Personally I hope Xur will be selling hard light. Just to complete my exptic collection :3
Welcome to Destiny! Have a nice stay!Got my first ever exotic! Came from a legendary engram and is a helmfor another class
Got my first ever exotic! Came from a legendary engram and is a helmfor another class
Is there any website that contacts you when the gunsmith is selling rare fusion rifles?
Hey, I am in no way saying that Red Death should be sold before G'horn. Just pointing out that it has been awhile and not since the buff so that's why people may be asking for it.
It can also be semi-useful during the Crota encounter since it regens health.
Edit: Also Truth has been sold three times![]()
Or more like we're taking it slow, enjoying the ride and still leveling up: I didn't start earning strange coins until week 3, couldn't afford anything until 4. If I had the chance I would have bought it on excitement of having no exotics at the time.Yes and two times is themostsecond most any exotic weapon has ever been sold so far. Gjallarhorn has only been sold once and only in week 2 when people didn't really understand it's power yet.
Personally I hope Xur will be selling hard light. Just to complete my exptic collection :3
You gotta do most of the crucible bounties every day. Then it doesn't take that long really.
Personally I hope Xur will be selling hard light. Just to complete my exptic collection :3
Xur please just have Alpha Lupi for Hunter. Please, either the real item or the upgrade.
Also does any other gaffer have Bad Juju bounty and want to farm low level weeklys with me so we can hit 25 strikes?
Or more like we're taking it slow, enjoying the ride and still leveling up: I didn't start earning strange coins until week 3, couldn't afford anything until 4. If I had the chance I would have bought it on excitement of having no exotics at the time.
Looking for one more for CE. Waiting in the Abyss. Let's goooo!
That and it's not complete boring mindless killing of lower level enemies, you still need to be cautious.It's a better deal to do ROC since you'll be leveling your cryptrep with the engram drops.
Personally I hope Xur will be selling hard light. Just to complete my exptic collection :3
can you put the xur engine upgrades on the VOG sparrow? Because xur never sells anything good I'm thinking its coin blowing time
how awesome is that thing , turbo , shakes, explodes .....
I really have to test this.1. Start the party chat app on the Vita outside of remote play. Make sure your friends are already in a party or create one for them.
2. When you start remote play, it kills the Wifi connection in order to search for the best one, this disconnects you from your party. Watch for the wifi symbol to disappear and then reappear.
3. Once the wifi connection has reappeared, suspend the app with the remote play button.
4. Go back to the party app and you will have to reconnect to PSN, then find your party and reconnect. Do this as quick as you can.
5. Go and resume the remote play app and it won't cut you off from your party. You can now talk to them over remote play.
6. ???
7. Profit.
Spread the word. No one knows about this.
That was exactly what I was doing actually. Had a big work thing going on and not much time to play Destiny right away. Missed out on GHorn.
That was exactly what I was doing actually. Had a big work thing going on and not much time to play Destiny right away. Missed out on GHorn.
I chose to get armour instead =/
That was exactly what I was doing actually. Had a big work thing going on and not much time to play Destiny right away. Missed out on GHorn.
He'll sell Hard Lightupgrade
I think most people just didn't even know how good Ghorn was when Xur sold it. The game had barely been out at that point, we didn't know how OP wolfpack rounds were. I know I passed on it at the time and to this day I wish I had just bought it anyways :/
venation is a hand cannon thougheww i wouldn't even waste the glimmer. may as well just roll with "for the people" or venation and not waste the exotic spot ... or any good primary purple, there is a list of about 20 that are better.
I am now an Exotic Hoarder. I have so many strange coins and less and less to buy. If Xur is selling an Exotic that I don't have I just buy it.
Personally I hope Xur will be selling hard light. Just to complete my exptic collection :3
I am now an Exotic Hoarder. I have so many strange coins and less and less to buy. If Xur is selling an Exotic that I don't have I just buy it.
I chose to get armour instead =/
eww i wouldn't even waste the glimmer. may as well just roll with "for the people" or venation and not waste the exotic spot ... or any good primary purple, there is a list of about 20 that are better.
I think most people just didn't even know how good Ghorn was when Xur sold it. The game had barely been out at that point, we didn't know how OP wolfpack rounds were. I know I passed on it at the time and to this day I wish I had just bought it anyways :/
It works great, ask GDT. He has to hear me answer my office phone every Tuesday morning when I remote play the Nightfalls with him.I really have to test this.
venation is a hand cannon though
Personally I hope Xur will be selling hard light. Just to complete my exptic collection :3
At this point, all I am missing is Thunderlord. Would love to see that sold.
I mean, I don't have Universal Remote. But I wouldn't say I'm missing it.
I skipped Out on it cause rocket launcher :-/
oh ya, true... well it's still better than hard light lol... but any low impact purple AR if you want to roll with an AR...
My personal choice would be a Vanquisher VIII...still hoping for a 331 roll.
My personal choice would be a Vanquisher VIII...still hoping for a 331 roll.
My personal choice would be a Vanquisher VIII...still hoping for a 331 roll.
ah ya, when i said venation I meant Vanquisher, I think a vendor sells vanquisher? you could buy it?
I think most people just didn't even know how good Ghorn was when Xur sold it. The game had barely been out at that point, we didn't know how OP wolfpack rounds were. I know I passed on it at the time and to this day I wish I had just bought it anyways :/