ROC Strikes! Who wants some? Logging on in 10min. noomi85
If you can get another person I'm down for being the third member.
ROC Strikes! Who wants some? Logging on in 10min. noomi85
ROC Strikes! Who wants some? Logging on in 10min. noomi85
I'll join you guys.If you can get another person I'm down for being the third member.
If you can get another person I'm down for being the third member.
I'll join you guys.
PSN: EroticSushi
Agree with all of this. SM3DW is incredible, so much creativity and variety. As for the spoiler tag,my wife is not a gamer but loves Cat Mario. We beat every level until that last one, but it wasn't going to happen unless I just did it for her which isn't fun. When 3DW came out I had to slave away awhile to finally beat it, Princess Peach helps a lot.
Tropical Freeze was GotY until Destiny fever got me. Although it's still my OST of the year, with Destiny in 2nd place by a narrow margin.
to have different armor for different play styles? Sometimes I want to run with a Hand Cannon, so I'd want to switch to gloves with reload speed. Ditto for AR's or Scouts, or even Int/Str/Dis stats to play with. Raid gear seems only necessary for raids and not much else. When you're rich with materials and still have the desire to play, that seems like the answer for sure.What level 31 or 32 player needs ascendant shards anymore? After buying a few legendary weapons, energies can stockpile too if doing dailies or vault of glass.
I don't do dailies anymore. Nor do I do Vault of Glass. I would GLADLY do all dailies accross my 3 characters and VoG three times a week if I could use ascendant mats.
oh the pressure is definitely on.. ill be judging your actions from 1,000 miles away
Oh thanks, dick.
How's the view from the peanut gallery?
Just bought a sword emblem from Eris. Wow that's really lame you can only buy 1!so I'm guessing same for shaders? Was going to buy for alts. Why?
Thanks, I'll check it out.I'd go Clash over Control to be honest. Control isn't bad, but if you go against a solid team that has good control point coverage, you'll struggle. Clash is a bit more freeform - just make sure you always head towards where your teammates are and you should be okay.
You may like the idea of Rumble for not needing teammates, but it's pretty darn tough out there alone.
Won't happen 4th horseman is exclusive to ps4 :/
Just bought a sword emblem from Eris. Wow that's really lame you can only buy 1!so I'm guessing same for shaders? Was going to buy for alts. Why?
Unequip and should be able to buy another. I think...
I'd like to give a shout-out to iRawrsaurous for being an awesome Fireteam leader during the VoG raid last night. While I was quietly raging over my own stupidity, Rawr had a fantastic demeanor the entire time, explained everything to the new guys, and was really positive during the 2 hour raid.
Kudos to you, man. You deserve some praise.
Is Child of Light worth whatever it would cost me to buy? So far my Vita is a PDP (Portable Destiny Player)
Yes. I think they made a concerted effort of bringing low quality exotics for this expansion as to avoid another Gjallarhorn, or another Suros and Vex in their early days before their nerfs.
As a result, almost no one uses the new weapon exotics except No Land Beyond masochists.
I think a lot of them are great, but once you have a top tier exotic like gjallerhorn/IB/Hawkmoon, you don't really need to use other ones. I think the emphasis is on the player to find new and interesting ways to use the exotics that they have. I'm really looking forward to using bad juju on my warlock once I level it. I think I'm going to have a raid/NF/weekly loadout that I use exclusively for that, but keep in the vault when I do bounties or ROC. Need to keep things fresh, since I've used my IB so much.
lol, it could be better with wolfpack rounds
I'd like to give a shout-out to iRawrsaurous for being an awesome Fireteam leader during the VoG raid last night. While I was quietly raging over my own stupidity, Rawr had a fantastic demeanor the entire time, explained everything to the new guys, and was really positive during the 2 hour raid.
Kudos to you, man. You deserve some praise.
Just bought a sword emblem from Eris. Wow that's really lame you can only buy 1!so I'm guessing same for shaders? Was going to buy for alts. Why?
Thanks a lot raindoc. Got nothing but the anticipation is always nice.
Hehe absolutely. I may try some wacky stuff that's likely to end in death when it's my turn too![]()
You can buy multiple shaders man. I bought the sunsetting shader times 3 a couple days ago with my main.
Just bought a sword emblem from Eris. Wow that's really lame you can only buy 1!so I'm guessing same for shaders? Was going to buy for alts. Why?
This is true for both of us.
You playing at all tonight? Any interest in getting a group together for VoG hard either fresh or from Gorgon CP?
I'm trying to get a group together tonight for a Flawless VoG run if anybody is down. I'm thinking around 8 PM EST? We can change the time a bit if need be.
1) hydruxo (PSN: hydruxxo) - Hunter
I liked it a lot. Interesting combat, beautiful dialogue and atmosphere
Well they could have balanced them instead of making them all pretty crappy. dragon's Breath seems like the DLC seller. It looks really cool. I'm sure most people never thought it would be as bad as it is
I upgrade lots of armor pieces :[
Like I said, let us trade them in for rep or something, but trading them in for Radiant materials really isn't necessary.
You can buy more than one shader. I bought 3 of each with one character
Oh ok that's good.. Few. Thanks! I'm only Eris rank 1 and barely 2 with my others. 1800 away from 4
Fewww. Yea that's good to hear. Definitely want sunsetting for 2 chars at least. Not sure about warlock
ill be on at some point, down for gorgon checkpoint onward. i still need 3x crota at some point this week as well, and second chest
I need Crota 3x as well. I'm down for either. I don't have the Crota CP though. Only the second chest. I'm sure we could find some folks who want the chest and then can run with us as we take down that singing bitch and sCrota.
I'll be on normal time doing Eris bounties or ROC strikes (got an exotic from one earlier today when I ran a couple during lunch by the way) so just hit me up and we'll roll.
I think it looks great on Female Warlocks.
I just focused on ranking up Eris with my main after a bit. You can buy all the class items, shaders, etc multiple times with one character. Except for emblems for some reason. That sunsetting shader is sick on my Titan. Hunter looks good too! I can't tell with the warlock because of the exotic chest pieces that don't change with shaders :/
6:00PM EST you mean? Pretty sure I'm gonna make this the regular time, yeup.Would love to get into Sword School at some point. It's awesome that you're still doing this stuff.
Is Sunday @ 9pm est the usual time for Sword School?
Thanks, I'll keep you in mind if anyone has to take off!If you need any help let me know. I already know the sword well but I can help dropping shields or killing swordbearer or boomer duty so the guys trying the sword have it a little easier. Ive run CE up, down and sideways. Lev 32 Hunter.
Got what?
You're special, Hawkian
But them OPTIONS, man. Nothing is necessary of course.
xTHExSHEPx - Played 1 week ago for 14 minutes
rip in peace
6:00PM EST you mean? Pretty sure I'm gonna make this the regular time, yeup.
Thanks, I'll keep you in mind if anyone has to take off!
Been up there twice with my warlock. Make sure you're jumping on that little piston ledge first.I was unable to make that jump with my warlock... Tried several times... Are hunters and warlocks able to make that jump?
This is such a cool build. I gotta get Obsidian Mind and upgrade my Juju/redo the bountyI just tried Bad Juju and Obsidian Mind in the first part of Crota's End. It's crazy how fast you get another super.
Yeah should have clarified, it's the rank 4 Eris shader. Looks badass.