Okayyy, typically I do this on Tuesday or Wed. morning and include my weekly static raid on wednesdays at 9 (last night had our full group, went awesome!) but work's been ridiculous this week so my apologies for the late post. I also apologize that tonight's newbie raid is apparently already full up- had a bunch of early sign-ups this week! You never know when we'll need an alt though, so do keep your eyes peeled if you're looking for VoG tonight. I am taking sign-ups now for sword school on Sunday though! Finally, heads up that next week Thursday will be our very first Crota's End newbie raid (instead of VoG). From then on, we'll be alternating each week.
Thursday, 9:00PM EST - Hawkian's Mondo Action Funtime VoG Newbie Raid
Moving these back to 9PM EST to accommodate more of West Coast GAF getting a shot.
These are
weekly raids available to all, but intended for newbies to the Vault or those who just aren't comfortable with all aspects of it. Bring your highest leveled character, your best weapon, and your most patient self! All encounters will be explained (quickly, but still) as though it was a brand new group, so please be willing to listen. These are a great opportunity to take on roles you don't ordinarily get the chance to try- Relic for Templar, inside/outside Gatekeepers, etc.- and just generally learn to master the raid. We will employ (or at least demonstrate) tactics for each section that can be applied equally to either Normal or Hard mode. The only restriction on attendance is that participants shouldn't come two weeks in row, just to allow many different GAF Guardians to cycle through. There is no pressure to understand anything before having it explained, and no pointing fingers when things break down. We will laugh at ourselves when we wipe, and then do better the next attempt.
Minimum level to attend is 26; 27 is recommend.
Note: If the group level distribution for one of these is
four 30s/two 29s or better, this will shift to becoming a Hard Raid. The biggest restriction by far for a Hard raid is that you cannot revive. If you die, you're dead until the next checkpoint. As a result, it's important to play very conservatively. However, the prospect of having a full six level 30 "newbie" group is becoming more realistic by the day, and I'm confident we could pull it off.
However, if you sign up for this run, please do so with the knowledge that it will default to a Normal raid if the numbers aren't in our favor.
1. TheExecutive
2. traveler
3. Hawkian
4. CooI_Breeze
5. Goku1949
6. NatCat_49
ALTS: UnionCarbine
Next week: Crota's End,
minimum level 30
Friday, 9:00PM EST - Hawkian's Pay-it-Foward Weekly Heroic/Nightfall Clinic and Loansword Program
You know the drill: I guarantee you safe passage through the Weekly Strike of your choice and show you a viable cheesy (for Nightfall) or lactose-free (for Heroic) strategy that is easy to replicate; you use this knowledge to help someone else out when the time comes!
Minimum level for the Clinic is 28 for Nightfall, 27 for Weekly Heroic. No signups for these- just come into the thread at the specified time and post asking for help, and I'll jump in.
Note: I'm adding mercenary sword services to the stuff I'll help with during this window on Friday nights. If you need a Swordbearer for a quick Crota kill I'm in for that as well.
Sunday, 6:00PM EST - Slice-n'-Dice Sword School Inaugural Class
Our first day of sword school is on for this Sunday! The idea here is to let as many people as possible get their hands on the sword in a stress-free context where they aren't worried about the group kill being on the line. I have a loose framework in mind for the group, but since this is the first one, I ask for the patience of anyone who signs up as I refine things a bit.
Minimum level is 31.
We'll load into the Crota CP, start with some tips and drills, and then pop the fight off, let our first participant get in a round of damage to Crota, then wipe, and move to the next.
Everyone in the fireteam will get a chance to actually do damage with the sword.
Once everyone has had a clean round, we'll move on to the exam.

We'll make seriously attempts at getting the kill, with a different player taking the sword
each round of damage, until he dies or we wipe. The idea of getting the Crota win with one of these "classroom kills" sounds like one of the most fun things I could possibly hope to do in this game and I'll be willing to try as long as the rest of the group is, but if our group is really struggling (and people are running out of time/actually need the kill for the night) I can run it with my Hunter to finish the session.
I know there was substantial interest in this- signups are
open now! First come first serve, though like the newbie raids I ask that attendees simply don't sign up two weeks in a row, to keep the opportunity open.
1. Hawkian
2. Narmer212
3. Dr_LawyerCop
As usual, most or all of these activities will be streamed at