Yes, don't use them. The explosive rounds cancel out outlaw AND firefly.
You were right, there's no more to it. Explosive Rounds screw up Precision damage and shouldn't be used in most PvE contexts; on Fatebringer especially so.
Of course if you're running Chain of Woe Outlaw is a pretty useless perk in the first place.
Oh gosh, thanks for the heads up. Sometimes it's hard to know what stacks and what doesn't.
LordofPwn said:Explosive Rounds Damage Calculation
Ok, i cant remember who wanted to know this but i just did a test with my fatebringer and explosive rounds.
Explosive rounds do precision damage
And sometimes do more single point damage, but it could just be a rounding error.
killing a dreg with explosive rounds by precision kill did 510 dmg in my test or a non crit hit of 128 x 2 (bullet, and explosive)
Crit = 510
reg = 256 (128 x 2)
But non explosive crit did 765 dmg and reg hit for 255
Crit = 765
Reg = 255
So what's happening is that the bullet can do crit damage and gets a multiplier, but the explosion does not.
so explosive crit is actually (128x3)+128. but wait that equals 512, what's going on.
Answer: the bullet damage of 255 gets split in 2 (127.5).
Run the equation again (127.5x3)+127.5 = 510
On a servitor though the totals were 384 total damage for explosive crits, and 383 for non explosive crits.
Thanks for reading the latest installment of "LordofPwn presents... Math"
Bigmanny287Alrighty then. Looking for a fresh Crota run, No Cheese style. I'll be bringing my 31 warlock. Can be swordbearer.
Starting as soon as we have 6.
1. Gdt
2. HowDidIJustShootYou
3. JDawgTres
Does anyone have the MG18A Harm's Way from the Vanguard? I'm thinking of buying it to replace my old void Swarm so would like to know if it is any good
I have it but won't be on for about 1.5 hours.
I have it but won't be on for about 1.5 hours.
Does anyone have the MG18A Harm's Way from the Vanguard? I'm thinking of buying it to replace my old void Swarm so would like to know if it is any good
Is it bad im secretly happy my wife and son are going to her parents tonight that leaves me free to play destiny uninterrupted later
Not to confuse you further, but the first segment of Crota's End is a great example of a scenario in which Explosive Rounds are actually valuable in PvE. There's almost no chance you won't hit more than one thing with every shot, not just precision kills, which can be an asset.I've been running outlaw with Fatebringer this entire time and didn't realize that. I will have to play with it because I really like the way it plays, especially on Crota's End. Thanks for the heads up.
Well, Fatebringer is such a phenomenal weapon and so well-suited to Gunslinger regardless of Outlaw that it doesn't really matterSure, sure. That would probably make the most sense, but I'm lazy, and would rather just keep CoW and Outlaw both on. That way, I have CoW at the ready for sniping or if I switch to VoC, and keep Outlaw on to not break Firefly. Then, I get the added benefit of the occasional crazy fast reload when everything is proc'ing at once.
haha, aw *pat pat*When you're fighting to not be last, the rush just isn't the same.
Its too easy to win.
I did it for my kid's 29 Warlock last week. It's a bit of a challenge when you only have blue guns. No Ice Breaker, no VoC, hell, he hasn't even leveled up what he has (that cool SR with the tiger on it).
I do. It isn't maxed yet; seems to only hold 98 rounds and fires slower than CM but I like it.
Ok sweet. That makes 4.
Need 2 more for a fresh cheese free Crota run.
1. Gdt
2. HowDidIJustShootYou
3. JdawgTres
4. Big manny
Not at all. I fist pump when I hear news like this at my house lolIs it bad im secretly happy my wife and son are going to her parents tonight that leaves me free to play destiny uninterrupted later
Fuck it. I'm gonna do Weekly.
Jump in if you need the coins for tomorrow.
PSN is namikaze1
No mic on my end though
Does anyone have the MG18A Harm's Way from the Vanguard? I'm thinking of buying it to replace my old void Swarm so would like to know if it is any good
I hate Rumble but that's because I find any Free for All deathmatch too damn stressful. Not a fan of CONSTANTLY worrying about enemies from every direction lol.
I'll join if there is still room. Just gotta turn on the system. Psn jtran2003.
I'm in.Got four for Crucible, including the retired-now-back Zoba, so add me (Rubenov25) or send me a msg if you want to play.
Not at all. I fist pump when I hear news like this at my house lol
Does anyone have the MG18A Harm's Way from the Vanguard? I'm thinking of buying it to replace my old void Swarm so would like to know if it is any good
got one from bungie. i still prefer my swarm, but my perks are not that great (crouching increases accuracy and kills reduce reload time...
Me! That's like 7 Central right? Gonna move all the stuff I need beforehand.I'm trying to get a group together tonight for a Flawless VoG run if anybody is down. I'm thinking around 8 PM EST? We can change the time a bit if need be.
1) hydruxo (PSN: hydruxxo) - Hunter
2) ethomaz
3) Kill_Deaf_Radio (?)
4) coolasj19 - Warlock
It turned into a warlock legendary helm!Goddammit, zewone and hydroxo!
I'm in.
No problemIt turned into a warlock legendary helm!
I just want Saint 14.thanks for the run.
I'm trying to get a group together tonight for a Flawless VoG run if anybody is down. I'm thinking around 8 PM EST? We can change the time a bit if need be.
1) hydruxo (PSN: hydruxxo) - Hunter
Vendor version is void? I got one as my bungie gift and it's pretty wonderful. Great successor to corrective measure.I don't remember what the perks are on the vendor version but I know its not crouching, I have the Against All Odds in solar and I just got Thunderlord last night so was thinking of an upgraded Void MG
Not to confuse you further, but the first segment of Crota's End is a great example of a scenario in which Explosive Rounds are actually valuable in PvE. There's almost no chance you won't hit more than one thing with every shot, not just precision kills, which can be an asset.
But yeah, in a standard "I'm shooting a headshot at one target and trying to kill it" event, it's a hindrance in PvE.
Well, Fatebringer is such a phenomenal weapon and so well-suited to Gunslinger regardless of Outlaw that it doesn't really matterI was just playing the theorycrafting out in my head a little.
haha, aw *pat pat*
I have 3, only 1 maxed. It's pretty good, and the best that I've found to use so far.
I got one from an engram with field scout. Holds 100 rounds and same stats as corrective measure. It's my go to HMG now.
Sometimes rumble games make me feel so powerful. It can happen in other playlists too, but it happens in Rumble more often. Something triggers about 2 minutes in, after I've sort of assessed the competition. And I turn into this hunter of sorts (not the class), where the moment I spawn, I start looking for my prey. And I feast, and I feast until the game is over.
Vendor version is void? I got one as my bungie gift and it's pretty wonderful. Great successor to corrective measure.
Me! That's like 7 Central right? Gonna move all the stuff I need beforehand.
I think that's 4 now?
I might be down. Put me down as a maybe.
Still looking for 1 for a fresh Crota run starting now.
2. HowDidIJustShootYou
3. Jdawg
4. Bigmanny
5. Jtran
Ps4 gdt5016
Yet another newbie question (sorry!). What's the maximum light armour can have? I'm just not sure I should be spending shards on upgrading gear that could be easily outleveled when I find a new piece.
Leading on from that, what's the fastest way to get more ascendant shards? I will be rapidly out of them if I upgrade a few times :/
Knife Juggler why am I just now realizing its superiority over the flaming knife!?
thanks. Seems like I'm doing all I can do to ascendant material then. Haven't yet ventured into any of the raids!36, but that is for Exotics and CE Raid. Vendor gear goes to 33 light. Save marks to buy a set of Vendor gear and get an exotic from Xur to take you to level 31.
If the gear doesn't have a max of 33 light, don't waste the shards on it.
Best way to get ascendant materials is the VoG raid. Next is dailies and public events.
Because you touch yourself at night.
Juggling a different type of knife.
thanks. Seems like I'm doing all I can do to ascendant material then. Haven't yet ventured into any of the raids!
I did it for my kid's 29 Warlock last week.