That is Bungie's problem for putting SO MUCH stuff in the DLC though ah ah ah.Why put that much effort into something that only a minority of players would use though? Especially when they want you to buy the new DLC in order to get new gear?
That is Bungie's problem for putting SO MUCH stuff in the DLC though ah ah ah.Why put that much effort into something that only a minority of players would use though? Especially when they want you to buy the new DLC in order to get new gear?
That's not how it works from a business standpoint. The playing buying the game + Dark below has the right to enjoy the content of the DLC as soon as possible.
From a game design standpoint, it's also much better to have more player at the new level to find groups easily.
That would be incredibly stupid to make a new player buying The game and its 2 expansions and to make him wait 5 - 6 months of grind to be at House of Wolves level IF HE IS LUCKY.
I'm all for making old content relevant, but gating progression the way you suggest doesn't help players who have invested a lot of time anyways.
I'll explain. If what you're suggesting is players buy 27 Light vanilla Legendaries so they can enter VoG, then get VoG armor so they can hit 30, then use that to get into CE and hit 32 so they can run HoW content....then the old raids are still made irrelevant by the new ones.
A more interesting approach IMO would be to update old Raids with new levels or modifiers and give them a chance to offer updated gear with the new stats.
Imagine an Epic VoG, level 32, with shielded enemies and maybe Lightswitch or something, giving 36 Light armor. We'd be running CE and VoG with the same enthusiasm instead of using the old raid solely for nostalgia drops (obsolete weapons and armor).
yup, majorly annoying that VoG armor that we spent countless hours trying to win became instantly shit-tier when the DLC arrived :/
would have wanted to still keep using that cool looking VoG helmet...
Its way better than Crota.
You can legit solo Crota on Normal. I mean, that's just ridiculous.i definitely think atheon involves more of the team than crota
my experience with crota is having one person who knows how to use the sword while several other people use gjallahorn and other people try not to get in the way
I understand where you are coming from honestly. This game is PURE grinding. Repeat the same missions and strikes over again. Kinda burnt out as of now. The only reason I will continue to play the game is due to the communityI enjoy playing with you guys at random hours in the morning haha
I dont think Bungie know what they are doing. They nail the core gun play IMO and the raids are some of the best coop experiences. But everything else is a massive mess.
Well, the biggest issue is that the VoG gear became worthless three months after the game came out and almost instantly when the DLC dropped. I could understand if it were WoW, where the the raids stick around for half a year or more.yup, majorly annoying that VoG armor that we spent countless hours trying to win became instantly shit-tier when the DLC arrived :/
would have wanted to still keep using that cool looking VoG helmet...
Hell I'd settle for a limited event. One week only, VoG Epic L.33. Nightfall, Lightswitch and a burn.
Reward: one token. Your pick for a single 331 attack VoG weapon. Bungie servers explode.
Ok, I see what you're saying in terms of making all the Raids relevant to new players instead of making them obsolete. It's sort of the same issue though. It's having one Raid replacing the next in such a way that there is only one active, relevant Raid at any given time - both for new players who will skip the old ones and legacy players who won't come back to them.No, they don't. The content is specifically post-30 content so they'll get to see it when they're post-30.
This is the part I can reasonably see the push back against but my response is basically just: I don't care. If the time between expansions is long enough then that really won't even be a problem.
Again, I already addressed your point about this in my response earlier to you. I have a big giant ol' caveat around this whole thing saying that they need to fix the RNG wall. Ideally, you would only need to run the raid at most 4 or 5 times total to be fully geared out and ready to move on to the next tier (just sort of throwing a random number out). This isn't even considering that with a tier above you that you won't even need to have every piece of raid gear to move on since there will be people above you that can fill in the gaps in the raid group.
Well, true, it doesn't directly help people already at the cap. I've said it respects Legacy players time investments but, yes, specifically with Destiny, we'd still only have one raid at each tier of content. That's a content problem though and not what I'm addressing.
Making the "lower tiers" of content relevant doesn't mean making it relevant to end-game players. It means making it relevant for new players. New players will always have to at least see Vault of Glass and complete it before moving on to Crota's End (in my ideal scenario). Currently, they don't have to and once House of Wolves shows up, they probably won't have to see Crota's End either.
This is something that should already be in the works.
That is to say, I agree with you about this but I sort of assumed this was a given. Vault of Glass *is* irrelevant to end-game players at the moment. You can see it as a problem, but I don't think it is a glaring one in a vacuum.
It *is* a glaring one, though, because of Destiny's content problem. End game players only have one raid to worry about. So, yah, it's getting boring for us, too.
But this is an entirely different problem than what I'm addressing. Okay, maybe not entirely different. They're related somewhat but not what I keep going back to (which is keeping content progression even throughout the games' lifecycle).
There can never be enough lesbian bears. But I think I just like saying lesbian bears.
I didn't want to do this but...what? HahaLesbian bears FTW
Again that's not how business works. The only way players would have accepted that is if Dark Below content was a free DLC. They paid for this content, so they have the right of playing it off the bat.No, they don't. The content is specifically post-30 content so they'll get to see it when they're post-30.
Well, the biggest issue is that the VoG gear became worthless three months after the game came out and almost instantly when the DLC dropped. I could understand if it were WoW, where the the raids stick around for half a year or more.
I didn't want to do this but...what? Haha
I didn't want to do this but...what? Haha
Fatebringer at 331 mmmmHell I'd settle for a limited event. One week only, VoG Epic L.33. Nightfall, Lightswitch and a burn.
Reward: one token. Your pick for a single 331 attack VoG weapon. Bungie servers explode.
I think that's the plan so far, we'll know soon after reset if this woks or not. As for Hawkmoon, having recently maxed's worth rolling the dice for. Keep grinding my friend.Why isn't it Tuesday yet, I need my chances at Hawkmoon already!
So what's everyone plans for raiding tomorrow, especially all us reset raiders. Many believe that the patch will hit later in the day, so the exotic chest should still be available in the morning.
Grab chest, finish raid, wait for patch, finish raid again for Deathsinger loots?
How is raid gear with perks that benefit me killing oracles and minotaurs/vex going to help me in Crota's End against the hive?yeah, all Raid gear should auto-level to match the latest updates or be able to be upgraded at Xur or to keep them relevant. This way you could choose what design and features you like and get/keep the older, still unique, Raid armor.
Why isn't it Tuesday yet, I need my chances at Hawkmoon already!
So what's everyone plans for raiding tomorrow, especially all us reset raiders. Many believe that the patch will hit later in the day, so the exotic chest should still be available in the morning.
Grab chest, finish raid, wait for patch, finish raid again for Deathsinger loots?
What the actual fuck did I just read
Camp in Crota checkpoint before reset, someone after the reset takes my checkpoint do Crota 3 times, do everything up to Deathsinger 3 times, hopefully profit.
Will the chest still be there in the morning? I hope so. Wouldn't mind getting disappointed one more time with shards
Someone drop a link to episode 2 podcast please
How is raid gear with perks that benefit me killing oracles and minotaurs/vex going to help me in Crota's End against the hive?
How is raid gear with perks that benefit me killing oracles and minotaurs/vex going to help me in Crota's End against the hive?
Oh you were on the podcast too? OK I definitely need to get on there nowWe did the podcast, but it didnt
That's a great idea! I will do this! Just need to find someone willing to give out the CP now.
Why isn't it Tuesday yet, I need my chances at Hawkmoon already!
So what's everyone plans for raiding tomorrow, especially all us reset raiders. Many believe that the patch will hit later in the day, so the exotic chest should still be available in the morning.
Grab chest, finish raid, wait for patch, finish raid again for Deathsinger loots?
I wouldn't mind actual gear made just for the crucible with special crucible statswell of course those unique perks are less useful there and viceversa. But you could atleast have a choice in what to wear and all would give max light level.
And i already have Nightfall -gear separate from my Regular -gear and Crucible -gear. Wouldn't mind a few Raid -gear loadouts.
Well, Fatebringer is still the best Weapon to bring in CE, so...
Cool that's what we can do with tomorrows run, 3 raids under an hour would be great
I would not run the deathsinger portion of the raid just to be sure.
Just checking are you in for the run straight after reset 3 times like last week, starting from crota ?
Insurmountable Skullfort looks so cool with sunsetting. It's become my PvP helmet of choice now too. I can run my extended lightning grenade/aftermath build without losing on transfusion on melee/shoulder charge kill.
I'm in, no problem.
Do we have a full group yet, or will we need a few spots to fill still for tomorrow?
Wait what!? Shader doesn´t change my helmet at all - why?
My Titan just has that extra swag about her.
Me and a friend came to this conclusion yesterday too. I must have a special kind of Skullfort (it changes colour with all shaders). My guess is just that there are two versions out there, one that gets altered with shaders and one that doesn't. I got mine from Nightfall I think.
I mean I´m happy for you, but has this ever been confirmed?
Some exotics will be altered and some wont?
My Voidfang Vestments change with shaders but I don't know if they all do or I got a swag glitch too.WTF!
I mean I´m happy for you, but has this ever been confirmed?
Some exotics will be altered and some wont?
I honestly don't know, I was pretty stumped about it too. It might be female vs male Titan thing where it only changes colour on females and not males (my friend had a male Titan too, mine is female). Can anyone else check this theory?
My Voidfang Vestments change with shaders but I don't know if they all do or I got a swag glitch too.
I mean I´m happy for you, but has this ever been confirmed?
Some exotics will be altered and some wont?
Good theory!
Also the lights on my Helmet seem to have a slightly different color.