everyday math
PSA: It seems like Zoba banned himself. He's probably not gonna be back anytime soon. From what he told me.
There's a story to that. I still don't get tired of hearing it.I'm curious... Are you actually a mathematician? Or in a similar field? Or at least interested in physics?
You don't even like math do you?
I'm curious... Are you actually a mathematician? Or in a similar field? Or at least interested in physics?
You don't even like math do you?
Pick up game or groupWhat the hell does PUG mean???
....sensei is dead to me nowPSA: It seems like Zoba banned himself. He's probably not gonna be back anytime soon. From what he told me.
+ combustion
Any regular crucible train starting in 1-2 hours? I'm about to head to the gym but I've been beasting on kids in crucible and I want to keep this up. People really underestimate my level 22 Sunlock.
Last game I got 37 kills with a 4.11 k/d and the closest person after me only got 12 kills. . he was level 7 (430 grimoire card). . my back hurts from carrying these teams.
There are gunslingers that don't use combustion?
My life has been a lie this whole time...
While searching for Everyday Math, I came across SmokeMathEveryday and IStillHateMath
YOU, you did fine for your time. We spent WAY too long letting the other guy try it, and it just spoiled the encounter as a whole.
I fully agree that me running GHorn, and all that made a massive difference, and know you could do the same given just a few more runs.
(BTW, I know for a fact that you have done the raid legit, so you aren't even on the frustration list)
That run was a nightmare for both of us, if not all involved lol.
I want to run Crota with you, and have you get use to sword bearing, because us hunters gotta stick together.
Does anyone know if all the gorgons have ever been alerted at once?
i think you are on my friends list but if not and you are still grinding at about 530 PST add me.
anyone have an estimate for today with all buffs how long to go from Lvl 4 to LVL 5 in IB?
Absolutely. I didn't need the kill, and felt weird ordering your friends around (especially since I haven't killed him yet). I didn't realize that you needed the drop until it was too late to right the ship. Some day I'll get to run it in a group where I know everyone, and they all have experience.
PSA: It seems like Zoba banned himself. He's probably not gonna be back anytime soon. From what he told me.
Could bealt accounts
Absolutely. I didn't need the kill, and felt weird ordering your friends around (especially since I haven't killed him yet). I didn't realize that you needed the drop until it was too late to right the ship. Some day I'll get to run it in a group where I know everyone, and they all have experience.
Would enjoy that or being part of that. You guys both rock.Shoot, We could 2 man Crota if we do it right.
I don't mind running it with you sometime just to critique you into a Crota killing machine.
Hawkmoon is ADS unless they're right up in your face
thorn is pretty bad hipfire , but you can actually pull a quick shot up close and one-punch weaker dudes.... one more thorn shot after if your unlucky... of course the better option is to have your close quarters secondary out but that's not always feasible.
The ineptitude of randoms in PvP had gotten too much for him to handle.
There are gunslingers that don't use combustion?
Just had a rumble match on Blind Watch where a Guy would hide under the broken ceiling between a and b, and then his friend would jump down to him to get killed. Worst part is he fucking won by doing that. I always spawned at the C part so I could never get over there in time.
On another note, after only using full auto weapons like Suros and Vex in PvP, I decided to try the Hawkmoon. Holy shit its fun to use! Im still not that good with it, but its a lot more satisfying killing with it compared to Vex. I also tried the Thorn and its Awesome too, though I thibk I prefer the Hawkmoon. You guys using handcannons, do you hip fire with them or ads?
How many R2 hits total does it take to kill Crota as a lvl 32 sword runner? I feel like the groups I have been running with I am happy to get two hits in per down sometimes. The timing goes to shit when playing with randoms.
If I'm remember it takes 3 runs (Crota shield down) with a lvl 32... if you did one per turn then after the Ogers will you kill Crota.How many R2 hits total does it take to kill Crota as a lvl 32 sword runner? I feel like the groups I have been running with I am happy to get two hits in per down sometimes. The timing goes to shit when playing with randoms.
With Iron Banner ending, I'm just gonna get 10 more Crucible marks to hit 150 and save those for House of Wolves. Once I do get those 10 marks, I'm leaving the Crucible behind.I'm on the brink tbf.
Shoot, We could 2 man Crota if we do it right.
I don't mind running it with you sometime just to critique you into a Crota killing machine.
Would enjoy that or being part of that. You guys both rock.
Is there any better machine gun for PVP besides corrective measures?
Right now I feel like I have the ultimate PVP loadout: Hawkmoon/Secret Handshake/Corrective Measures
I still rock The Swarm. If I'm not using an exotic then I use Thunderlord. And I actually have a white machine gun I use but I don't remember the name of it, but it kills fools in like 3 shots because the impact is ridiculously high.Is there any better machine gun for PVP besides corrective measures?
Right now I feel like I have the ultimate PVP loadout: Hawkmoon/Secret Handshake/Corrective Measures
Shoot, We could 2 man Crota if we do it right.
I don't mind running it with you sometime just to critique you into a Crota killing machine.
Ok... Where are the hard atheon ppl?
PSA: It seems like Zoba banned himself. He's probably not gonna be back anytime soon. From what he told me.
I'm worried I won't be able to get the weekly done tonight on my Hunter. Can anyone help me out? I'm on remote play. PSN is Macello
There are gunslingers that don't use combustion?
My life has been a lie this whole time...
I'll need to practice jumping with my blade dancer to follow in your footsteps. Maybe I'll just leave that subclass on for a week to get used to it.
The start of a dream team right there.
I like you for the impersonations and funny, not for your GHorn. I swear.
I don't get the PVP in destiny and I don't like it but just thinking about golden gunning people and getting double kills with combustion makes me wanna run home right now and play some crucible
I'm here. I see you and Forrest doing solo stuff. I'm guessing we need 3 more?
I'm trying to get my last IB win in the meantime.
Ok. Lets dtart this list again. I think ruck found another group.
1. Silver
2. Xplicit
3. Forrest
This is for Atheon hard. Starting on the best possible checkpoint.