I know, hes a great resource early on in your adventure, but now hes only useful if he has heavy synth or happens to sell an item he's never sold before, or an engram. how many weeks has it been since he's sold chest engram, or heavy synth?
I don't think i've used him for like 3 weeks now. Stopped running heroic strikes cause i don't need any more coins. /rant
Good job on sword last night btw.
You need to understand the true purpose of Xur.
Xur isn't there as a nice gift for those of us that play all the time. Xur is literally there to pull in the casual group on the weekends. Here is a rough estimate of how Xur was born:
Bungie Dev 1: We need something that really bring in the weekend crowds.
Bungie Dev 2: Well, we could do Double XP weekends again?
Bungie Dev 3: That would cause players to eat through content too quickly.
BD1: What about a vender that only shows up on weekends that sells rare stuff?
BD2: Sure, and we'll give him his own currency that you'll have to earn throughout the week.
BD3: And we'll randomize his inventory so they'll never know what to expect and they'll have that as a reason to log in and check.
BOOM! Xur was born. He's there to drive casual player attendance. He's not for us, it's as simple as that.
Ask yourself, what would it have taken for you to be happy with Xur's inventory this week? What about the week after that? And after that? What about 5 or 6 weeks later? Would you care anymore? Would Xur have anything that you didn't already have at that point?
Bringing casuals in on the weekend also keeps casuals from playing other games on the weekend, which keeps people playing this game, and not something else. Regular players are going to have a hard time justifying a new game purchase when they know they're still logging into Destiny on the weekends and playing for a few hours. Why bother buying something new when they see themselves still putting time into this game?
TL;DR Xur is a marketing team's dream.