Haybro_Party invite sent
What's your Psn?
Haybro_Party invite sent
What's your Psn?
Does this work with any blue engram?
Could I get in on this?
I can join if you're still looking for people. I think I've done it on all my characters but I wouldn't mind running through it again.
PSN GriP17-
Still have openings? I'd like to do a fresh run if you don't mind me switching after bridge.Invite sent.
Still have openings? I'd like to do a fresh run if you don't mind me switching after bridge.
Crap? Game's great. Visually stunning. I'm taking it to these rebel scum on this blimp right now. Need to use Blacklight more, though. Gonna break this Share button before I'm through.
EDIT: Yeah, I guess I can see how the game can take you by surprise with all the negativity going around right now.
It's an underrated weapon. Wouldn't recommend it though for hard mode Crota. Could definitely use more impactMonte Carlo... I need that =p
Crap. I like The Order.
Of course. Great! I will send invites when done with NF.
Edit: already in deku's party.If they're full we could start up a run!
If you get any openings for either of the CE runs, send me an invite, PSN's Lordsirsama. I'll be on Inquisition until then.Of course. Great! I will send invites when done with NF.
VoG hard mode, fresh run. PSN: Arrrammis
I want it mainly for Pokemon purposes. Just missing that and 4th Horseman.It's an underrated weapon. Wouldn't recommend it though for hard mode Crota. Could definitely use more impact
That's fine, only two people so far, three including you.I want to do this, but probably won't be ready for 20 to 30 minutes.
You like Destiny. Doesn't get any worse than that
Sniping in this in this game is such a fucking joke. It has the aim assist of GTA and your reticle barely moves when getting shot. You can just sit back like the biggest pussy ever in control and as long as your boyfriends are flanking you you're untouchable.
I like destiny, heavy rain, resident evil 6 and ff13 is one of my favorite game. I must be the antichrist for some.
If I rank up my titan in IB, I can't buy the hunter cloak using him, can I?
VoG hard mode, fresh run. PSN: Arrrammis
One more slot open for hard vog
One more slot open for hard vog
Nope :/ I was hoping for the same but you can only see your current class item
Anybody have the hard mode Gorgon CP, need to get it in one of my characters. Thanks !
That's a bummer, cause all I want from IB is the hunter cloak.
That was me last year. I looked down on people who traded games in when I first started working at Gamestop a few years back, but found myself doing so later just to play the newer ones that came out. Tune changes quick when you're broke.i haven't played it yet but it looks like a decent game to me. I Can understand people having reservations because of the length though. If I was in a better situation financially I would be playing it right now. In the mood for a linear game with story and atmosphere.
Same here, but my Titan needs the gear
I do Ill try to connect via remote play.
Édit: i'm there.
Got it, Thank you for sharing!
Thanks for getting that quick CE run together Deku! No idea why you kept spawning all the way back at the bridge
I'll help you out with one NF Deku. Need to do the bounty for my Hunter. Going to spam the Horn so I'm going to do the heavy ammo trick. Going to switch weapons.
PS4? I'll helpAnyone want to help with daily? At last room.
Really good IB games tonight for our group. Feels nice to chain win even if it is on Rusted Lands for the 8th time in a row. :/
Probably be back on later looking for more IB.