan got gloves from the first section, as did my hunter. Everybody in my group got at least one piece.
Not all of us have/had the time to have 3 characters that can run the VoG multiple times a week. I've had one character that was raid capable and was never able to clear the normal for the first time until about 3 or 4 weeks ago. My 2nd character was finally to a 26 just last week. I have a full time job working ~11 hours a day and I can't sit and play this all day every day. I have 9 energies in the vault and have multiple weapons right now that need them.
Maybe not the best strategy, but our group had our 29 go 5th. The Gatekeeper was kited to the bridge button so that our 29 could start attacking him as quickly as possible. Upon reaching the other side, our 29 got instantly bitchslapped and died, dropping the sword. A nearby 30 just picked it up and killed the Gatekeeper.
Honestly, that actually worked really well. We were able to get our 6th across no problem and revive our dead 29 with time to spare.
I'm so confused. How do you need 14 coins in the latter scenario? I really don't think this is correct.
It knows that we're too op for it. It's giving the armor gear to the others cause they need it to be as awesome as us. Sadly, they won't be as awesome as us.It hates badass Titans. I've noticed this.
Huh, you guys already got 3 pieces? Is this fairly typical? They really improved the drop rate then.
I'm guessing you were just lucky tho or had 3 characters of same class?
(I dont have new dlc, so I'm curious)
Scarlet can correct me if I'm wrong but he shouldn't have any issue killing the gatekeeper if he gets across fast enough due to us having a titan on the other side already who flashes the gatekeeper. Our problem was timing killing the sword guy and getting the bridge up at the correct times so that the sword doesn't vanish. Really more just an execution problem on our part for those of us still on the original side.
I need to load up Rumble and leave my contoller alone for a good couple of hours. While everyone else mops the floor with my poor hunter, I'll get the last laugh when I walk away with tons of new exotics and legendaries.
Scarlet can correct me if I'm wrong but he shouldn't have any issue killing the gatekeeper if he gets across fast enough due to us having a titan on the other side already who flashes the gatekeeper. Our problem was timing killing the sword guy and getting the bridge up at the correct times so that the sword doesn't vanish. Really more just an execution problem on our part for those of us still on the original side.