I know I take these things too seriously, but even I have my limits haha. We'll just have to beat that time then.
There's a smaller collection of dedicated PvP players here compared to PvE but they are always looking for more people interested in Crucible. Hop aboard a team sometime for total domination (e.g. 20k-1.8k control match yesterday). Double digit k/d's are quite common on those teams.
Honestly I have no idea but it makes the most sense to me that, as long as you totally avoided DS phase, you wouldn't interfere with the loot drop post patch. It would be surprising if they programmed in something to account for this one-time event of pre/post patch. Considering you will still get at least 3 exotic chances either way it seems like a risk worth taking.
To skip DS completely: Keep someone logged in before reset, chilling at the Crota CP. Have someone else log out and back in after reset then join the other guy at the Crota CP. First guy logs out/back in and rejoins, share the CP on at least two other alts, kill him 3 times, ????, profit. Worked like a charm last week.