Anyone up for nightfall/ weekly
PSN: KrugerrandMan I need the nightfall.
Anyone up for nightfall/ weekly
I was doing to daily and it was harder than expected, sorry I missed youGonna jump on in a minute to run the weekly. Gotta get those coins.
PSN is grimlock33
STB and I have plans to run it later this evening you are welcome to join. Hit me up PSN: KrugerrandMan.
That Paul McCartney video wasn't cheap. Something had to go
I'll send a request in a a momentPSN: KrugerrandMan I need the nightfall.
He was awesome he made a solid Daniel Boone reference. It was hilarious. You should be very proud.
Sorry, I missed the invite. Until after it expired; by then you were doing the raid. Maybe tomorrow?
Thanks coconut! He has watched me a few times so he knew what he was up against.Totally psyched.
Am I going to have to buy him his own ps4 now? Doh!
Looking for one more for nf/weekly
Psn robdraggoo
31 warlock looking for fresh CE raid. psn Bloodsent.
Jeez thanks for the boot.
Sometimes I think all of these changes in TDB were made months ago and Bungie is now trying to retroactively fix everything. There is no way no one at the studio brought up the fact that they invalidated hundreds of hours in progress overnight.
Really hope someone finds an even better cheese spot because jesus christ i can't yell at clouds enough about how much this omnigul fight sucks. I hate the whole strike. I've done it like eight times this week already and that was eight times too many. I support nightfall/weekly never using dlc strikes just because it means I could potentially never suffer this shit again. Fuck everything about it and fuck the dudebros and dudegirls at Bungie who thought it was smart and well designed. A plague on all their houses.
Send me a party invite. I need to do it on my 3rd Character.Need one for CE on ps4 lvl 30 or above. Psn same as username. We are at the beggining.
Really hope someone finds an even better cheese spot because jesus christ i can't yell at clouds enough about how much this omnigul fight sucks. I hate the whole strike. I've done it like eight times this week already and that was eight times too many. I support nightfall/weekly never using dlc strikes just because it means I could potentially never suffer this shit again. Fuck everything about it and fuck the dudebros and dudegirls at Bungie who thought it was smart and well designed. A plague on all their houses.
Send me a party invite. I need to do it on my 3rd Character.
PSN: EroticSushi
So Blessing of Light is pretty useful during the fight.The Titan that throws it down actually regains health without the need of the Chalice.
Need 1 for Crota's End raid, we're at Crota. On PS4
PSN: ShinigamiFrost
Please be level 30 or 31
Really hope someone finds an even better cheese spot because jesus christ i can't yell at clouds enough about how much this omnigul fight sucks. I hate the whole strike. I've done it like eight times this week already and that was eight times too many. I support nightfall/weekly never using dlc strikes just because it means I could potentially never suffer this shit again. Fuck everything about it and fuck the dudebros and dudegirls at Bungie who thought it was smart and well designed. A plague on all their houses.
Hey man.
Doesn't work with Weapon of Light for me. Armor of Light I haven't check.Don't need blessing, any bubble regens health
compared to the rest of the raid, the crota fight is kinda lame. boring to be precise.
Anyone doing Crota??
Anyone doing Crota??
Sorry. Got invited to help another group.We still trying to beat Crota tonight? Or did you already stomp him?