I thought it was pretty ridiculous one guy had the responsibility of fixing the heavy ammo glitch that's plagued us for 156 days, you'd think out of the 500 employees at Bungie someone could have helped poor jon eat all that spaghetti code and come up with a fix that doesnt involve any parmesan
thank you based jon, now we just have to wait for sony and microsoft to certify the changes in two weeks so we can download them
Yeah, I think this is the real disconnect. I hope n00bs realizes that we hold no malice toward the jons and urks at bungie, but we scratch our heads when we try to figure out how resources are being allocated and prioritized.
We don't see how out of 500 people they can't have one guy who spends his 40 hours a week adding new bounties, raising the glimmer cap, and maybe moving around some spawn locations in patrol.
We can't figure out how it is so hard to let Xur sell heavy ammo every other week until the bug is fixed.
Personally, I don't think they're laughing, but I do feel that the allusion of a living, breathing, changing world that was discussed prior to release has been scrapped for larger changes being saved up for hype during dlc pushes.
I'm sure the decision was made way higher up the chain than the front facing developers that we interact with.