Heard Hawkmoon is godly... Team Lonely Boners so wont see it for awhile.
Hey everyone, sorry I'm a little late on this. Are you all still interested in a CE HM run ir just Crota HM?
seems like you are indeed misinterpreting his tone, and potentially mine as well? I didn't read Deku's post as though he was attempting to seriously counter any implied point of yours. I apologize with sincerity if there was any hint of apparent offense lobbed at you in my monosyllabic responses. Ironically enough I didn't mean them to be rude to you so much as to convey that there isn't any nuance or clarifying caveat in my position; I have no interest in the concept of min-maxing and just do the things in games that feel the most fun to me, no more to it than that. it's actually been a while since I have been accused of being defensive. feels familiar and not altogether pleasant. but otherwise, light and silly is how I take it all.Disclaimer: This is only meant as a joke, just seemed like a funny opportunity. The intended tone is light and silly. Probably only a handful of people even follow the OTs close enough to get the reference.
Ok, back to super-seriousness: Everyone has opinions on Destiny which fall somewhere along the spectrum between very critical to very defensive of those criticisms. I'm closer to the former while you and Deku are closer to the latter. Both types of voices are important for community health, neither is inherently right or wrong and everyone has the right to defend their positions.
Disagreements are only natural... but my original post wasn't even close to a criticism. It was an observation of no great importance and qualified as such, an amusing factoid relevant to recent posts about OT slowdown. Maybe I'm misunderstanding Deku's tone, but "game=dead" doesn't read well. Similar to "nah," it sounds rude to me if there's no nuance or clarification. I just think it's considerate to take 10 seconds and write a qualifying statement if your post could be received poorly (hence the caveats in my OP). If I'm not misunderstanding his tone, then it's fair to defend myself even if it reads a little harsh.
Still no black hammer for me.![]()
Hey everyone, sorry I'm a little late on this. Are you all still interested in a CE HM run ir just Crota HM?
Thanks guys! Lol @ the notion of Xur hooking me up. I'll be getting NLB won't I?
Not a weapon, but Ring of Royal Grandeur has been much sought after in Diablo 3.
Heard Hawkmoon is godly... Team Lonely Boners so wont see it for awhile.
Use it like Rodiard and you'll be just fine.
Looking for 2 more for CE HM!
2. Ty_84(still going?)
4. Milkypooz
PSN is greyblade
I don't even want to think about how long I had to grind in act 1 for that.
Looking for 2 more for CE HM!
2. Ty_84(still going?)
4. Milkypooz
PSN is greyblade
Looking for 1 more for CE HM!
2. Ty_84(still going?)
4. Milkypooz
PSN is greyblade
I would be more impressed with Rodiard NLB videos of he wasn't such a dead eye with the throwing knife. He is seriously OP with that thing.
Not even on my birthday will this game give me a Praxic Fire![]()
Is bungie doing maintenance soon? I just got a message that said destiny servers are about to boot me due to maintenance.
Ironic and perfect timing?
Heard Hawkmoon is godly... Team Lonely Boners so wont see it for awhile.
Heard about this but didn't play D3 long enough to experience the pain.
Hawkmoon must come a close second to Gjallarhorn. Gjallarhorn and Hawkmoon are the two weapons I see most people hankering for. I just want Suros, please just give me my Suros.
For my part, I'll be back for House of Wolves. Heck, if Bungie brings back the Queen's Wrath, or releases a significant upgrade for the Vault of Glass, I'll go back even earlier. Failing that sort of an update, it's likely that my Destiny playing will remain on the wane. I'd love a good reason to come back, but that's what it'll take: A good reason.
Who got screwed more?
Nightfall 1: Up For Anything with Range Finger, Counterbalance, and Hammer Forged.
Nightfall 2: Don't Touch Mes with 2 more disc than I have.
Nightfall 3: This travesty.
Already got Ballerhorn. I NOW WANT BALLERCLAST.The Mythoclast way back when.
Anyone up for nightfall + weekly?
PSN same as here
1st Nightfall: a void LDR with unflinching, armor piercing and mulligan
Quite happy with it, didn't have a 331 void sniper yet.
Will do the other ones later on in the week...
Also, GlamFM that professional "I join your weekly right at the end and steal all your loots":
You were the one that helped me get through my first weekly ever, so I could buy myself my first Ice Breaker back in the days where Xur sold it for the first time: I owe you, you can join my games anytime you want man! ^^
Down for paintballDestiny GAF Retreat:
- Paintball Control Matches
- Capture the Flag
- Trust Fall
- Evening RNGesus Devotionals
Any other ideas?
Ihaveice, wiped out or anyone on X1 have a HM Gorgon CP?
Nailed it, especially the last paragraph:
OK I can't help it. The possible praxc chance is to much for me. I'll jump on for one nightfall. Only one though. Who wants to play with me?