exactly. I need to make a shameful gif of it or something...
Phaethon pls! Very glad to hear you got Scrota down eventually, wish I could have stuck around to help out. I've had a blast playing with your team and helping to slice up that ugly mug. I especially liked how we 5-manned the HM abyss w/o wiping yesterday, with Phaethon's orb sitting back at the start...
And no worries at all, I knew you weren't trying to call me out or anything. Sometimes getting a group of 6 established can be confusing, I thought you needed two so I tried to direct Jigga and my buddy Crits your way. My wife had already brought home dinner so I was trying to not keep her waiting too long, I know you understand.
I'll raid with you guys anytime, just shoot me a PM or send Phaeton off to track me down.