Need a sixth player for Crota's End, last checkpoint, PS4
Need a sixth player for Crota's End, last checkpoint, PS4
Crota was tired of getting embarrassed so he threw all his glitches at us but we kept coming so just broke my internet. Reset everything and back on now. If Reaper and the gang are still running it I'm here until he's dead. Which is the next run that doesn't make the sword disappear or DC me.
Crota is a asshole
Bungie Weekly Update:
Spoilers: None of the main complaints have been addressed
Bungie Weekly Update:
Spoilers: None of the main complaints have been addressed
Tomorrow is my birthday, Xur better bring me a damn good present!
It would be a real piss off if that screenshot of Xur selling Dragons Breath and new exotic armour, plus a lot of great upgrades, did not come to fruition tomorrow.
You know he won't Byron. He'll bring you patience and time. It is the only way
Anyone doing the daily heroic that I could jump in on?
Anyone doing the weekly?
Psn v1br4t1ons need to do it twice.
Read the weekly, thanks Bungie lol. But, one thing that kinda stuck out to me was an excerpt of the interview with Eris voice actor.
Morla: What intrigued me most was the arc of her story as a whole. I dont think Im giving anything away by saying this, but I really got into the gradual revealing of her madness as the player progresses in the game. Some of the lines when Eris has just lost it are among my favorites. [Editors Note: Spend some quality time with Eris in the Tower as your story unfolds over time.]
Why would I spend time standing around Eris in the tower to pickup some of those voiced lines? If you have to place in an Editor's note to clarify the lines Morla voiced versus what we heard during the story's probably just me though.
Got ruin for one moreGonna jump on in a minute to run the weekly. Gotta get those coins.
PSN is grimlock33
Ok will do Cooi_breezeI am. Ps4 name is Wmc342. Jump in
lol if crota's end had matchmaking
Lol hes back and im in another group, thry have a different strategy, should be interesting
lol if crota's end had matchmaking
this isn't a newb raid, it's a massacre
damn. i guess I am starting to feel like I'm ready for a flawless run. still died to the crack in the wall though. >_<
this isn't a newb raid, it's a massacre
damn. i guess I am starting to feel like I'm ready for a flawless run. still died to the crack in the wall though. >_<
Can't believe they didn't even include any new cutscenes. For all that rambling about story.
This games feels so fucking cheap.
Anybody wants to join in on hard VOG? We need two. We're at the Gatekeeper.
Can't believe they didn't even include any new cutscenes. For all that rambling about story.
This games feels so fucking cheap.
he held his own my good sir. would raid with again 10/10Holy crap you guys raided with my son. He got the biggest grin on his face. Thanks all for allowing him to run with you and I'm laughing at how my first raid was multiple hours - his was barely an hour. Unreal.
ParentGAF tears shed over Mini-GAF...
Holy crap you guys raided with my son. He got the biggest grin on his face. Thanks all for allowing him to run with you and I'm laughing at how my first raid was multiple hours - his was barely an hour. Unreal.
ParentGAF tears shed over Mini-GAF...