Well met, brother of the master race.
While you do little hippity hops, my Warlock is gliding past the entire chasm like a boss. It's like flying and flying is awesome. Your heavy MG can't create a ton of orbs for your teammates while tossing out it's void damage nor can it self rez and clear the phase to rez your whole team on HM

Nor could it use solar nades to cheese Templar and Aetheon. It goes on and on ;P
None of the classes are worthless at anything, darling. I'm just trolling :3 My main Raid team started as mostly Hunters with just two Warlocks and we beat VoG just fine. Skill trumps all else and that's why this game is fun to play.
Maybe you'd enjoy VoidWalker, especially with Obsidian Helm then?