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Destiny |OT12| Play. Whine. Repeat.


I'm doing that on purpose for my Titan. Gotta get that furry armor
My Titan was approaching the credit cap and I didn't want to buy armor until after I tried the Raid to see if I got lucky with a drop. Was going to get a weapon, but that fur made the sale. How can you say no to style?



Really enjoyed the story missions in the DLC to be honest, only using your ghost once the entire time, and not a single peep out of dinklebot is a bonus too.

Like Dinklage is gonna lend his voice to Destiny again. Thankfully.
LVL 31 - after much grind and much ass pain I have made it. Now to do it two more times.

Nice, congrats! Hopefully my Warlock with join my Titan soon in the 31 club. Sorry for disappearing at the end there, my party chat started acting like yours and wouldn't work at all so I couldn't hear anyone. Hopped in another raid group and got my first raid armor.

For my warlock: boots. To go along with the 2 pairs of 33 light vanguard boots I accidentally bought instead of gloves which I still don't have. w00t.

Edit: Thanks to el cuco, deku et al for the very fun

Two Words

On a scale from 1 to Squarenix announcing a FF7 port for the PS4, how hard did Bungie troll us with this expansion?
It's pretty bad from what I played so far. Barely any new actual environments. Zero new enemies. Story missions and strikes have you running through old areas 90% of the time. You are impeded from doing the strikes with pointless bounties. I quit after the first Strike. You complete the strike as a bounty, and as soon as you turn it in, Eris gives you a new bounty to complete that strike again before you can get the exclusive Playstation strike.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community

Really enjoyed the story missions in the DLC to be honest, only using your ghost once the entire time, and not a single peep out of dinklebot is a bonus too.

Actual Eris quote during one of her missions:

"In it's dying breath The Traveller created the Ghosts to open doors"
Good to see my Friends list explode again with activity. Tons of people on today playing. The LFG sites are nuts too. No one should have a problem finding a group for any activity this week.


So I left myself relatively ready for dlc. Forgot to spend vanguard marks had 200 for probably a month. So I immediately bought boots and gauntlet as I never had raid boots
.. Will get me to level 30 but will it hit 31? Or will I also need a helmet or chest.?
Also are we still all holding off levelling exotics till xur upgrades them? Seems to be the consensus


Really tired of RNG right now. Finished the NF and got 10 energy. Finished daily got energy. All I need are shards to go from 29-31 but I can't get any. Get energy all day long though.


Got another Void fang vestaments from the Nightfall, already had the new vangaurd legs and boots. At least now i can keep my pretty VoG helm 'cause the Vangaurd armor is so hideous.
Did Nightfall with Titan, got Inmost Light @ 36 light. Have Light+33 boots and gauntlets. Upgrading all that should get me to level 31. yes!
So I left myself relatively ready for dlc. Forgot to spend vanguard marks had 200 for probably a month. So I immediately bought boots and gauntlet as I never had raid boots
.. Will get me to level 30 but will it hit 31? Or will I also need a helmet or chest.?
Also are we still all holding off levelling exotics till xur upgrades them? Seems to be the consensus

A full set of Vendor gear will get you to 31. If you only have the boots and guantlets leveled a bit plus a Vanilla exotic, you can get to level 30 if you have another legendary fully maxed.

You can level exotics with XP in the time being, that will still help, just don't waste an Exotic shard for maxing it.
Still feeling pretty annoyed that I finally got hawkmoon to drop (VoG hard) and it tops out at 300. It better be xur-able for upgrades or it will just sit in the vault gathering dust.

Today's plan is to finish the dlc story and get the weekly and nightfall done on all characters.


Gone for a bit n it's already hundreds of posts into a new OT lol

By grabbing the chest and watching Zoba stream I spoiled myself on the intro to the raid but it looked so damn fun. Can't wait to try it this weekend. I'm hoping I somehow luck into a legendary chest while leveling up my exotic Friday so I can reach 31.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Really tired of RNG right now. Finished the NF and got 10 energy. Finished daily got energy. All I need are shards to go from 29-31 but I can't get any. Get energy all day long though.

You can now trade energy for shards and vice versa apparently. I believe you talk to Eris and trade in a black wax idol and 250 glimmer. That's only what i read though, I haven't tried it.
You can now trade energy for shards and vice versa apparently. I believe you talk to Eris and trade in a black wax idol and 250 glimmer. That's only what i read though, I haven't tried it.

I think it was just the Radiant variety, not Ascendant. Costs a Black Wax Idol and 500 glimmer.
You can now trade energy for shards and vice versa apparently. I believe you talk to Eris and trade in a black wax idol and 250 glimmer. That's only what i read though, I haven't tried it.

It's only for radiant and you have to grind her to level 4 lol


Today's been pretty good.
Got 2 legendary engrams from a cryptarch package, which turned into a helmet and boots, ranked up dead orbit and was able to buy a chest piece, and then bought gloves cuz I had marks to spend. Attempted raid and got some boots. Nightfall I got a legendary scout, no biggy. Just got murmur and had a blue turn into a legendary arc sniper which does more damage than IB.

Also my Art of Destiny book arrived today
It's good that, as long as you have one other person, you can just start Nightfall/Weekly with a character who has it unlocked and then switch out to another character who doesn't have it.

Basically LF Nightfall/Weekly CP :p


Just unlocked the strike, completing Eris's quest lines. (Still have the strike and something about Xur on tap.) A few thoughts before bed.

The missions are by and large better than most that are in the main game, and there are some fresh ideas in each of them. It was nice not to end any of the three with a button press and monster siege. However, the first two are very short, among the shortest in the entire game. I appreciate the twist on the first mission's boss fight - Bungie is trying to add variety to the combat - but I generally don't like fights that take away abilities to make them challenging, rather than challenging you to make the most of your abilities.

The third mission was excellent, and not coincidentally was also the largest and had the most new territory to explore. Fun boss fight in a gorgeous, creepy environment.

Having Eris be the story narrator, faction vendor and quest giver doesn't really work. I'm back to warn you of Crota, to ask for your help...and to sell you fabulous swag if you grind enough of my bounties and fork over lots of cash.

The story so far also hasn't held up any better than the main story. I don't know why the missions are in the order they are, or how events in one lead to the other. (Rasputin make a cameo...not sure why, though.) The narrative is just as fractured as it was before, and no attempt was made to contextualize anything that should have been covered in the main story, such as the origin of the Hive and its relationship to the rest of the enemy factions.

I didn't go in with high hopes about the story, but give how Bungie said they tried to address the main game's narrative shortcomings, I had some optimism. They just don't seem to have a framework in place from which to tell a compelling story in Destiny.

Looking forward to romping the strikes tomorrow.
[Really enjoyed the story missions in the DLC to be honest, only using your ghost once the entire time, and not a single peep out of dinklebot is a bonus too.

They couldn't afford paying Dinklage anymore so he is just quiet from now on. Really out of character for the Ghost though to be suddenly 100% silent.


Anyone starting Crota's End from the beginning? I beat the first part on my hunter, looking to do it on my Titan. Level 31, PS4.


Beat "the bridge" part of Crota's End, got raid chest...it looks damn good to IMO. Maybe I'll have more luck during the next couple of phases.


It's good that, as long as you have one other person, you can just start Nightfall/Weekly with a character who has it unlocked and then switch out to another character who doesn't have it.

Basically LF Nightfall/Weekly CP :p
Can you help me unlock on my other two characters please :)
First Raid chest yielded only the new Energy mats and all 4 Legendary Engrams I received today (+Vanguard Package) yielded Ascendant Shards.

What. The. Hell.

Edit: First public event: Shards. It's just the gift that keeps on giving.


Neo Member
wow played the first new story mission and hated it. really not fun at all.

Well, I liked it a lot and it gets even better. Can't please all I guess. Only thing is just that there should be more of these story missions. But anyways, I am happy and I still have Weekly, Nightfall and Raid to go.

edit. So Vex Mythoclast will stay 323 attack level? I'm wondering if I should start upgrading it or wait if I can update it with Xur for improved attack level.


My thoughts on the DLC is that while the Story quests are terrible, they're better than anything in the base game. No dinklebot is a huge fucking plus.

The strike I liked a bit more compared to most other strikes. I like Cosmodrome in general (compared to the other sections). Have not played undying mind yet.

Crota's End is fantastic. It shits on VoG. Its more challenging than Heroic VoG too, but with revives. General map and encounter design feels better.


Yea the new story missions were pretty fun imo. I actually liked the whole deal with the wizard and how you encountered her multiple times until you finally ended her in the strike.
Oh, since I finished the story missions:

Loved them, though they felt like too much of a retread until the bosses. They were also rather on the short side. Wish I played through them with someone, as the last two missions in particular were designed for teams.

Story was more-of-the-same, though the happenings were far more intriguing than most of the empty speech thrown at the player in the vanilla game. Grimoires are fairly disappointing thus far, though perhaps the Raid ones will be better.

Pleased that there was a solid reward at the end of the story missions. No Stranger's Rifle type of nonsense.

Hopefully I'll unlock both the Strike and level 30 early on tomorrow. And receive something that isn't ascendant materials out of the legendaries I gain.


By the way, MIDA is a fucking beast in first part of the Raid. Bladedancer too, because Agility. You want Agility.

And I think Mythoclast is kind of exposed as a piece of shit. I constantly ran out of ammo and I would need more stability on those fast moving hive. Switched to Field scout Shadow Price and Gjallarhorn and my kill rate went up. Fatebringer and VoC are legit. I think I know why VoG drops isn't buffed.


The story so far also hasn't held up any better than the main story. I don't know why the missions are in the order they are, or how events in one lead to the other. (Rasputin make a cameo...not sure why, though.) The narrative is just as fractured as it was before, and no attempt was made to contextualize anything that should have been covered in the main story, such as the origin of the Hive and its relationship to the rest of the enemy factions.

I didn't go in with high hopes about the story, but give how Bungie said they tried to address the main game's narrative shortcomings, I had some optimism. They just don't seem to have a framework in place from which to tell a compelling story in Destiny.
Watched the DLC stuff via a friends stream (excluding the raid) and agree completely with this... Despite all the talk of 'fans weren't happy with the story so we are addressing that in the DLC' it's still as flat and uninteresting as what we saw in the main game.

Inmost Light and Saint 14 from two Nightfalls. Lets see what I get for third.

Can you help me unlock on my other two characters please :)

You can join on me and get the Nightfall but you'll have to complete it right then. If you go back to Orbit you can't start it without someone who has it unlocked.


Lame. I stopped playing about 6 or so weeks ago. A few of us decided to come back to play the new content at release...plan was to jump into the raid on day 1. Tonight half the guys didnt want to because they wanted to find out what to do first instead of figuring it out. Decided to just do missions on alts for now.


How are you guys getting to Level 31 so quickly? I JUST now finally got a complete set of new armor to do it. How are you all leveling up so fast?


Quick question.

Does levelling up a faction give a Crucible Commendation? Or can I only get commendations through Vanguard/Crucible themselves?


How are you guys getting to Level 31 so quickly? I JUST now finally got a complete set of new armor to do it. How are you all leveling up so fast?
Armor levels up surprisingly fast. Far more so than weapons I feel. Some Crucible, Vanguard playlist, some bounties and you're done.


How are you guys getting to Level 31 so quickly? I JUST now finally got a complete set of new armor to do it. How are you all leveling up so fast?
I'd assume those who have hit lvl 31 already had saved up marks and bounties for the DLC, then bought the pieces (done nightfall?) and handed in the bounties and then gone and done more of the new stuff + the new vanguard/crucible bounties available yesterday...
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