Never doing VoG with randoms... Ever, usually I decline, but I said what the hell
People kept dying to stupid shit (They couldn't pass Conflux)
Someone melee killed a fanatic, got cursed, doesn't go to middle, to scared to die...
1 man down I go, "3 left 2 right I'll go right with so and so you three stay to the left", guess what? 2 join my side and 1 person on left gets overwhelmed and dies
3rd wave of conflux, only 3 of us, I tell someone to stay behind cover cause they were right in front blocking the middle conflux with their body while Templar was lobbing bomb after bomb their way
4 wipes later, I quit
How can you be this bad, really meleeing a fanatic and not going to the middle for a cleanse
Not listening
People want Matchmaking Raid LOL