Dead Orbit has Venation III but only as a drop or reward from package or NF etc. They do not sell it so you have to get lucky.
i got it last night from a Dead Orbit package drop...haven't used it much yet but seemed ok so far....
Dead Orbit has Venation III but only as a drop or reward from package or NF etc. They do not sell it so you have to get lucky.
at hard gorgons for a bit if anyone wants it
ps4: legoman-D
at hard gorgons for a bit if anyone wants it
ps4: legoman-D
No one, it's a Dead Orbit rank package drop
at hard gorgons for a bit if anyone wants it
ps4: legoman-D
It's invaulable for being able to check your rep progression and other things you have to go to the tower for.
Very useful if running 3 characters.
Did you ever even loot cave? Happened all the time there. Can also happen at the start of the Nexus strike.I know they're real, because you're all trustworthy, scholarly souls who would never lie to me.
But really, I've never seen a single one, not skywatch not anywhere. It's just luck of the draw, I'm not gonna do anything I don't otherwise want to do (like sit in one spot waiting for the in-game day cycle to progress).
I knew this would finally happen while I was at work.
Anyone wanna ROC out to the Vanguard Strikes?
Someone made a thread asking what cheesing means.
Oh god my sides.
at hard gorgons for a bit if anyone wants it
ps4: legoman-D
I knew this would finally happen while I was at work.
at hard gorgons for a bit if anyone wants it
ps4: legoman-D where? on gaming side
Oh my god, RNGesus has brought me a Prophet... I wasn't even going to ask if anybody wanted to Roc Strike today after all the failed attempts yesterday...![]()
You can do most things like the website except the stats are far less detailed and you can't change clans etc
Holy hell! Another fucking Pulse Rifle! Fuck you, Rahool!
I was on last night. I told you to hit me up. lol
yeah that thread is embarrasingSomeone made a thread asking what cheesing means.
Oh god my sides.
You have to believe, Omnigul shall reward us after the nth time
Someone made a thread asking what cheesing means.
Oh god my sides.
hahahaha. oh, heaps.Did you spend much time at the old loot cave?
I posted on GAF! What's yer PSN name
Where you the guy who was with me when we started up a group of two and the PUG got a Hard Light after only a single Roc Strike? I'd rather not have that nightmare repeat itself, but I don't think we'll be getting a third anytime soon...![]()
hahahaha. oh, heaps.![]()
Yep we need a third so that seeing others rewarded with exotics can be tolerated
hahahaha. oh, heaps.![]()
Hammer is fun in strikes.I almost want a Black Hammer as much as Hawkmoon, looks like so much fun to use.
Thanks! Nothing there for me this week, but I appreciate hard gorgons for a bit if anyone wants it
ps4: legoman-D
I almost want a Black Hammer as much as Hawkmoon, looks like so much fun to use.
at hard gorgons for a bit if anyone wants it
ps4: legoman-D
so bad start to nightfall rewards this week but ended with a bang...
1st - Hunter: 11 Shards
2nd - Titan: Some completely unnecessary purple Solar Sniper Rifle
3rd - Warlock: Obsidian Mind (YAY!)
I almost want a Black Hammer as much as Hawkmoon, looks like so much fun to use.
did sepiks prime bounty yesterday. I didnt move an inch, never stopped fireing, never reloaded he went down in 15 seconds. black hammer feels like cheating sometimes lol
I almost want a Black Hammer as much as Hawkmoon, looks like so much fun to use.
I'm not sure why but I have fully maxed out my BH with bounties (didn't get hive disruptor) but I don't like it that much. Or maybe I just suck with snipers. .
But I do love my Hawkmoon.
I feel like I'm not using mine correctly. Are you letting bosses flinch then reset or just keep on shooting their crit while they are in the flinching animation still?
I'm not sure why but I have fully maxed out my BH with bounties (didn't get hive disruptor) but I don't like it that much. Or maybe I just suck with snipers. .
But I do love my Hawkmoon.
I feel like I'm not using mine correctly. Are you letting bosses flinch then reset or just keep on shooting their crit while they are in the flinching animation still?
I'm not sure why but I have fully maxed out my BH with bounties (didn't get hive disruptor) but I don't like it that much. Or maybe I just suck with snipers. .
But I do love my Hawkmoon.
Vanguard Roc has been either Undying Mind or Devils Lair... Why RNGesus why!?
Toasty got a third Hawkmoon. I was standing right there and I t-bagged more too.
the loot cave and I never met in personSo all that talk of resenting the dark side yesterday was a lie!?![]()
I think you deserve to be neither a Jedi or a Sith...
*single tear* I still can't believe it happened. It was the first month the game was out, and it's been by my side ever sincethe reason your the man you are today was your courageous crusade against the loot cave. and everyone in this thread is eternally grateful
and that video of you decrytping that hawkmoon. EPIC
Personally I don't care about cheesing either way. I prefer legit, but I've done every encounter legit and cheesed a million times and people have limited time with 3 characters to run so whatever. The problem with cheesing is that lots of people never learn the encounters. I'm reminded of this every time I play with randos.
Chilling in the Tower with a buddy, he must have left his fireteam open cause 4 rando's joined us and started asking for help with Crota. That's cool, I like helping people. They want to carry a 29 buddy, no GHorns in the group: no problem. They ask about pulling LAN cables, I tell them we ain't doing that garbage (anything "outside the game" isn't cheese to me, something else entirely).
They seem cool enough and have a decent attitude but holy shit they are terrible. Inspecting load outs and it's un-upgraded across the board, even vanilla stuff with 254 attack. No biggie I can work with this. We spend 5 minutes explaining, then wipe a few times, then explain 5 minutes, then wipe a few times... It's clear they don't know wtf to do. Guy asks "where do you go to kill the Oversoul?" ... wut. Felt bad, but had to bail. Too many people I actually know to spend hours carrying total strangers. The pattern seem to be:
1.) New raid released. It's difficult.
2.) Only the best players can beat it initially, most people don't or get carried.
3.) Cheese is found and spread. It's easy. Cheesy.
4.) Everyone who couldn't beat it before uses the cheese and never has to learn the fight.
I understand why it bothers Bungie. They are watching the entire player base and know how wide spread it is, while us Gaffers have a distorted view because we are actually decent at the game. Just my 2 cents.
Not just you. It's VERY hard to get the white nail perk to proc. Shields break the chain, a missed shot breaks the chain, waiting too long between shots breaks the chain, it's own hive disruptor perk breaks the chain.
It is fun for the stationary bosses on level 26 ROC strikes, but anything more challenging, and you better be MLG pro 360 no scope headshot sniper elite.