I'm sorry man we just filled it. My apologies for missing your post. If anyone drops before we do crota the second or third time I'll be sending u a party inv.Sorry, meant to quote this post, PSN Shokleeto
I'm sorry man we just filled it. My apologies for missing your post. If anyone drops before we do crota the second or third time I'll be sending u a party inv.Sorry, meant to quote this post, PSN Shokleeto
Destiny |OT15| Crota is now Lactose-Intolerant
that's a reasonable point. I sort of thought of all the points in Anomaly being in view of the center chamber, but that was silly. Though I would mention that Control on Exodus Blue competes only with Control on Twilight Gap for my least favorite experience in the Crucibleanomaly is heavily segmented so it will be fine. cauldron and exodus blue are smaller maps and they manage to support control.
asylum has a giant open atrium in the middle of the map and only a few safe spawn hives on each side. it can probably play a hectic clash game, but control will be a disaster.
Ohh, I get you. My bad. Yeah, the exhilaration of grabbing some Shards or Energy solo won't be so palpable. Though I'm one of the people who got a pile of energy and 2 shards, total, from that chest thus far, so it stings a bit less I suppose XDI do like the raids a lot. They're good and obvious changes. I'm lightheartedly saying I'm "not happy about it" simply because the game was giving me free stuff and now it won't. I'm not saying they shouldn't have changed it. It's more like, aw shucks, there goes my 2 stupid free chances at a Gjhallarhorn at 4am every week. It was fun.
I want it. I need it.I've been saving my Motes of Light incase I can nab me a 331 Timur's Lash. Lets do this
Yeah, it's equivalent to the Gatekeeper checkpoint in pacing terms. Though now it'll have better potential loot!All good things in my opinion though Deathsinger should've loot drop from the start since VoG has four loot drop while Crota's End has 3 at the moment.
Please no. I seem to suck quite a lot at acquiring the contents of that chest.Second chest should be the one with possible exotic drop though.
Destiny |OT15| Crota is now Lactose-Intolerant
So people will be able to take a shot at the first chest exotic on Tuesday morning before the patch hits? And then still have another chance at an exotic during the Deathsinger phase later after the patch?
well you know I'd enjoy thatDestiny |OT15| Crota is now Lactose-Intolerant
VoG is no longer useless
All good things in my opinion though Deathsinger should've loot drop from the start since VoG has four loot drop while Crota's End has 3 at the moment.
Second chest should be the one with possible exotic drop though.
I'm in. We're friends already, so shoot me an invite when you're ready!Looking for hard vog
Psn v1br4t1ons
I've been saving my Motes of Light incase I can nab me a 331 Timur's Lash. Lets do this
that's a reasonable point. I sort of thought of all the points in Anomaly being in view of the center chamber, but that was silly. Though I would mention that Control on Exodus Blue competes only with Control on Twilight Gap for my least favorite experience in the Crucible![]()
I'm sorry man we just filled it. My apologies for missing your post. If anyone drops before we do crota the second or third time I'll be sending u a party inv.
Any tears yet from the cheese fixes?
That's like one of the best things about the Destiny community. The exploits get fixed and some people cry about it while trying to learn how to do it legit.
I love this weekly update! I can see my Up For Anything right there, now I have more chances to get my warlock chest. Bungie <3
The thing is, the second chest requires a bit of teamwork and luck to get unlike the first chest which is stuck behind rng.Some people in my group ruined our chance at this checkpoint with one character this week. They didn't mean to at all, and it's no big deal. I've messed it up for myself before too. But it would be more annoying if my exotic shot was lost without begging for a checkpoint.
Putting it behind the Deathsinger checkpoint makes sense. I thought it was bizarre how that gives you nothing.
I call bullshit on that top ten heavy list!
Thanks for once again fixing issues that you deemed to be issues Bungie and not actually fixing any of the other FUCKING glitches.
I mean for fucks sake how long has the heavy ammo respawn glitch been a thing?
Anybody down for a ROC strike train? Wanna clear some of these bounties.
The thing is, the second chest requires a bit of teamwork and luck to get unlike the first chest which is stuck behind rng.
I'm wondering if they'll stick the raid class items to a chest or to Ir Yut. The VoG's class items are chest drops and they said in the update the pit chest will only give radiant mats.
Destiny |OT15| Crota's End is now Lactose-Intolerant
A lot longer than we expected or prefer. As I understand it, the heavy ammo bug is a particularly nasty little creature that could have serious impacts to some broader systems if fixed carelessly.
It is on the list, but I don't have an ETA. None of that makes it any less irritating, but that's the context.
Last update on the Queen's Wrath was it was going back to the shop for work. It...must have needed a lot of work. That or the killed it dead.
As a non-raider the update was filled with sadness. Nothing to look forward to.
A lot longer than we expected or prefer. As I understand it, the heavy ammo bug is a particularly nasty little creature that could have serious impacts to some broader systems if fixed carelessly.
It is on the list, but I don't have an ETA. None of that makes it any less irritating, but that's the context.
A lot longer than we expected or prefer. As I understand it, the heavy ammo bug is a particularly nasty little creature that could have serious impacts to some broader systems if fixed carelessly.
It is on the list, but I don't have an ETA. None of that makes it any less irritating, but that's the context.
Fixed that for you.
that's a reasonable point. I sort of thought of all the points in Anomaly being in view of the center chamber, but that was silly. Though I would mention that Control on Exodus Blue competes only with Control on Twilight Gap for my least favorite experience in the Crucible![]()
Ohh, I get you. My bad. Yeah, the exhilaration of grabbing some Shards or Energy solo won't be so palpable. Though I'm one of the people who got a pile of energy and 2 shards, total, from that chest thus far, so it stings a bit less I suppose XD
I want it. I need it.
Yeah, it's equivalent to the Gatekeeper checkpoint in pacing terms. Though now it'll have better potential loot!
Please no. I seem to suck quite a lot at acquiring the contents of that chest.
Anyone need 2nd crota chest up to crota? Then maybe a couple crota kills after that if you want to stick around.
1. Bytestyle
2. GKW212
3. Tigerheli
4. Phantom8324
2 more spots !
Same here, really good stuff there. Hoping its live after reset so we can indulge first thing next Tuesday![]()
I wasn't talking about the raid...But that ruins the joke that Crota himself, not the raid, cannot partake in dairy products.
A lot longer than we expected or prefer. As I understand it, the heavy ammo bug is a particularly nasty little creature that could have serious impacts to some broader systems if fixed carelessly.
It is on the list, but I don't have an ETA. None of that makes it any less irritating, but that's the context.
Need 1 more for Flawless VoG if anyone wants to hop in
PSN: hydruxxo
Ill joinNeed 1 more for Flawless VoG if anyone wants to hop in
PSN: hydruxxo
Thanks for once again fixing issues that you deemed to be issues Bungie and not actually fixing any of the other FUCKING glitches.
I mean for fucks sake how long has the heavy ammo respawn glitch been a thing?
A lot longer than we expected or prefer. As I understand it, the heavy ammo bug is a particularly nasty little creature that could have serious impacts to some broader systems if fixed carelessly.
It is on the list, but I don't have an ETA. None of that makes it any less irritating, but that's the context.
That's exactly what I said in a previous post. You should've gotten loot drop from ir Yut from the beginning and second chest definitely should've been the exotic chest from the start.They should've made the second chest have a chance for exotics and just have Ir Yut drop armor and mats.
I hope you understand my frustration here when I see issues like cheeses getting fixed before other (more pertinent IMO) issues get resolved.
Appreciate the response.
I'll take Ir Yut dropping stuff over the first chest dropping exotics.