So yesterday Dr. Drizzay and couple of other peeps weren't to fond of my comments. Seriously, I don't think people should not complain, it's within everyone's right to do so, it just seems a little pointless to keep voicing the same complaints hoping that Bungie takes action when clearly it's at the bottom of their "to-do" list.
Do I think Bungie takes note of what we say on this forum? I believe they do, but taking action on our concerns is a different story. When it comes to nerfing weapons, fixing cheesing glitches and extending the grind, Bungie takes quick action, but on issues such as content, vault space, raid-breaking bugs and such, they take their sweet time. DGAF is a small portion of the total worldwide player base this game has, so it's silly to think our comments will be acted upon swiftly. Is that fair? To some extent no, because I believe DGAF has more playtesting skills than Bungie themselves. We find out about bugs and glitches within hours of content being released while Bungie seems cluless about it.
So am I trying to persuade people to change their opinion? No, but I do think people should just go with the flow. I was one to get infuriated over this game, but in the end just playing with friends and having a good time is better than any loot drop I got or didn't get. Hence my "whatever" attitude towards Bungie's patch notes and player complaints. Just enjoy the game for what it is. Stop worrying about trivial things. I have been gaming for about 20 years and I've yet to play the perfect game.
If you consider yourself a hardcore Destiny player, then by all means voice your complaints, but just know it is not worth loosing your breath when your prayers seem to be falling on deaf ears. Again, play and have fun, that's what it's all about.