Byron Bluth
The only cheese I've used is the bridge because it is so god damn easy. It is so hard not to do it. Despawn and snipe. Like. Fuck. It's the cheesiest cheese that ever cheesed in all the land of cheese.
Is 323 vs 331 really worth it?
Its not the hardest weapon in the game to get anymore? Whats the point of buffing it?
Looking for one for Flawless Raider. We had a person leave unexpectedly.
PSN ID: SlenderBeans
Is 323 vs 331 really worth it?
323 isn't worth it. If you have the 300 version then yeah.
I think I'm going to make a new warlock and try and get in on some goodies before the patch. Just have to get to 20 and then I'm instantly 31.
323 isn't worth it. If you have the 300 version then yeah.
I think I'm going to make a new warlock and try and get in on some goodies before the patch. Just have to get to 20 and then I'm instantly 31.
So my impressions playing tonight after not touching this game since early October.
- Shooting is still tight as ever
- engrams seem to have a bit more of a glow to them which is nice
- no more shitty materials for upgrading the lower stuff was really nice. I jumped from level 24 to 25 just spending some glimmer
- team speak in crucible is good to see
- no matchmaking on weekly strikesbut I guess it's easy to find people here to pair up with
I can definitely see liking this more now.
Going to do some glimmer farming in VoG. Fireteam is open. You can also join from party chat. PSN: MiniMe637
Dedicated! I'm still missing the CE helm and chest (have fully leveled exotics for both spots though I'd rather use an exotic chest) one day I'll get to 32!
Wait peoples Vex's obtained before that patch that made it 323 remained 300?
Wait peoples Vex's obtained before that patch that made it 323 remained 300?
Dat 3.11 % difference is worth it![]()
I maxed mine with ass energy to 300 right before the patch and it went to 323 after
Yeah post when you are on and team up with some Gaffers! It is most certainly the best way to play besides a full group of RL friends!
Yeah it's still dumb to me that it was 323 in the first place, because it was only the top dmg amount for just a few weeks until TDB came out. They should bump it up to 331.Ok cool. I hope if the Vex does get a 331 buff that it is done in the same way.
I honestly doubt it will be buffed like that. They would have mentioned it. The Vex is an exotic but an exclusively VoG one and they said Exotics.
Yeah it's still dumb to me that it was 323 in the first place, because it was only the top dmg amount for just a few weeks until TDB came out. They should bump it up to 331.
I'll hop in for a bit. No mic tonight though. Dr_LawyerCop
331 version? Congrats!!!
No actually. Gorgon chest. There for a few minutes Id anyone wants it
Is this like watching a college graduation lol?
Maybe so!
Atheon is kicking their asses right now, but they're starting to get their groove on. I predict 2-4 more wipes then success.
Come on Xurrrrr
Sorry guys, it's gonna be NLB
I think it will be a few more than 2-4, that section is very tricky for the uninitiated, but they will get it. It is fun watching newbies go through it and learn from their mistakes. It takes me back to my first time and feeling so lost.
Don't even joke about that. I have zero hope for Gjallarhorn, but if it is going to be a repeat, make it Ice Breaker.
Something new would be nice too. Hard Light anyone?
Yeah this doesn't work as well with two. Still making some decent progress.
Yeah our first run we wiped a good 20 times. Everyone is learning their roles, which is fun to watch. They've gotten through 3 teleport/return cycles and had Atheon halfway down, which I think means they're getting over the hump.
Three wipes now. Yeah. It's going to be a while. :lol
(Which is unfortunate since her bedtime was an hour ago.)
2 hawkmoons in a row from gorgon chest...
I'm sorry
Yeah our first run we wiped a good 20 times. Everyone is learning their roles, which is fun to watch. They've gotten through 3 teleport/return cycles and had Atheon halfway down, which I think means they're getting over the hump.
Three wipes now. Yeah. It's going to be a while. :lol
(Which is unfortunate since her bedtime was an hour ago.)
Don't even joke about that. I have zero hope for Gjallarhorn, but if it is going to be a repeat, make it Ice Breaker.
Something new would be nice too. Hard Light anyone?
It's depressingFucking Dead Orbit, stop giving me ass shards and energy
Going to do some glimmer farming in VoG. Fireteam is open. You can also join from party chat. PSN: MiniMe637
Thanx for letting me join. But I was not seeing any orbs? It would say you created orbs, but I couldn't see of pick up any. Did you see any of the ones I generated? That was really weird. I also had all my weapons on my alt since I thought we would just chain supers...