They work, you just need a massive amount of bounties to turn in for the surge in XP. Other than that, they sorta suck.
They're a Sugar pill created by the cryptarch
They work, you just need a massive amount of bounties to turn in for the surge in XP. Other than that, they sorta suck.
I usually start towards the right direction then look back to make sure they're moving. I won't actually start until at least one other person does.I won't move on a ROC strike until the other two people have both moved
dropouts are too common and Bungie should institute a way to punish repeat offenders
What. Seriously? How does that not make it the game's best gun?
Finally used my coins on an exotic. Lesson learned. When reviews of exotics state they're good for PVP and not PVE, listen to the reviews. The Last Word is a terrible PVE weapon. I went right back to The Chance. But I am happy now about having a viable PVP weapon.
Thorn shoots spikes. Huh. Didn't notice that before.
Did you level the gun up? It's not a great gun in PVE by any means, but it's still super fun to use once you unlock the stability upgrade.
Anyone for VoG Hard mode in about an hour?
Anyone for VoG Hard mode in about an hour?
Sure. PSN ArkkAngel007 if you don't have me on FL yet.
I have done everything else in the game except for the strike playlists.
How do the rewards from the ROC playlist work? Are there good rewards? Can you do them over and over or is there a weekly reset for those rewards as well?
Is there anyway to rank up Eris outside of her daily bounties?
The rewards can be any exotic weapon, legendary engram, legendary ships, rare engrams, rare weapons, rare armor, rare shader, rare class item.
You are guaranteed at least two rewards and at the very least one of the rewards will be a rare engram.
You can do them as many times as you like. There is no cap, but all the drops are RNG.
Better fusion rifle:
Raid Fusion Rifle or Murmur?
Finally, reached full power:
I also have a Saint-14 and soon the Skullfort at +36 Light to use as well.
Better fusion rifle:
Raid Fusion Rifle or Murmur?
Better fusion rifle:
Raid Fusion Rifle or Murmur?
I like Light of the Abyss more than Murmur. I use it for PvP and PvE.
Yeah... little one-off "hey I bet you can-" scenarios taking place during transitions like this are almost never accounted for, it's just not worth the effort since it can only occur onceYou guys are giving them way too much credit. The amount of people who are going to double dip on this one occasion will be minuscule. It's not worth the effort to program it. If you guys don't want to partake, that's fine.
The range is actually not ridiculous compared to the truly ridiculous ones in terms of range. What LotA has is an off-the-charts charge and fire rate, along with decent everything else. it's insane in PvP.Raid one seems to have ridiculous range in PVP.
I know! It sucks. Mind you we're both 30+ year-old adults. And the worst part is, he has a box of Kleenex right on his desk. >_<
Better fusion rifle:
Raid Fusion Rifle or Murmur?
Thank you very much for the information. Sounds like a great place to grind if you have finished all the weekly reset stuff
Any exotic armour every drop there (or exotic engrams)?
Yeah... little one-off "hey I bet you can-" scenarios taking place during transitions like this are almost never accounted for, it's just not worth the effort since it can only occur once
The range is actually not ridiculous compared to the truly ridiculous ones in terms of range. What LotA has is an off-the-charts charge and fire rate, along with decent everything else. it's insane in PvP.
edit: Murmur can become a solar fusion rifle at will and LotA can't though
Got the best drop from killing Crota.
3 Energy and a ship. Woohoo!
The mida speed boost is more significant if you have the exotic perk. It's an additional movement speed increase stacked on top of the agility buff. But yeah, it's very situational.
I don't think the IB agility boost is anywhere near as good as the MIDA's.
I prefer the MIDA over the VoC straight up by a solid margin. Third-eye is great, stagger is great, namesake perk makes it fire as fast as Suros with scout rifle impact and range.
But, as you said, VoC doesn't take up an exotic slot which is highly valuable in and of itself.
Got the best drop from killing Crota.
3 Energy and a ship. Woohoo!
need 1 more for lvl30 weekly, anyone?
Anyone down for a Crota kill or 3?
1. Frostburn - PSN: US-Frostburn
Quote and add your name / PSN to the list. Will start as soon as list is full.
better than 2 shards...
I'd totally take 2 shards over that. I'd much rather be able to level up my armor than have all that energy to level up the weapons I don't have.
Anyone down for a Crota kill or 3?
1. Frostburn - PSN: US-Frostburn
2. Death4romabove22
3. Jtran2003
Quote and add your name / PSN to the list. Will start as soon as list is full.
Psn death4romabove22 I'm down
Anyone down for a Crota kill or 3?
1. Frostburn - PSN: US-Frostburn
alt: PSN: ms1582
Quote and add your name / PSN to the list. Will start as soon as list is full.
Anyone down for a Crota kill or 3?
1. Frostburn - PSN: US-Frostburn
2. death4romabove22
3. jTran2003
4. Moris - PSN: ms1582
5. Ji66a-Man - PSN: Ji66a_Man
6. PSN - lD3vilGoodl
Quote and add your name / PSN to the list. Will start as soon as list is full.
Anyone planning on running VoG Hard tonight? At least Atheon? I'd like to get in another three shots at him this weekend (I still don't have the Vex).
Ah ok, cool. I just like that VoC allows me to keep IB in and I love having solar burn on a primary, so useful between wizards, kabal, and some harpys. I guess it will come down to finding a legendary special weapon I really love so I feel ok with using exotic on primary most of the time. I'm a precision guy so snipers are infinitely more preferable to me than fusion rifles and shotguns. I guess I can level up MIDA just in case and I should probably max the top Scout Rifles in the game on principle anyway haha