Can try to put group together would like to start asap.
Count me in.
Can try to put group together would like to start asap.
Has a ROC ever dropped a Gjally?
I'm online and you are in my friend listCan try to put group together would like to start asap.
Well the Cabal are nice with me now, they leave their arms up to point you the direction of the next Public Time Event!
Siege of the Warmind, stand behind the computer against the back wall. The thralls come to that spot but are easy to handle and the Wizards very occasionally can fire at you from up close.
Can try to put group together would like to start asap.
1 bigmanny287 lvl 32 hunter or titan w/ghorn
2 homer lvl 32 hunter with ghorn
3 illiniguy05
4 ethomaz
You don't have to list what you have. Anyone else interested.
I'm online and you are in my friend list.
Edit - I have the CP if needed.
Seige of the Warmind has a crazy easy cheese spot. Jump up top where you find the dead ghost. Then just shoot everything from above. Barely anything can touch you, and you have plenty of room to fall back.
I have almost none of the Crucible Grimoire. And I have none of the Grimoire for the TDB crucible maps.
1 bigmanny287 lvl 32 hunter or titan w/ghorn
2 homer lvl 32 hunter with ghorn
3 illiniguy05
4 ethomaz
5 Remomanji
Where's the dead ghost?
OK full queuing up chat invitesCount me in: Da_1_hated_tito, I have you on my list.
Ok... still enlisting for tonight:
1) Glimmer Farming. I seriously need about 20K glimmer to purchase all the upgrades I already filled. I have 49 glimmer right now...
2) Hard Atheon x3. Couldnt bother with atheon this week. If any group is around, I'd like to get 3 quick kills for that hawkmoon chance.
3) Hard Bridge x 2 (Titan, Hunter). Hard Abyss x1 (Titan).
I didn't touch it the first week but beat it 7 times since (one extra to help friends) and have never seen the Crux drop for anyone in any group, either.
It's literally all I need to be done with HM for good, and I fear I will be chasing it for months.
We should grind crucible together one day with a team.
Needs a larger magazine as well. It really hurts it's already abismal DPS
OK full queuing up chat invites
Still coming team is ready.Count me in.
after nearly 600 hours of playtime, I am only rank 2 crucible lol
That is awesome.
I literally work off the premise that I won't "get" anything worthwhile completing the weekly task. I play because it's still fun for me and to help my gaming friends. So I'm constantly "happy" when something worthwhile drops. ;-)
I hadn't seen the Crux drop either for anybody. Till it did for me on my 6th Crota hard clear yesterday. I have two level 32 characters and a level 13 alt that I use for storage. Between the two, RNGesus blessed me with all the TDB weapons by the 4th hard clear last week. OTOH, I have yet to get the Foil, Timepiece or VoC from the VoG raids with 3X more clears.
So anecdotally, the adjustments they made to the drops in TDB has worked well for me. I still don't a have a full VoG raid armor set for my Titan, whereas I obtained complete sets of Crota raid armor for both my Warlock and Titan within the first six clears of normal Crota.
Where is the cheese safe spot in both missions? Thx!
There is no cheese spot in Siege of the Warmind as far as I know. The trick with that mission is to hit each of the spawning Wizard/Knight groups with a rocket the absolute moment they appear, and the resulting explosion and detonation of Cursed Thralls will (with luck) wipe them completely. So at worst you only have to fight 2 groups.
The cheese spot in The Wakening is on top of the large rib bone that is on the right side of the room. From there you can take out wizards without worrying about Thralls or Knights. When the wizards or the crystal start firing at you just jump up and down so they can't get a lock on your position.
The Wakening has an additional cheese spot in the back right, up in the bone formation. It's hard to kill anything there, but you are mostly safe from all the enemies. It's a good place to retreat to if you're about to die on top of the bone.
Siege of the Warmind, stand behind the computer against the back wall. The thralls come to that spot but are easy to handle and the Wizards very occasionally can fire at you from up close.
Seige of the Warmind has a crazy easy cheese spot. Jump up top where you find the dead ghost. Then just shoot everything from above. Barely anything can touch you, and you have plenty of room to fall back.
That is awesome.
Too bad it'll be dismissed because of a spelling mistake in Gjallarhorn... ^^
I like Playing with you Darryl but I don't know if I have it in me to grind Crucible. We will see.
First thing I thought.
Xur could definitely sell "Gjallahorn"for 10 coins and see how many fall for itwhich would just be a repainted 300-damage Hezen Vengeance
Necrochasm vs Fang of Ir Yut (Killing a level 33 Hallowed Knight)
Spoiler Alert! Necrochasm sucks so bad.
ApatheticOne is asking about the Weekly Heroic, but I am happy to help with the Nightfall as well. 6PST would work for meNat (my daughter) is hoping to knock off the Nightfall before the reset tomorrow. She can be on about 3 PST or later, if there's room. She did the weekly this weekend.
Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one.
Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one.
You sick bastard.
Omnigul is the last of Crota's generals. She is the architect of her master's awakening. As long as she lives, the threat of Crota's return will haunt the world. Track her down and exterminate every Hive that stands in your way.
Omnigul is the last of Crota's generals. She is the architect of her master's awakening. As long as she lives, the threat of Crota's return will haunt the world. Track her down and exterminate every Hive that stands in your way.
Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with Omnigul on Earth. She is the architect of her master's awakening. As long as she lives, the threat of Crota's return will haunt the world. So let's get to taking out her Hive, one by one
Omnigul is the last of Crota's generals. She is the architect of her master's awakening. As long as she lives, the threat of Crota's return will haunt the world. Track her down and exterminate every Hive that stands in your way.
Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one.
Omnigul is the last of Crota's generals. She is the architect of her master's awakening. As long as she lives, the threat of Crota's return will haunt the world. Track her down and exterminate every Hive that stands in your way.
Whether we walled it or walled, we've stepped into a wall with the walls on walls. So let's get to taking out their walls, wall by wall.
Walls Ta'wallurc.
From what I can gather he walls the wall dancers from an imperial land wall outside the Wallicon. He's well walled, but with the right walls, we can wall through those walls, take his wall out, and all their grip on the wall hold.