Hidden One
Anyone doing nightfall on psn?
Yes, that.
What's everyone's choice for a legendary, non-raid, 331 primary? I'm hearing a lot of the Rapier and Red Hand.
Iam downActually, I think I have a Crota CP if anyone wants to just get that done quickly?
That Hunters are second best compared to Titans, the true master class.So what was your point then?
Actually, I think I have a Crota CP if anyone wants to just get that done quickly?
Did CE raid every week on my Hunter since week 1. Got lots of gloves and boots. Still no chest piece and still no helmet.
I have killed Crota 18 times according to the Grimoire. A few for no drops. We have had five resets with the opportunity to kill Crota this far.
That Hunters are second best compared to Titans, the true master class.
Man, what is this, week 5 or 6 since Crota's End?
5 or 6 weeks, 3 characters, still haven't seen a single helmet drop.
I finally got my first chest piece yesterday on my Hunter.
32 still seems so far away.![]()
Eh sure. I'm down for just a Crota kill. I can do the first half later. I just want to try and get some armor drops.
PSN ID: SlenderBeans
Iam down
I want to see a massive statistics dump on player activity - something more substantial than the End of the Year Update. It sucks Bungie has been really lackluster about it. Would be great to see what weapons people are using, what the average level is, average amount of exotics owned and more.
Yeah, I wonder why Bungie keeps that data so close to their chest. Though I could see the number of exotics or weapons used causing a stir among the community. Possibly causing a bit of tension and envy.I want to see a massive statistics dump on player activity - something more substantial than the End of the Year Update. It sucks Bungie has been really lackluster about it. Would be great to see what weapons people are using, what the average level is, average amount of exotics owned and more.
Are ROC strikes giving out less purples than usual? Might just be a case of me and my bad luck with RNG, been trying to bet an Icebreaker to no avail for a while now.
Actually, I think I have a Crota CP if anyone wants to just get that done quickly?
Yeah, I wonder why Bungie keeps that data so close to their chest. Though I could see the number of exotics or weapons used causing a stir among the community. Possibly causing a bit of tension and envy.
Completed my Titan set last night. Helm and boots dropped. My Hunter only needs helm left.
Ok great, ill send out the invites when we have 6.
Space for 3 more fuck up Crota.
What are you still looking for on your lock?
I got the warlock chest piece yesterday while I was solo-ing the first two parts. That gives me full raid armor on my titan, hunter, and warlock (still missing helmets on Hunter and Warlock but exotics take care of that).
Now... for some rad shards... like a lot of them. I don't see myself getting to Eris rank 4 anytime soon so this may take some time. At least my hunter is 32 and ready for hard CE.
What are you still looking for on your lock?
I got the warlock chest piece yesterday while I was solo-ing the first two parts. That gives me full raid armor on my titan, hunter, and warlock (still missing helmets on Hunter and Warlock but exotics take care of that).
Now... for some rad shards... like a lot of them. I don't see myself getting to Eris rank 4 anytime soon so this may take some time. At least my hunter is 32 and ready for hard CE.
Warlock only got boots. No other gear dropped for him so far. Curious if the second chest will give me anything.
Playlist has always been very low drop rate for Legendaries. You might get a lucky streak, but they don't drop consistently to count on.
Just shards as far as I've seen.
So yeah, it happens every time. On patrol, in Crucible, etc. I have to click at least 6 times before I can sprint. When I'm lucky, sometimes my Guardian sprints for a second or so and then reverts to walking. This happens even when I'm trying to sprint after minutes of walking. It's pissing me off a lot.
Anyone still need crota help?
Anyone still need crota help?
My Titan got chest piece from that chest.
I want to see a massive statistics dump on player activity - something more substantial than the End of the Year Update. It sucks Bungie has been really lackluster about it. Would be great to see what weapons people are using, what the average level is, average amount of exotics owned and more.
Yeah add me, jaguwarWere about to do Crota CP if you want to join?
My Titan got chest piece from that chest.
How do you have a 32, but no where near rank 4. Not doing regular bounties?
Well met, brother of the master race.Warlock + Obsidian Mind + Unlimited Nova Bomb = free infinite orbs of light for the lower tier #Hunter and #Titan folk.
#WarlockMasterRace, reppin'
While you do little hippity hops, my Warlock is gliding past the entire chasm like a boss. It's like flying and flying is awesome. Your heavy MG can't create a ton of orbs for your teammates while tossing out it's void damage nor can it self rez and clear the phase to rez your whole team on HMOh I'm sorry is my double jumping and not dying constantly on the platforms interrupting you? Nothing a warlock can do in the VoG that a cheap void heavy machine gun can't do.
None of the classes are worthless at anything, darling. I'm just trolling :3 My main Raid team started as mostly Hunters with just two Warlocks and we beat VoG just fine. Skill trumps all else and that's why this game is fun to play.Hunters were never worthless in VoG. They just required more skill.
Thank you.
Maybe you'd enjoy VoidWalker, especially with Obsidian Helm then?I hate using anything other than an offensive super, so self-rez is shit to me unless I'm soloing a Nightfall. And even then Radiant Skin is preferable.
There are shit Hunters, of course. Doesn't mean anything for the class's capabilities.
Were about to do Crota CP if you want to join?
I've never seen anyone get anything except radiant mats from the second CE chest.
Are you sure you didn't get the chest piece from the bridge section?
Completed my Titan set last night. Helm and boots dropped. My Hunter only needs helm left.
I'll join if you have a spot.
PSN Khorgano
Like LiK said, time for a new controller. That's not normal or a hidden cooldown. I was having the same issues after playing the game non-stop for 4 months and finally bought a new controller last weekend. Problem fixed.
I should be getting to 32 today on my Titan (have necessary shards and gear, need like 10000 xp) but I've kind of decided to forego all Eris rep grinding. Just put all my shards from CE so far onto one character.
Just can't bring myself to grind rep for another vendor with limited rewards. And she won't even give me reputation for killing Crota! Kill Corta = Eris not impresses. Kill hive from behind = Now we're talking!
I figure I'll have one character at 32 when hard raid drops, and the others are sitting at 31 and can do everything else and they'll get there when they get there.
I love this about Warlocks. Whenever my friends join me with a Warlock it's like raining little orbs of joy!Your heavy MG can't create a ton of orbs for your teammates while tossing out it's void damage
Damn, here I thought they decided to be more generous with drops if you chose the ROC strike. I guess I'll have to continue hammering away on the strikes with my two alts in hopes that it drops in the midst of them growing from 27/29 to 30.
I've joined Nami's Dark SideJeez, Lik. It's like you don't want to be friend anymore.
Just rubbing your good fortune all up in my face.
Are ROC strikes giving out less purples than usual? Might just be a case of me and my bad luck with RNG, been trying to bet an Icebreaker to no avail for a while now.
I've never seen anyone get anything except radiant mats from the second CE chest.
Are you sure you didn't get the chest piece from the bridge section?
Did CE raid every week on my Hunter since week 1. Got lots of gloves and boots. Still no chest piece and still no helmet.
I have killed Crota 18 times according to the Grimoire. A few for no drops. We have had five resets with the opportunity to kill Crota this far.
Less than usual!? Lol I see people post here about their spoils but make no mistake ive run dozens of roc strikes and never even seen a legendary. That's three people per strike per dozens of strikes.
Same shit as before roc