If the article is short enough can you quote it? Kotaku is filtered at work.
It's really long...
Here's a Google Doc:
If the article is short enough can you quote it? Kotaku is filtered at work.
Hard Crota anyone? Looking to do just Crota but am willing to do a full raid only to get the Crota checkpoint for my other characters.
I'll be on in half an hour.
WoohooCongratulations, you now have the worst exotic in all of destiny.
Hard Crota anyone? Looking to do just Crota but am willing to do a full raid only to get the Crota checkpoint for my other characters.
I'll be on in half an hour.
Congratulations, you now have the worst exotic in all of destiny.
Not a weapon, but Ring of Royal Grandeur has been much sought after in Diablo 3.
I don't even want to think about how long I had to grind in act 1 for that.
Better than NLB?
Now or later? I have one left to do if later.
Looking for two more to run VoG normal mode on ps4
Well technically the Crux itself isn't really a weapon. Although I can imagine physically throwing the Crux itself at an enemy does more damage than the Necrochasm is capable off.Better than NLB?
Added. Just need one more for VoG normalWhy not. Add GlamFM
Destiny GAF Retreat:
- Paintball Control Matches
- Capture the Flag
- Trust Fall
- Evening RNGesus Devotionals
Any other ideas?
I don't have the Crota checkpoint. Haven't raided at all today. Only did Nightfall and quit since I needed to go grocery shopping.I'll join you if your doing Crota.
this please!if anyone has a hard crota checkpoint I would love you long time, can someone share?
Need two more for hardmode Crota. Crota checkpoint, PSN KeanBurke
Anybody wants to share gorgon checkpoint x3?
Hard Crota anyone? Looking to do just Crota but am willing to do a full raid only to get the Crota checkpoint for my other characters.
I'll be on in half an hour.
Need two more for hardmode Crota. Crota checkpoint, PSN KeanBurke
Anybody wants to share gorgon checkpoint x3?
I can be online in ~ 15 minsThis please. And normal deathsinger too!![]()
Okay, join.I'm down. PSN: Darryl_M_R logging on right now. Level 32 Hunter with ballerhorn. It's noisey in my apartment so I will have my mic muted to save you all the trouble.
I'm at nightfall boss. toddv360
Okay, join.
Drizzay! Hook up a Titan bro with a hard Scrota checkpoint, please!I can load gorgons now but will need to hop back out once people join.
edit: I also have hard Scrota and normal Dsing.
v I got you covered Rawr. Science bros unite. ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶ᕗ
loading into hard gorgon checkpoint right now, psn is milkham, fireteam is public so if you need it come get it
Thanks, sent you a friend request!loading into hard gorgon checkpoint right now, psn is milkham, fireteam is public so if you need it come get it
That sums up how I feel about Destiny much better than i could ever explain. I'm a Tuesday player at this point.
That sums up how I feel about Destiny much better than i could ever explain. I'm a Tuesday player at this point.
Drizzay! Hook up a Titan bro with a hard Scrota checkpoint, please!
I can load gorgons now but will need to hop back out once people join.
edit: I also have hard Scrota and normal Dsing.
v I got you covered Rawr. Science bros unite. ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶ᕗ
It's really long...
Here's a Google Doc:
Drizzay! Hook up a Titan bro with a hard Scrota checkpoint, please!
haha I can chill in Gorgons for a bit while kadey swaps alts, so anyone should go ahead and join me now if they want Gorgons. Then I can load up scrroooottaaa.
edit: looks like maybe milk can take over Gorgon sharing, I'll load HM Sc now
Disclaimer: This is only meant as a joke, just seemed like a funny opportunity. The intended tone is light and silly. Probably only a handful of people even follow the OTs close enough to get the reference.
Ok, back to super-seriousness: Everyone has opinions on Destiny which fall somewhere along the spectrum between very critical to very defensive of those criticisms. I'm closer to the former while you and Deku are closer to the latter. Both types of voices are important for community health, neither is inherently right or wrong and everyone has the right to defend their positions.
Disagreements are only natural... but my original post wasn't even close to a criticism. It was an observation of no great importance and qualified as such, an amusing factoid relevant to recent posts about OT slowdown. Maybe I'm misunderstanding Deku's tone, but "game=dead" doesn't read well. Similar to "nah," it sounds rude to me if there's no nuance or clarification. I just think it's considerate to take 10 seconds and write a qualifying statement if your post could be received poorly (hence the caveats in my OP). If I'm not misunderstanding his tone, then it's fair to defend myself even if it reads a little harsh.
I was joking.Where is your sarcasm detector?
seems like you are indeed misinterpreting his tone, and potentially mine as well? I didn't read Deku's post as though he was attempting to seriously counter any implied point of yours.
Holy shit... when did Kotaku start writing legitimate articles again?
I found this article a pretty accurate representation of myself and my close friends.
Okay, join.