Well since solo-ing is almost guarantee to be over, if any low levels wants free CE goodies, I'll help you out.
My Titan is level seven right now. Be up to 27-30 tomorrow or over the weekend. Can you carry me later on?
If you're still up for helping out tomorrow or over the weekend, I'd love to try and get my level 27 Hunter some CE gear. Deleted my 2nd warlock to create him and not looking forward to the grind for marks and gear all over again.
And me?We'd love to have you.![]()
I'm gonna try to have a main group and have one new person on each episode I think. Plus if anyone in main group can't make it I'll ask for volunteers.
We'd love to have you.![]()
Xur will sell anything but Gjallarhorn tomorrow. Those hoping for Gjallarhorn are going to be disappointed yet again.
I'm hoping for a Suros.
I'm hoping for a Suros.
My Titan is level seven right now. Be up to 27-30 tomorrow or over the weekend. Can you carry me later on?
Fine! I didn't wanted to join your stupid podcast anyway! I'll go make my own podcast with the Ninja Turtles!
Apparently I have to be a turtle to join the Ninja Turtles. Can you guys pick me up? It's scary down here in the sewer. I didn't meant anything I said about the podcast. Pwease~of course
Wait, DestinyGAF has a podcast? I've barely played the game or followed this thread in the last few weeks so I didn't know?
Is there a link to it?
Fine! I didn't wanted to join your stupid podcast anyway! I'll go make my own podcast with the Ninja Turtles!
Apparently I have to be a turtle to join the Ninja Turtles. Can you guys pick me up? It's scary down here in the sewer. I didn't meant anything I said about the podcast. Pwease~
Wait, DestinyGAF has a podcast? I've barely played the game or followed this thread in the last few weeks so I didn't know?
Is there a link to it?
I feel a little light headed when I look at the listens count for first episode of the mythocast.
I can't.
You can expect episode 2 to be released Sunday night or Monday night probably. I'm working 60 hours a week now so I won't be able to get a group together until Sunday this week instead of Saturday. I'll make sure the sound quality is better this time as well.
Thanks to everyone who listened to the first episode and the people who very generously offered their suggestions to make it better. I want to make sure that this podcast is great quality and enjoyable for everyone who loves destiny and podcasts.
I'll be able to help almost every day so no worries.
There's a man-eating alligator here! Save me fig! Use your potato sack to cover his eyes!Will you be okay until Sunday?
Wait, DestinyGAF has a podcast? I've barely played the game or followed this thread in the last few weeks so I didn't know?
Is there a link to it?
Smh bro. Also I just joined your NF. I don't have amy mic with me so let me know if I need to bounce if someone is joining in.
Xur will sell anything but Gjallarhorn tomorrow. Those hoping for Gjallarhorn are going to be disappointed yet again.
There's a man-eating alligator here! Save me fig! Use your potato sack to cover his eyes!
Get on that grind Deku. Then maybe Kadey can carry a couple of us in 1 group.
I got to level seven halfway to eight in 2.5 hours... What more do you want?
Toss me a grenade then. I got this. The alligator won't know what's coming.But it's locked in a vault and all my other cloaks were very expensive.
Smh bro. Also I just joined your NF. I don't have amy mic with me so let me know if I need to bounce if someone is joining in.
I got to level seven halfway to eight in 2.5 hours... What more do you want?
Toss me a grenade then. I got this. The alligator won't know what's coming.
Starting a weekly 30, join if you'd like. Don't have my mic on at the moment.
PSN - Dr_LawyerCop
Lol all good man. Thanks for the help!
Sweet. Did you ever get the Gorgon CP you were looking for?
Sorry. Gator already tore it to pieces. I can give you the shard it dropped of you want.Throw me up your praxic fire. Its getting all dirty down there. I will take it to the dry cleaners.
You started another character? How come?
You had a Titan before no?
No I haven't.
Everybody is talking about getting/not getting heavy ammo drops with Ruin Wings. I still get a lot without it so I'm F it. Helm of Saint is more useful and Inmost light setup looks cooler anyway.
No I haven't.
Everybody is talking about getting/not getting heavy ammo drops with Ruin Wings. I still get a lot without it so I'm F it. Helm of Saint is more useful and Inmost light setup looks cooler anyway.
No I haven't.
Everybody is talking about getting/not getting heavy ammo drops with Ruin Wings. I still get a lot without it so I'm F it. Helm of Saint is more useful and Inmost light setup looks cooler anyway.
I'm here now with Gorgons HM. Come join me on coyquettish.
Weekly 30? Want coins and rep. a_javierp!
Toss me a grenade then. I got this. The alligator won't know what's coming.
Patched what we expected them to patch in CE, glad VoG exotics made the cut. Absolute bullshit that heavy ammo bug is still no where to be seen, or additional vault space, or legendary engrams decrypting into nearly worthless ass materials, or how magically blues barely ever roll purples oh so conveniently right as rahool got level nerfed.
They claim they don't want unforeseen consequences with fixing the ammo bug, but that is horseshit. They have been absolutely fine patching out exploits that have unforeseen negative consequences for players. All they care about is making the grind as slow as possible. Heavy ammo glitch is of zero benefit to the player, so they give 1/8 of a fuck about fixing that. I would love for once to see a large patch that fixes issues without simultaneously introducing nerfs or other changes that do nothing other than increase the grind. Improve your game, chasing your tail fixing exploits does very little to make the game more fun.
Fixed CE will be exploited, hard mode will be exploited, every strike and raid they ever release will be exploited so long as there is always the overwhelming demand to exploit Destiny back for fucking you over with endless grind and shit RNG.