This chart makes the case for PvP changes to Auto Rifle, but can I be skeptical about their choice to show "Story" to represent PvE?
People do Story once, and then only again for bounties (usually set to the lowest hard difficulty) or for the Daily. If you were to do another table with end game content like Weeklies, Nightfalls, Raids, maybe even Roc strikes, I bet Auto Rifles would be much
much lower. And anyway, a 5% spread between Hand Cannon, Scout Rifle and Auto Rifles is pretty good.
This is ostensibly a patch to carve out a space for Pulse Rifles, because they're outclassed at every range in every purpose by every other weapon right now. We don't know the severity of the nerfs to auto rifles and hand cannons yet, but I foresee
one side effect of this patch is a effectively increasing difficulty of PvE content. Destinhy's End Game is very challenging (often unfairly) and incredibly lethal at close range. Why do you think there's more cheese in Destiny than in any other game? In Raids and Nightfalls and Weeklies it's important to stay alive. Players are forced to hang back. Changes to Auto Rifles, Hand Cannons and trying to make Shotguns relevant push combat closer. Which seems retaliatory to Guardians who want to play it safe in the face of burns and light switches and yellow bar mobs in Raids.
As an aside, I'm also fairly sure that this weapons balance patch means that we're not getting class balance changes anytime soon. Which is a shame because as an example, Golden Gun sucks for PvE.