For science.I can load gorgons now but will need to hop back out once people join.
edit: I also have hard Scrota and normal Dsing.
v I got you covered Rawr. Science bros unite. ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶ᕗ
you're trapped in the gorgon maze forever D:yeah i'll stick around for a while, anyone who needs it is welcome
Thanks Driz. You're the best. I don't care what they say.
I'm up to beat Crota's ass three times on normal later on if anybody wants in.
Is there a higher shot at an exotic if one were to do HM Crappa vs. NM Crappa?
Yeah, I know it's a stupid play on Crota's name but it's been a long day.
I wish this were true. I've seen no evidence to support it.If Destiny is going to succeed in the long term, Bungie is going to have to significantly improve their communication skills.
This is a good opportunity to state that if such a game were to come into existence I would leave Destiny behind in a heartbeat. But there doesn't even seem to be anything on the horizon that fits the bill, let alone in the short term.With that said, it is still possible that Bungie could blow this whole thing. If they don't eventually scrape together the game that so many of us can sense is inside of Destiny, some other studio will, and we'll all go play that.
All these times we've played and you forgot about
Down for paintball
Sax lessons?
I was trying to think of something new and fresh.
<insert joke about destiny not being new and fresh anymore etc etc>
Looks like it's just the three of us.
This is a good opportunity to state that if such a game were to come into existence I would leave Destiny behind in a heartbeat. But there doesn't even seem to be anything on the horizon that fits the bill, let alone in the short term.
Which is to some extent the crux of all this. No one else is selling what this game can put in your veins and you know it. If you've had your fill for the time being, there's no reason to view it as a failing unless you don't feel like you got your money's worth in the first place.
Which is to some extent the crux of all this. No one else is selling what this game can put in your veins and you know it. If you've had your fill for the time being, there's no reason to view it as a failing unless you don't feel like you got your money's worth in the first place.
Sorry Drizz, thought you were loading up hard crota cp.
Retweeted the article to Bungie. I know they will be reading this soon or if they haven't already.
Back to the drawing board amigo
I'm leaving shortly. We nightfalling later?
I'll take it.Yeah no worries, can get confusing sometimes! I put up an edit that may have been added too late to be noticed, turned out I only had hard DSinger CP. I can still load that if people want it.
Basically, I feel that Destiny should be designed in a way that PvP should be there to carry the game when the PvE needs to be refreshed or updated. It's so odd to me that we have such restricted game types, with even further restricted schedules. Why does PvP not have some sort of carrot to go with it? The only carrot PvP has is Grimoire points, and that's boring and requires me to play playlists that I don't care for (screw you combined arms).
Thanks for the asc Milkham. And Plan C.
Thanks Milkham.
Still nothing for me on that chest, but for the first time ever I saw someone get an exotic from it, and a second one right after that.
I now know this chest is not a legend or a prank you were all making on me... ^^
thanks for the checkpoint milkham!
Ya thanks a lot milkham
Thanks Milkham!
For science.
you're trapped in the gorgon maze forever D:
Hey ya'll! Decided to fire up some Destiny after work and have solo'd up to the end of Nightfall. If anyone needs to complete it jump on in!
PS4 PSN: EinFurDieDamen
God almighty, fuck this game in the fucking arse. Yet again I get shit from the Nightfall, I've never had anything good ever. Best I've ever had was 11 strange coins a few weeks back. So this evening, me and two friends bang through the Nightfall, friend 1 gets a crappy legendary shotgun. Friend 2 gets fucking Gjallerhorn. What did I get? A load of ascendant shards.
Seriously, get to fuck. Why is that even a Nightfall reward. Fuck off Destiny.
Does anyone want to run Nightfall, and Weekly tonight, maybe run VOG HM and or Crota HM.
Xbox One?
Still there
Haha nah you can have it checkpointkhamnp guys
made me think of that twilight zone episode where the guy has to defend his title forever
edit: i'm also still in the gorgon checkpoint if anyone needs it.
Have you tried playing PvP with only a pulse rifle? Good times.
Also, the PvP carrot is a Gjallarhorn. Come on, man, everyone knows that ;P
If Bungie would just bring back Queen's Wrath and then alternate it weekly with IB, there would always be something to go after.
It's not hard, I don't know why they have such a problem with it.
There are other metaphors that may apply... not gonna lie, this lil' screencapAny of you guys ever watch the show "Intervention?"
I swear it's funny (funny because it's just a video game and not, ya know, crack) how closely this thread mirrors the ebbs and flows of drug addiction.
I think (know) there was a South Park episode about Guitar Hero and then chasing a dragon (ie heroin) or something as a substitute.
... I've lost my train of though... but basically Destiny = crack... or something... man, I really need to get out of the office and go home, relax, and escape for a while(with Destiny... shit...)
There are other metaphors that may apply... not gonna lie, this lil' screencap
...kinda reminded me a bit more of the way people talk about an ex they're still clearly in love with than what they're actually discussing
Ya dude. Got a couple of invites out for people on my friend's list but first come, first serve!
There are other metaphors that may apply... not gonna lie, this lil' screencap
...kinda reminded me a bit more of the way people talk about an ex they're still clearly in love with than what they're actually discussing
Much appreciated!![]()