Narmer and I were thinking about doing some hard/normal tonight. I'll be on around 7:30 CST.
Alright I'll be on the lookout!
Narmer and I were thinking about doing some hard/normal tonight. I'll be on around 7:30 CST.
You still made NLB's everywhere proud. I wish I had one on each toon
I only use it for the heavy ammo trick
My bet is on Nexus. Been the longest since that strike I believe.
Currently looking at Destiny PS4 stats
- Guardian Lord is still at 0.1%
- Only 15.2% of the PS4 playerbase has maxed out their Crucible marks
- Relic Hunter remains the least unlocked Bronze trophy in the game with only 3.5% having unlocked it
- Flawless Raider is at 0.3%
- Clan based trophies are under 10% unlock rate (individually)
- only 2.4% has collected 50 dead ghosts
Well we didn't get Winter's Run for long ass fucking time, due to Omnigul being added in on 3 week rotation, sometimes bypassing the strike that was suppose to come up the next after and just skipped
If it's Nexus tomorrow, they would have to bypass Sepkis, Phogoth to get there
As you can see next NF in line is The Devil's Lair
Then I'm guessing Omnigul will be back with Arc burn
Then we get Nexus, Phogoth loses it's spot cause Omnigul takes it
Does any web site have a list of every NF and weekly that we have had so far?
But we didn't get the Nexus that we were "supposed to" before getting Omnigul last week. It made us "skip" two spots in the wheel...Well we didn't get Winter's Run for long ass fucking time, due to Omnigul being added in on 3 week rotation, sometimes bypassing the strike that was suppose to come up the next after and just skipped
If it's Nexus tomorrow, they would have to bypass Sepkis, Phogoth to get there
As you can see next NF in line is The Devil's Lair
Then I'm guessing Omnigul will be back with Arc burn
Then we get Nexus, Phogoth loses it's spot cause Omnigul takes it
What are the stats like over on X1 side? I'm quite curious.
I think I delivered on my promise, just took two tries though.
I'm glad you finally got it!
Don't believe axoman. It took the blood of the Lord of Thunder to drop a thunder hand cannon.
Well we didn't get Winter's Run for long ass fucking time, due to Omnigul being added in on 3 week rotation, sometimes bypassing the strike that was suppose to come up the next after and just skipped
If it's Nexus tomorrow, they would have to bypass Sepkis, Phogoth to get there
As you can see next NF in line is The Devil's Lair
Then I'm guessing Omnigul will be back with Arc burn
Then we get Nexus, Phogoth loses it's spot cause Omnigul takes it
Yep.I think we can completely ignore the wheel at this point.
Let's just hope the RNG guy now "in charge" of it is not the same one as for Xur...This is how the Nightfall wheel works now:
Question for the following team:
1 Full Normal Crota Run + 3 Total Normal Crota Kills
6:30 CST (7:30 EST)
#ForeverBlackHammerless #ForeverFullOfCrota
Is 6pm CST as originally slated last week ok for everyone?
EDIT: Just made a psn group chat, easier to communicate this
Question for the following team:
1 Full Normal Crota Run + 3 Total Normal Crota Kills
6:30 CST (7:30 EST)
#ForeverBlackHammerless #ForeverFullOfCrota
Is 6pm CST as originally slated last week ok for everyone?
EDIT: Just made a psn group chat, easier to communicate this
Does recovery stat matter in Crota fight where you can't auto-recover your health? If not should you max out your armor and agility instead?
The wheel was being followed perfectly (not counting Omnigul) until last Archon was replaced by Sepiks and now it's all guesswork.
Maybe this was intended for some reason we don't understand.
Necrochasm vs Fang of Ir Yut (Killing a level 33 Hallowed Knight)
Spoiler Alert! Necrochasm sucks so bad.
Question for the following team:
Is 6pm CST as originally slated last week ok for everyone?
EDIT: Just made a psn group chat, easier to communicate this
Looking through that google doc that was posted, it took Archon 3 months roughly 12 weeks of NF rotation for it to appear
Last time we saw it was in Mid-November
Peeps running VoG HM; I have been getting a relic glitch at the final phase of the Templar for the last several weeks. I always end up being the relic holder who goes down solo to handle harpies and take down the Templar's shield. However, during our first attempt of the final phase, the relic will not damage oracles or containment shields. I grab the relic, encounter starts, but as soon as I go to smash an oracle or get out of a containment shield, nothing happens. Anyone else experience this?
Going to orbit and loading back in always resolves this glitch, but every time I go to run the relic, it doesn't work on the first go. Really weird. Typically this isn't a big deal, but last night my entire group lost the Templar check point because we all had a Gorgon CP, and forgot to reset our CP's before starting a fresh run. Foolish mistake, but wouldn't have been an issue if that dump relic glitch didn't happen every time.
I found this listing of all the weeklies and NF:
I don't think we will see another Omigul for 2-3 weeks.
It was Omnigul first week of DLC
Then after two different strikes it was Omnigul again.
Then after three different strikes it was Omnigul again.
We have had Omnigul three times so far.
Thanks! I missed your post before I found it again on my own..
+1 for the PSN chat, but 6 CST is a tight for me. I'm off at 5, but my commute can be anywhere from 20-60 minutes, and there's no predicting where it'll land on any given day.
If the worst happens, please wait for me. If I don't say anything, it means I'm en route. if something happens where I'll be delayed more than 30 minutes or can't make it at all, I'll def send a PSN message to at least one person in the group.
Peeps running VoG HM; I have been getting a relic glitch at the final phase of the Templar for the last several weeks. I always end up being the relic holder who goes down solo to handle harpies and take down the Templar's shield. However, during our first attempt of the final phase, the relic will not damage oracles or containment shields. I grab the relic, encounter starts, but as soon as I go to smash an oracle or get out of a containment shield, nothing happens. Anyone else experience this?
Going to orbit and loading back in always resolves this glitch, but every time I go to run the relic, it doesn't work on the first go. Really weird. Typically this isn't a big deal, but last night my entire group lost the Templar check point because we all had a Gorgon CP, and forgot to reset our CP's before starting a fresh run. Foolish mistake, but wouldn't have been an issue if that dumb relic glitch didn't happen every time.
Cool. Hit me up. I am not sure I can slog through another HM Crota but I'm definitely down to actually enjoy myself and run through normal mode.
I think one of the smoothest Crota HM runs I've had was when I did it with your group a couple weeks ago.
This happens to me 90% of the time, it seems it only happens when you cheese the oracles and then the templar, and yes going to orbit fixes the issue.
Has happened to me multiple times.
Once I get the Crux of Crota I'm never running HM CE again. I also wanted the new sparrow but truthfully I can live without having it.
75-100% impact increase should help the necrochasm compete with other weapons.
Assuming all shots are crits
The necochasm does a total of 2856 damage per clip
The fang does 8424 per clip
The fang takes 9.6 s to evacuate it's clip and reload and the nercochasm takes 6s
So the necrochasm does 476 DPS and the fang does 877.5
If no shots are crits then the necrochasm does 378 DPS and the fang does 779
He was just giving you a thumbs up.Well the Cabal are nice with me now, they leave their arms up to point you the direction of the next Public Time Event!
Thanks Guys!
Once I get the Crux of Crota I'm never running HM CE again. I also wanted the new sparrow but truthfully I can live without having it.
Same that is all I need still need to run hm crota 2x but not in any rush.It's really not that bad. I'll always want to run it because don't like leaving loot on the table.
I also wanted the new sparrow but truthfully I can live without having it.
Running HM Templar x3 need five.
Who wants Fatebringer?
Oracles then :-/I just need the Praetorian Foil.
Peeps running VoG HM; I have been getting a relic glitch at the final phase of the Templar for the last several weeks. I always end up being the relic holder who goes down solo to handle harpies and take down the Templar's shield. However, during our first attempt of the final phase, the relic will not damage oracles or containment shields. I grab the relic, encounter starts, but as soon as I go to smash an oracle or get out of a containment shield, nothing happens. Anyone else experience this?
Going to orbit and loading back in always resolves this glitch, but every time I go to run the relic, it doesn't work on the first go. Really weird. Typically this isn't a big deal, but last night my entire group lost the Templar check point because we all had a Gorgon CP, and forgot to reset our CP's before starting a fresh run. Foolish mistake, but wouldn't have been an issue if that dumb relic glitch didn't happen every time.
I need 3 sparrows, just for namesake purposes!
How can I be a GraveRobber without a Graverobber sparrow for each of my Guardians!
It's really not that bad. I'll always want to run it because don't like leaving loot on the table.
This is what I said the first week during crota hard, now... meh... I really kind of don't mind it. Once you get it down pat, it ain't so bad.
I just keep running it for dem exotics.
Which if I get "the one" tomorrow my destiny time will probably take a huge dip. Will still continue playing Tuesdays and pvp every once in a while. I need to beat my backlog... badly.
Level 33 Knight with NLB? Challenge accepted.
My experience with Destiny the past three days has been: login, complete the Daily with NLB, log out.
Fatebringer still the king. All they need to do is make Necrochasm the Fatebringer of ARs and it is a special weapon. Like just mentioned. Give it a 100% increase to impact. Make Cursebreaker trigger on every kill, now we are talking about an Exotic weapon justifying its existence.
The only exotic that can be dropped that I need is the MIDA. Once I get that I'm not farming Atheon, gorgon chest, Deathsinger or Crota anymore.
What will you do then? Stop playing once you get a MIDA?