Oh shit I missed Xur this week. He didn't have icebreaker for sale, did he? I'd die lol.
Never doing VoG with randoms... Ever, usually I decline, but I said what the hell
People kept dying to stupid shit (They couldn't pass Conflux)
Someone melee killed a fanatic, got cursed, doesn't go to middle, to scared to die...
1 man down I go, "3 left 2 right I'll go right with so and so you three stay to the left", guess what? 2 join my side and 1 person on left gets overwhelmed and dies
3rd wave of conflux, only 3 of us, I tell someone to stay behind cover cause they were right in front blocking the middle conflux with their body while Templar was lobbing bomb after bomb their way
4 wipes later, I quit
How can you be this bad, really meleeing a fanatic and not going to the middle for a cleanse
Not listening
People want Matchmaking Raid LOL
Oh shit I missed Xur this week. He didn't have icebreaker for sale, did he? I'd die lol.
Never doing VoG with randoms... Ever, usually I decline, but I said what the hell
People kept dying to stupid shit (They couldn't pass Conflux)
Someone melee killed a fanatic, got cursed, doesn't go to middle, to scared to die...
1 man down I go, "3 left 2 right I'll go right with so and so you three stay to the left", guess what? 2 join my side and 1 person on left gets overwhelmed and dies
3rd wave of conflux, only 3 of us, I tell someone to stay behind cover cause they were right in front blocking the middle conflux with their body while Templar was lobbing bomb after bomb their way
4 wipes later, I quit
How can you be this bad, really meleeing a fanatic and not going to the middle for a cleanse
Not listening
People want Matchmaking Raid LOL
I used to be in the "Matchmaking option wouldn't hurt" team...it'll hurt. Glad Bungie is sticking to their guns.Never doing VoG with randoms... Ever, usually I decline, but I said what the hell
People kept dying to stupid shit (They couldn't pass Conflux)
Someone melee killed a fanatic, got cursed, doesn't go to middle, to scared to die...
1 man down I go, "3 left 2 right I'll go right with so and so you three stay to the left", guess what? 2 join my side and 1 person on left gets overwhelmed and dies
3rd wave of conflux, only 3 of us, I tell someone to stay behind cover cause they were right in front blocking the middle conflux with their body while Templar was lobbing bomb after bomb their way
4 wipes later, I quit
How can you be this bad, really meleeing a fanatic and not going to the middle for a cleanse
Not listening
People want Matchmaking Raid LOL
Never doing VoG with randoms... Ever, usually I decline, but I said what the hell
People kept dying to stupid shit (They couldn't pass Conflux)
Someone melee killed a fanatic, got cursed, doesn't go to middle, to scared to die...
1 man down I go, "3 left 2 right I'll go right with so and so you three stay to the left", guess what? 2 join my side and 1 person on left gets overwhelmed and dies
3rd wave of conflux, only 3 of us, I tell someone to stay behind cover cause they were right in front blocking the middle conflux with their body while Templar was lobbing bomb after bomb their way
4 wipes later, I quit
How can you be this bad, really meleeing a fanatic and not going to the middle for a cleanse
Not listening
People want Matchmaking Raid LOL
Gaf is lactose intolerant! I've heard a lot of horror stories from people who wasted an hour or more with LFG groups who couldn't even cheese properly, haha. It takes 2 swords either way, cheesing or just using Lv32 with a decent team. Crota kills should be 10 minutes or less even with a wipe or two.
I have 197 axiomatic beads... What glimmer cap?
Crota's End raid from beginning. PSN is btkadams on PS4. Need 4 more.
1. btkadams
2. ocean
I want a comic/book/film/anything detailing everything from before our Guardians' time.Thought people in here might find this interesting. This is what the Speaker didn't have time to tell you.
The Complete Destiny Timeline of Significant Events
Marionberry me if old.
Crota's End raid from beginning. PSN is btkadams on PS4. Need 4 more.
1. btkadams
2. ocean
Crota's End raid from beginning. PSN is btkadams on PS4. Need 4 more.
1. btkadams
2. ocean
Crota's End raid from beginning. PSN is btkadams on PS4. Need 1 more.
1. btkadams
2. ocean
3. Daraman
4. TKRunningRiot
5. Daryll_M_R
What is your PSN?I'm down.
Looking at Eidolon Ally, I just realize that it goes up to 324.
Will Necrochasm be 331 like most Exotic weapons or will it be a bit higher than that like Vex Mythoclast was just before The Dark Below?
Should've been like Vex Mythoclast...Pictures maxed show its 331.
What is your PSN?
I hear you. I don't play with randoms either and I'm sure I'm not as good as you at the game... So I can understand your frustration.
That said, it's a video game, some people just suck at video games and that's ok.
Should've been like Vex Mythoclast...
Looking at Eidolon Ally, I just realize that it goes up to 324.
Will Necrochasm be 331 like most Exotic weapons or will it be a bit higher than that like Vex Mythoclast was just before The Dark Below?
You do realize we have to wait till Hard Raid and earn "Crux of Crota" and use it on our Eidolon Ally so it becomes a Nechrochasm and 331....
I was just making an observation and yes, I knew that for weeks.
I'll work with you if you listen, I'll take multiple wipes to get it done
I forgot the worst one to post was 1 dude kept having a conversation with someone not paying attention to their duties
They kept their mic on, so if I was calling out stuff, it was getting drowned out/mixed into convo
I would be like 2 Minotaurs coming up middle, 10 seconds after is legion phase, guy just blabbering something stupid to his friend or s/o, laughing, dies in the process to Minotaur punch from the back, cause he was too busy to pay attention
I even called them on it, but they did it again, which was not helping with the other stuff, so I left
This is why I don't want matchmaking in Raids, cause if this is just a morsel of how it is, most people queuing up for it will have sour experiences and ask Bungie for nerfs or somehow throw shade at Bungie for creating a shitty experience which they have no part of, because it's a user experience with other users
I swear to god one person was in awe of my Eris Rank 4 emblem/shader, confused how I got it, i explained it to them how with double bounty, yet they kept asking me to help them out by waking up @4am and "do bounties together..."
Fuck off with that noise!
It can't go any higher than 331, cause we wont' get the most out of it
If we are 32 and Nechro is say 350, it will doo Damage up to level 35 enemies but with us being 3 levels back
Sorry, didn't see the edit till I refreshed the page. I just thought Bungie would make the Raid exotic exclusive a bit more powerful than other exotics. Then again, Vex is harder to get than Husk of the Pit.I edited!
The reason Vex Mytho jumps to 323 is cause with us being 32 it matches up still
Great till CE HM enters into the mix, then it need to be pegged down just a little so a new weapon like Nechrochasm is sought after
Need 1 more for crota raid on PS4. PSN is btkadams.
Sent an invite! Says your offline at the moment thoughi can join
I'll work with you if you listen, I'll take multiple wipes to get it done
I forgot the worst one to post was 1 dude kept having a conversation with someone not paying attention to their duties
They kept their mic on, so if I was calling out stuff, it was getting drowned out/mixed into convo
I would be like 2 Minotaurs coming up middle, 10 seconds after is legion phase, guy just blabbering something stupid to his friend or s/o, laughing, dies in the process to Minotaur punch from the back, cause he was too busy to pay attention
I even called them on it, but they did it again, which was not helping with the other stuff, so I left
This is why I don't want matchmaking in Raids, cause if this is just a morsel of how it is, most people queuing up for it will have sour experiences and ask Bungie for nerfs or somehow throw shade at Bungie for creating a shitty experience which they have no part of, because it's a user experience with other users
I swear to god one person was in awe of my Eris Rank 4 emblem/shader, confused how I got it, i explained it to them how with double bounty, yet they kept asking me to help them out by waking up @4am and "do bounties together..."
Fuck off with that noise!
I'll push you over the fenceI used to be in the "Matchmaking option wouldn't hurt" team...it'll hurt. Glad Bungie is sticking to their guns.
However, for Weeklies/Nightfalls im still on the fence.
I'll join. Psn: Haybro_Need one more for a full GAF Roc Strike team if anyone cares to join.
Sent an invite! Says your offline at the moment though
I'll need a few minutes to get sorted but am up for this. Will join you when I am ready.Need one more for a full GAF Roc Strike team if anyone cares to join.
I'll push you over the fence. Matchmaking should absolutely be at least an option for weeklies and nightfall, especially since the patch that makes them significantly more difficult/tedius to solo. They are the same content as the strike playlists...
Didn't stop Vex Mythoclast from being buffed to 323 before The Dark Below dropped.It can't go any higher than 331, cause we wont' get the most out of it
If we are 32 and Nechro is say 350, it will doo Damage up to level 35 enemies but with us being 3 levels back
Asshole Bungie servers giving me Cacao, Baboon, Chicken, Rabbit, every goddamn error imaginable while trying to join a Crota fire team. Told them to find a 6th because I didn't want to hold them back.
As Murphy and Rahool would have it....as soon as they have their 6th, no more errors for me![]()
I mean, you could have taken off whatever faction class armor you were wearing.... lol. Secret Handshake is great but not a huge deal since FV still rocks faces in Crucible.