The 24 strike? Me. PSN Tragicomedy
I was planning on doing the level 30 one. I wouldn't mind helping you out after though.
The 24 strike? Me. PSN Tragicomedy
I was planning on doing the level 30 one. I wouldn't mind helping you out after though.
Still have a spot for 30 Weekly. PS4
Currently at my 4th flawless raider now. Great job everyone!
Flawless! Guardian Lord! Finally! Thanks Darryl, RAWR, Messiek, SJay, Log Ride!
Currently at my 4th flawless raider now. Great job everyone!
Good luck sleeping tonight!FLAWLESS AND GUARDIAN LORD! <3
Thx guys, I'm shaking. lol
Currently at my 4th flawless raider now. Great job everyone!
Flawless! Guardian Lord! Finally! Thanks Darryl, RAWR, Messiek, SJay, Log Ride!
Thx guys, I'm shaking. lol
We untouchable.
Flawless baby, FLAWLESS!
Shouts to iRawr, Deku, Darryl, messiek, and SJay!!
Flawless raider done!!
Flawless! Guardian Lord! Finally! Thanks Darryl, RAWR, Messiek, SJay, Log Ride!
Currently at my 4th flawless raider now. Great job everyone!
Thx guys, I'm shaking. lol
We untouchable.
Flawless baby, FLAWLESS!
Shouts to iRawr, Deku, Darryl, messiek, and SJay!!
Flawless raider done!!
Hey guys, I've finally figured out how I feel when Purple Engrams turn to Shards or Energies!!!
Thanks, Youtube!
Any Gjallarhorn with Wolfpack will one shot them. You run jump and shoot. Did it with all 3 classes on Tuesday last week. If help but I need to farm some glimmer to upgrade my GjallarhornAnybody wants to help me with the second chest on Crota Ends before reset? that one with one minute time... I can't kill the shriekers in the right time to get the chest
My gallahorn is yet too weak.
That would have scared the shit out of me quite literally.
I have the exact issue... I lost all my upgrades with the Xur upgrade and now I'm two bubbles to reach the WolfpackAny Gjallarhorn with Wolfpack will one shot them. You run jump and shoot. Did it with all 3 classes on Tuesday last week. If help but I need to farm some glimmer to upgrade my Gjallarhorn
Sup destiny GAF. Got the game for Christmas , excited to get into it.
So ... just throwing this out there, for the HM VoG run what do we have so far?
1. Mandrake UK
2. Ace_Konosuke
3. MrGamer
4. D-psipher
5. Qwell
So I guess we just need 1 more?
Anyone doing hard VOG or Crota's end?
Need to get both done before reset.
Sup bruh, Psn: iRAWRasaurus I will be back in ~20 minsAnybody have the Gorgon checkpoint?
congrats! Never knew you could view the mission I got a lot of kills..Happy to knock this out before 2015.
Mission Summary:
Happy to knock this out before 2015.
Mission Summary:
What do you have to do to see that mission summary screen?
Congrats iRAW for so many Kills.
Anyone doing hard VOG or Crota's end?
Need to get both done before reset.
Anyone doing hard VOG or Crota's end?
Need to get both done before reset.
Anyone doing hard VOG or Crota's end?
Need to get both done before reset.
Is anybody getting ready to do a last minute CE run?
PSN: GibbShift. Would like to run it with my Warlock.
Also, fuck Crota CP. What a waste of fucking time. Should've just ran that last one fresh.
I'm looking for Crota's end as well.
Psn dawnoflife
Need to do Crota too. we're already friends - androo2300
Is anybody getting ready to do a last minute CE run?
PSN: GibbShift. Would like to run it with my Warlock.
Also, fuck Crota CP. What a waste of fucking time. Should've just ran that last one fresh.
Anyone doing hard VOG or Crota's end?
Need to get both done before reset.
5 of us
PSN: kidklovius