Sure will
How about two 31 Titans? I would run it on one of my 32 characters but I'm trying to get the helmet for my titan.
Sure will
Join me, nOoblet16Any IB group going?
PSN: Mammont
AlkohallickDid you spell that psn right?
Totally doable, took me two evenings, not rushing or anything. A bit more than 7 hours.I have a week off starting next friday. So I was thinking about getting it from redbox and beating it in one day since its short.
How about two 31 Titans? I would run it on one of my 32 characters but I'm trying to get the helmet for my titan.
Anyone want to do some Vog farming or have the checkpoint?
What's your psn id?
Invite sentGriP17-
Reload speed is painfully slow on Three Little Words, so unless you're a Hunter with Chain of Woe I'd stick with Field Scout. Stability is always nice though. As is full auto... when it works.So I got another Three Little Words from a Crucible package. My old one has Headseeker, and the new one has full auto. Both have Grenadier for the second perk. Old one also has Field Scout, which gives it a 42 round magazine. New one has Fitted Stock.
Which one should I shard?
two more for Iron Banner
Yep. We're in a match right now but once were done you can hop in.I'm groupless. Got room? PSN Phaethon.
Invite sent
Actually, I gotta back out. Wasn't keeping track of time and have to log off in like 30 minutes. Sorry about that man.
Anybody want to go for the flawless raider trophy today. I've been putting it off for awhile but want to get it done now especially with player numbers dropping.
So who's in?
Depending on the time you have in mind I'd be interested in this as it's the only thing I have left for the platinum trophy.Anybody want to go for the flawless raider trophy today. I've been putting it off for awhile but want to get it done now especially with player numbers dropping.
So who's in?
Anybody want to go for the flawless raider trophy today. I've been putting it off for awhile but want to get it done now especially with player numbers dropping.
So who's in?
An endless wave based mode with escalating modifiers in this game would be nice.
We're at normal Crota with room for one more if anyone wants to join. Ghaleon_EB.
Ty message DrDrizzay101 as he lives for that stuff.And/or Kadey1up
Hmmm...the wife is going out soon. If I could find away to keep the kids busy I would be interested.
Depending on the time you have in mind I'd be interested in this as it's the only thing I have left for the platinum trophy.
A friend that was helping the kid just told me Bungie will give him Fate of all Fools.
Kinda upset about that :/
A friend that was helping the kid just told me Bungie will give him Fate of all Fools.
Kinda upset about that :/
Anyone want to do a quick fresh CE normal run?
I can run the sword, or I am happy if someone else wants too.
A friend that was helping the kid just told me Bungie will give him Fate of all Fools.
Kinda upset about that :/
Anyone want to do a quick fresh CE normal run?
I can run the sword, or I am happy if someone else wants too.
Want to do it flawlessly? Looks like a group may be forming. Even if you already have it, it will be nice to have done experience on the team.
Thanks joining.We're at bridge now, room for 1
Guys and gals I need the clan strike and clan raid trophies for 100%.
Anyone in GAF Raiders online?
I could switch to achieve trophies if you want to do it soon.
Comcast has been down all day in my area :/
Thank God for SP offline games. I was able to Platinum The Order and now I'm catching up on my PS3 games.
Bungie needs to figure out some kind of an offline mode for Destiny 2
That's what I had. I could switch back LOL. Need a third though
I can go too. Just joined gaf raiders.
Reload speed is painfully slow on Three Little Words, so unless you're a Hunter with Chain of Woe I'd stick with Field Scout. Stability is always nice though. As is full auto... when it works.