Sunday, 6:00PM EST - Slice-n'-Dice Sword School Inaugural Class
Our first day of sword school is on for this Sunday! The idea here is to let as many people as possible get their hands on the sword in a stress-free context where they aren't worried about the group kill being on the line. I have a loose framework in mind for the group, but since this is the first one, I ask for the patience of anyone who signs up as I refine things a bit.
Minimum level is 31.
We'll load into the Crota CP, start with some tips and drills, and then pop the fight off, let our first participant get in a round of damage to Crota, then wipe, and move to the next.
Everyone in the fireteam will get a chance to actually do damage with the sword.
Once everyone has had a clean round, we'll move on to the exam.

We'll make seriously attempts at getting the kill, with a different player taking the sword
each round of damage, until he dies or we wipe. The idea of getting the Crota win with one of these "classroom kills" sounds like one of the most fun things I could possibly hope to do in this game and I'll be willing to try as long as the rest of the group is, but if our group is really struggling (and people are running out of time/actually need the kill for the night) I can run it with my Hunter to finish the session.
I know there was substantial interest in this- signups are
open now! First come first serve, though like the newbie raids I ask that attendees simply don't sign up two weeks in a row, to keep the opportunity open.
1. Hawkian
2. Narmer212
3. Dr_LawyerCop
4. stb (Berried_Treasure)
5. Buttchin-n-Bones
As usual, most or all of these activities will be streamed at