I'm just frustrated, sorry about that. I wanted to say fuck it, let's just start over, but we got close enough times to keep going. Shouldn't have lashed out.My fault.Not gonna swordbear with my Titan again until I train more...
I'm just frustrated, sorry about that. I wanted to say fuck it, let's just start over, but we got close enough times to keep going. Shouldn't have lashed out.My fault.Not gonna swordbear with my Titan again until I train more...
I'm just frustrated, sorry about that. I wanted to say fuck it, let's just start over, but we got close enough times to keep going. Shouldn't have lashed out.
Cool just lemme know when you're back, I'll send you a FRSup bruh, Psn: iRAWRasaurus I will be back in ~20 mins
congrats! Never knew you could view the mission summary...wow I got a lot of kills..
5 of us
PSN: kidklovius
Still looking to beat Crota! PSN: miamijaaz
I'm about to delete my level 30 warlock and make a third hunter. I don't have the time to focus on two different characters, I'll never get it to 32 for hard mode Crota meaning I wont be able to do it three times a week, and just in general I like hunters more.
Plus, getting hydronic essence is a bitch.
I'm about to delete my level 30 warlock and make a third hunter. I don't have the time to focus on two different characters, I'll never get it to 32 for hard mode Crota meaning I wont be able to do it three times a week, and just in general I like hunters more.
Plus, getting hydronic essence is a bitch.
All hail Sunsingers.Also quick pro tip. Using my Sunsinger, I seemed to have forgotten about his super and only using it when I died. But put a Praxic Fire on that bad boy and spam Fusion grenades at the boss as fast as you can throw them and baby we got a stew going!
My 4th Crota downed. Crota runs so far (includes first chest grabs too)
Where is my crota chest armor
I don't care for Titans, but ruin wings make them very tempting.I finally have all three classes capable of Nightfalls and Weeklies. (31s, all, save for a few shards.)
I'm liking Titans more and more for PvE. Weapons of Light is no joke. Ruin Wings + the skill to make heavy weapon kills create orbs is good too.
Warlocks are surprisingly tanky. Sunlocks with the new maxed exotic gauntlets that provide two melee charges paired with the perk that provides an overshield on melee hit makes you unstoppable. Two insta-health refills on tap.
Hunter, the class I lived in longest, feels pretty fragile after using the other two more. But Golden Gunning adds with the explosive perk and juggling knives doesn't get old.
I like 'em all! I'm always tempted to nuke two and dupe one class two more times, but I'd have a hard time picking.
Idk, hunters come in handy killing adds with golden gun during Atheon when they get teleported in. Hobgoblins don't stand a chance.My problem with this is that you never know which class is going to excel at what. Before the DLC, hunters were widely considered the worst class. Now they are near the top, if not the top.
Flawless! Guardian Lord! Finally! Thanks Darryl, RAWR, Messiek, SJay, Log Ride!
Currently at my 4th flawless raider now. Great job everyone!
Thx guys, I'm shaking. lol
Shouts to iRawr, Deku, Darryl, messiek, and SJay!!
Flawless raider done!!
I need this too.Anybody interested in a hardmode VoG? I the Fatebringer. It's getting ridiculous now.
PSN Tokunbo. Level 31 Defender Titan.
Anyone noticed more material nodes in patrol? I was doing a bounty and consistently found 2 or 3 of them bunched together, specifically Spirit Bloom on Venus.
Congrats to all the new flawless raiders, that's awesome! Sounds like I may need to fire up the train again if rawr is up to 4 by now. Can't let anybody overtake the title...
So, let's see, since getting back tonight:
-Super fun 3x hard mode GK+Atheon clears, got my 4th Vex, 3rd IceB, and 1st Time Piece to FINALLY complete my VoG collection.
-Super fun Crota kill with X-Frame slicing and dicing, and colonel, scarlet, lun, and hood
-Super fun NFall, Roc strikes, glimmer farm and Crucible with Lik and Rubenov
Now, only ~2 hours until reset raids, the best Destiny time of the week.
Didn't really miss it for those 6 days, but damn it's good to be back!
Got my 7th Vex tonight lol. Atheon loves me.
Need 3 more for VoG hard.
My 4th Crota downed. Crota runs so far (includes first chest grabs too)
3x Gloves
2x Boots
2x Song of Ir Yût
1x TLW (first chest)
Where is my crota chest armor.
So I had some time to kill and the nightfall to be done so I thought "I'm gonna list me in the lfg site and see what happens, maybe some crazy dudes haven't done it yet like me". While doing some helium farming some other dude sends me a request and we start the nightfall. We get to the nexus fast and finished it. I rolled a knucklehead radar helm, sweet! Now back to farming... And I got a legendary helm engram, which turned into the helm of the saint 14! Holy shit, two exotic helms in the last hour before the reset
smart loot system at work :|
I have to do Crota on my level 30 Titan if that's okay. PSN: SharkJAWNeed 2 more at Crota final boss fight
see below
I have to do Crota on my level 30 Titan if that's okay. PSN: SharkJAW