Twilight Gap
Zoba can't join party
wanna make a party and invite us?
Zoba can't join party
Video please. What did you get for drops?.
I still have one question:Does the sword vanish timer starts as soon as it's dropped? Or when you actually pick it up? If it's the latter, then maybe we can kill the sword guy, then wait until the bridge is fully formed to pick the sword up.
Gonna restart ps4wanna make a party and invite us?
I hope Destiny gets CTF or King of the Hill eventually. I want some actual objective gametypes where only the objective gets you points.
my method is because of how we structured our groupI wonder if we should switch you to going second? I haven't been to the other side yet so I don't know how hard it is over there but maybe it'd be better to get you over sooner?
I'm slightly out of the loop. Are motes of light used for anything anymore? Can you buy anything from Xur with them?
I hope Destiny gets CTF or King of the Hill eventually. I want some actual objective gametypes where only the objective gets you points.
Not stressing as the game is still really fun to me. Just tired of some folks acting like were all supposed to have a vault overflowing with unusable shards, energy and exotics for all 3 level 30 characters that we don't have.
Plus, the VoG is still really enjoyable to me and for whatever reason I still want all the weapons and armor it drops. Especially the fucking Fatebringer and the Vex...
I still have one question:Does the sword vanish timer starts as soon as it's dropped? Or when you actually pick it up? If it's the latter, then maybe we can kill the sword guy, then wait until the bridge is fully formed to pick the sword up.
Yep, still good. I'm meeting my regular group later this evening, approximately 3-3.5 hours or so after our start time. If all who said they wanted to play are still available, we will need 2 more. My buddy Sentient may join if available and has experience through Crota.
I still have one question:Does the sword vanish timer starts as soon as it's dropped? Or when you actually pick it up? If it's the latter, then maybe we can kill the sword guy, then wait until the bridge is fully formed to pick the sword up.
Exotic engrams are purchased from Xur with motes when he happens to bring them. Also, Iron Banner used them as a currency for some stuff.
And the speaker always sells those class items.
Hmm? We got past the first section last night (I got gloves :#) and made a lot of progress at thebut people had to crash. We're going back in on Sunday night.bridge getting up to 3 across to the Gatekeepers
edit: Hm, speaking of which, I'd like to run/teach people the first section using my other two characters sometime before the reset. I realllllly like it and was starting to feel pretty comfortable with by the time we succeeded. 29s will be fine for this.
I'm a little concerned that we didn't spot any chests yet though, I feel like we must've missed one :/
Just got this Pulse rifle:
Need to try it out but looks decent
I hope Destiny gets CTF or King of the Hill eventually. I want some actual objective gametypes where only the objective gets you points.
Yeah, I still need VoC, Fatebringer, and Found Verdict. Wouldn't sneer at Corrective Measure.
I got a Legendary last night in a Cryptarch package. It was armor, I was excited!!
....then I saw it was the OLD Crucible armor. Yay.
Do you get Ass Mats from allsolopublic events now? I thought it was just the first.
Do you get Ass Mats from allsolopublic events now? I thought it was just the first.
After that, it should be pretty straightforward. It is just a matter of getting the last 3 across. As you can see, there is never a time when the bridge goes down, and there never should be. Critical to this strategy is that the crossed people take responsibility for building the bridge as soon as 3 are there.
I've definitely gotten them from events after the first one, as a matter of fact I've gotten more than one from an event a few times recently. They clearly changed the frequency of those drops.
Sweet, it's a Hive party then. I'm pretty laid back but if anyone you know wants to join either has G-horn or is 31, it is a great benefit to the team. Not a requirement though.I can probably find ppl to fill it up if needed.
Nice, already sent you a FR earlier on PSN.Sounds good - I'll be home and finished a dog walk by 6:15-6:20. Spyder_ur.
No, that's why I was pissed. It wasn't. It was literally the older armor with the lower cap.It's 33 light now though.
stage 2 stuff. in my setup that wouldn't workQuery?Why aren't you sending him over 4th or 5th out of curiosity? It's not like he can't hide in safety when the job of keeping the bridge open switches to the opposite side + it'll allow more higher leveled people over there to fend off the baddies.
No, that's why I was pissed. It wasn't. It was literally the older armor with the lower cap.
Hmm? We got past the first section last night (I got gloves :#) and made a lot of progress at thebut people had to crash. We're going back in on Sunday night.bridge getting up to 3 across to the Gatekeepers
edit: Hm, speaking of which, I'd like to run/teach people the first section using my other two characters sometime before the reset. I realllllly like it and was starting to feel pretty comfortable with by the time we succeeded. 29s will be fine for this.
I'm a little concerned that we didn't spot any chests yet though, I feel like we must've missed one :/
Plus, the VoG is still really enjoyable to me and for whatever reason I still want all the weapons and armor it drops. Especially the fucking Fatebringer and the Vex...
Damn those are some good guns - let's head back to VoG and run a hard mode this weekend - should be alot easier than our last adventure.
I'll be up for it later tonight. What time do you want to do it?Yep, still good. I'm meeting my regular group later this evening, approximately 3-3.5 hours or so after our start time. If all who said they wanted to play are still available, we will need 2 more. My buddy Sentient may join if available and has experience through Crota.
3rd encounter spoilers:
We (almost) did that. team went to the left, I took the right alone. Lured wizard out, team-killed him, I went in and killed the Shrieker, traverse to the left, meet up with team, go in.
Problem: a gazillion of knights that followed us up the stairs as soon as we entered the structure, leaving us almost no time to aim because we were forced tojump constantly due to the Knight's OHK melee attacks.
I'm the only 31 in the team, so I can take about 1,15 melee hits - at one point I decided to turn in g'horn for pocket infinity and just ran/jumped in circles around the Deathsinger. got her down to somewhere between 10-20 percent a couple of times, but never managed to kill her. It got really late, so we quit.
One question: what triggers the countdown? entering the area? killing the shriekers?
stage 2 stuff. in my setup that wouldn't work
4-6 have to solo holding a circle, which would be difficult at 29. as 1-3 he gets 2 others helping him kill swordbearers
What the hell? You earned that package after the patch?
I got an old armor but it was 33 light.
Holy shit that was sad lol
No raid continuation tonight?
I think I would like to do at least one run of the first section tonight, but I don't know about any "free" chests! :-/I'm 29, and would like to make sure I at least get the "free" chest this week. I'll be on tonight. We're already friends on PSN, so hit me up if you're doing this.
Huh, you guys already got 3 pieces? Is this fairly typical? They really improved the drop rate then.
I'm guessing you were just lucky tho or had 3 characters of same class?
(I dont have new dlc, so I'm curious)
i know this feeling...
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!The Conspiracy!
Its REAL!!!!!!!
So last night I played Destiny in bed for the first time because I got a Vita yesterday
It's amazing.