Toasty got a third Hawkmoon. I was standing right there and I t-bagged more too.
I was just on the way over to the chest when I saw it happen. I immediately knew, that my Chances of getting it dropped to zero.
Anyhow, weekly Heroic anyone?
Toasty got a third Hawkmoon. I was standing right there and I t-bagged more too.
Vanguard Roc has been either Undying Mind or Devils Lair... Why RNGesus why!?
Personally I don't care about cheesing either way. I prefer legit, but I've done every encounter legit and cheesed a million times and people have limited time with 3 characters to run so whatever. The problem with cheesing is that lots of people never learn the encounters. I'm reminded of this every time I play with randos.
Chilling in the Tower with a buddy, he must have left his fireteam open cause 4 rando's joined us and started asking for help with Crota. That's cool, I like helping people. They want to carry a 29 buddy, no GHorns in the group: no problem. They ask about pulling LAN cables, I tell them we ain't doing that garbage (anything "outside the game" isn't cheese to me, something else entirely).
They seem cool enough and have a decent attitude but holy shit they are terrible. Inspecting load outs and it's un-upgraded across the board, even vanilla stuff with 254 attack. No biggie I can work with this. We spend 5 minutes explaining, then wipe a few times, then explain 5 minutes, then wipe a few times... It's clear they don't know wtf to do. Guy asks "where do you go to kill the Oversoul?" ... wut. Felt bad, but had to bail. Too many people I actually know to spend hours carrying total strangers. The pattern seem to be:
1.) New raid released. It's difficult.
2.) Only the best players can beat it initially, most people don't or get carried.
3.) Cheese is found and spread. It's easy. Cheesy.
4.) Everyone who couldn't beat it before uses the cheese and never has to learn the fight.
I understand why it bothers Bungie. They are watching the entire player base and know how wide spread it is, while us Gaffers have a distorted view because we are actually decent at the game. Just my 2 cents.
at hard gorgons for a bit if anyone wants it
ps4: legoman-D
ugh, just got a full auto Secret Handshake from an engram. Too bad it doesn't have shot package, would have been godlike for pvp.
the loot cave and I never met in person
*single tear* I still can't believe it happened. It was the first month the game was out, and it's been by my side ever since
Yep we need a third so that seeing others rewarded with exotics can be tolerated
Totally agree with all of that. For the bolded part emphatically agree. I am OK with playing within the games engine to bend it to its limits and doing anything that is fun or makes long encounters quicker especially after having done them legit multiple times. I am not OK with exploiting anything "outside of the games engine" to take advantage. Besides fighting Crota legit is easy and fun.
Fatebringer and Vision of Confluence had a baby
Totally agree with all of that. For the bolded part emphatically agree. I am OK with playing within the games engine and doing anything that is fun or makes long encounters quicker especially after having done them legit multiple times. I am not OK with exploiting anything "outside of the games engine" to take advantage. Besides fighting Crota legit is easy and fun.
Saw someone do a new stealth AFK in strike, appear to be moving in the background killing a few enemies here and there but during intense movements where you have to fight hide in a corner.
Finally playing a Hunbter.
lvl 2
Personally I don't care about cheesing either way. I prefer legit, but I've done every encounter legit and cheesed a million times and people have limited time with 3 characters to run so whatever. The problem with cheesing is that lots of people never learn the encounters. I'm reminded of this every time I play with randos.
Chilling in the Tower with a buddy, he must have left his fireteam open cause 4 rando's joined us and started asking for help with Crota. That's cool, I like helping people. They want to carry a 29 buddy, no GHorns in the group: no problem. They ask about pulling LAN cables, I tell them we ain't doing that garbage (anything "outside the game" isn't cheese to me, something else entirely).
They seem cool enough and have a decent attitude but holy shit they are terrible. Inspecting load outs and it's un-upgraded across the board, even vanilla stuff with 254 attack. No biggie I can work with this. We spend 5 minutes explaining, then wipe a few times, then explain 5 minutes, then wipe a few times... It's clear they don't know wtf to do. Guy asks "where do you go to kill the Oversoul?" ... wut. Felt bad, but had to bail. Too many people I actually know to spend hours carrying total strangers. The pattern seem to be:
1.) New raid released. It's difficult.
2.) Only the best players can beat it initially, most people don't or get carried.
3.) Cheese is found and spread. It's easy. Cheesy.
4.) Everyone who couldn't beat it before uses the cheese and never has to learn the fight.
I understand why it bothers Bungie. They are watching the entire player base and know how wide spread it is, while us Gaffers have a distorted view because we are actually decent at the game. Just my 2 cents.
Do you guys still need a 3rd? PSN: zewoneYou should join Captain Smirk and I for a Roc Train, that's bound to improve your luck.Or make it worse considering our track record...
Do you guys still need a 3rd? PSN: zewone
God fucking dammit! I chose the Bad Juju bounty! I wanted Thorn!
God fucking dammit! I chose the Bad Juju bounty! I wanted Thorn!
And of course, listen to the goddamn sword user on when to shoot. Usually people fuck up because they shoot too early or too late..
Agree with everything you said... except #2... I'm not in the "best players" group but I beat it initially with my "Group of Six."
To be fair, they are all part of that best players group. I just smoke a bunch of pot and get carried. No regrets![]()
Personally I don't care about cheesing either way. I prefer legit, but I've done every encounter legit and cheesed a million times and people have limited time with 3 characters to run so whatever. The problem with cheesing is that lots of people never learn the encounters. I'm reminded of this every time I play with randos.
Chilling in the Tower with a buddy, he must have left his fireteam open cause 4 rando's joined us and started asking for help with Crota. That's cool, I like helping people. They want to carry a 29 buddy, no GHorns in the group: no problem. They ask about pulling LAN cables, I tell them we ain't doing that garbage (anything "outside the game" isn't cheese to me, something else entirely).
They seem cool enough and have a decent attitude but holy shit they are terrible. Inspecting load outs and it's un-upgraded across the board, even vanilla stuff with 254 attack. No biggie I can work with this. We spend 5 minutes explaining, then wipe a few times, then explain 5 minutes, then wipe a few times... It's clear they don't know wtf to do. Guy asks "where do you go to kill the Oversoul?" ... wut. Felt bad, but had to bail. Too many people I actually know to spend hours carrying total strangers. The pattern seem to be:
1.) New raid released. It's difficult.
2.) Only the best players can beat it initially, most people don't or get carried.
3.) Cheese is found and spread. It's easy. Cheesy.
4.) Everyone who couldn't beat it before uses the cheese and never has to learn the fight.
I understand why it bothers Bungie. They are watching the entire player base and know how wide spread it is, while us Gaffers have a distorted view because we are actually decent at the game. Just my 2 cents.
Really? I spent all day grinding crucible yesterday so I could buy this on Tuesday lol.
Also, Thorn is an absolute beast in crucible. I'll admit, I'm not the best at Crucible, but once I switched to an upgraded Thorn yesterday, I was wrecking shit. Had some of my best games ever and was more consistent with K/D and winning matches for my team. Feels good to out snipe a sniper from across a map with a hand cannon.
You like Pulse Rifles
Yeah, most definitely. I forgot to add part:
5.) Cheese is patched and everyone wipes on Templar for hours, ha.
Just got one of the new monarchy shaders! I think there are 3? Luckily this the one I wanted most, don't know what they were thinking putting 3 in in the RNG for the packages.
God fucking dammit! I chose the Bad Juju bounty! I wanted Thorn!
I deleted that shit.Hehehe, if you want to do some roc strikes tonight I'm down. I also have that bounty active right now.
No I don't but all these Pulse Rifles are trying to tell me something.You like Pulse Rifles
haha. My group had to do Templar legit on our Flawless run. We got very nervous when the first time we glitch exploded and the second time the Templar glitch exploded right at the start who knows why... Fortunately for us it never happened again after that...
Thanks for that. I got MIDA Multi-Tool from it. I'll take it, didn't have one of those before.
Oh goodness, so much this ^^
I was chopping Crota on one of the few shield breaks they got and hear a guy yell out "Hit him with rockets NOW!!" smh
Maybe my own team will stop trolling me next week and actually call out when they are shooting their rockets...
Then you do agree with #2 (read carefully), haha.
Also, you may not think you are the best but I guarantee you are better than most rando's I've run into.
Is there a way to tell how much a piece of armor's light level will improve with an upgrade? I have a chest piece and leg armor that are both ready for upgrade, but I only have the mats for one. I just want to make sure I'm getting the biggest bang for my Ascendant Shards.
The chest piece is one level in to the last tier, the legs are on the last tier, but have no levels on it.
That's still the only one I've seen. For all I know, the "faction wars" events that take place at chokepoints are just an elaborate myth.
Yeah, Rawr told me about your flawless runs, sounded very entertaining. I always love a good flawless story!
These randoms keep running away to their deaths, it's so infuriating.
Still need hard gorgon CP?
Anyone up for a Crota kill or Hard Mode VOG run in about 20 minutes? I still need to kill Crota on my Titan and Hunter and need VOG on all 3.
My name is same as here. I'll be waiting there
I do![]()
Sure, I can hop in there if you don't mind. Just want to save it again for some friends since I accidentally finished hard VoG on all 3 characters and lost it. Thanks!
Still need hard gorgon CP?
That's still the only one I've seen. For all I know, the "faction wars" events that take place at chokepoints are just an elaborate myth.
For the Bad Juju bounty can I do the lowest level weekly to get 2 strike points? I'm debating if I want to just farm this weeks heroic or farm ROC. . 16 more strikes to go.
These randoms keep running away to their deaths, it's so infuriating.
Mind if i get in on this action?