The stream is live:
lolz MoreConsole is tea bagging everything non-stop...
The stream is live:
dassa nightfall, and yeah it did. i've had some pretty lovely nightfall legendary rolls alongside all the insta-dismantles.My favorite gun in the game. I hope yours came with perfect balance!
What activity did you get it from?
Well I don't generally read the OTs anymore. By the time I figure out there's a new thread, it's already up to double-digit pages...Haha, it's been a fixture of the OTs since 11 or something.
That would be cool if they ran the archive mission to explain why the AI thinks you are dr. shim...
So the next DLC is in the April/May/June time frame? Gonna be interesting to see if the community stays involved until it drops.
Bungie is following a communist ideology. Good weapons are nerfed to mediocrity, bad weapons are buffed to mediocrity. Look at all these mediocre weapons for everyone!
They need to be more capitalistic-oriented; let the cream rise to the top.
Forgive me, communist-GAF.
I guess I don't understand the point of the dig you're trying to make.
Do you think Deej is responsible for balancing weapons? Or is this a shoot the messenger type of deal?
On my way.Need 2 more for Crota HM kill. PSN Tokunbo.
The February update will likely breath some life into the game. At that point it'll likely be waiting the 6 weeks until HoW.
dassa nightfall, and yeah it did. i've had some pretty lovely nightfall legendary rolls alongside all the insta-dismantles.
Does anyone have a spot on a Crota HM run? PSN is greyblade.
But if everything is mediocre, how do you tell that they're mediocre? Wouldn't everything just feel equal?
I got the next best thing recently:Yes. Do you like fusion rifles?
Vanquisher VIII from the New Monarchy vendor is still a very effective weapon and I don't actually expect a 2.5% damage reduction to be a dealbreaker- but anyway, not what you asked
The MIDA Multi-Tool is the only exotic Scout rifle. While it is very good, unless you really want to commit to it your Exotic slot is usually better spent on a Special or Heavy weapon.
So in terms of legendaries:
-Vision of Confluence remains fantastic, and has full auto which might make the transition easy for you
-Fang of Ir Yut is superb and Arc
-Any of the 4 Vanguard or Crucible scouts are solid, and you can choose based on your preference, but the standout is the Saterienne Rapier which has Outlaw and Firefly
Lol not at all. Just don't like him and since the recent weapon balance changes, just want to know what he thinks. I really don't but it's because his responses are so corporate and he doesn't relate to us at all. Not personable. I can see that by some of his comments during this stream. But anyways, it's basically a joke since he seems to not really care. His job seems fairly worthless.
I highly doubt the DLC will be early April - they would have just said so. Will likely be in May which is 3 months away.
One second
There are 38 of you
I got the next best thing recently:
TrueSight IS (strong target acquisition aka great autoaim)
Final Round (last bullet does bonus damage)
Armor Piercing Rounds
from reddit
from reddit
At 6pmEST, I'll be running a HM Crota checkpoint on PS4. I'll likely be sword bearer, but that can be decided once we get together.
6pm HM Crota Kill
1. ArkkAngel007 ; 32 Bladedancer
If enough people want to join in but want to get in earlier, I can bump the time up as long as it works for everyone.
I'll come along, PSN is Lordsirsama. Will be online in a secondAnyone up for a Fresh CE Normal run? Wanna take my buddy through it. He's run it before but not a ton of experience. Would need 4 more.
from reddit
So the next DLC is in the April/May/June time frame? Gonna be interesting to see if the community stays involved until it drops.
Anyone up for a Fresh CE Normal run? Wanna take my buddy through it. He's run it before but not a ton of experience. Would need 4 more.
I'll come along, PSN is Lordsirsama. Will be online in a second
Cool so need 3 more for a fresh CE Normal run.
1. grimlock33
2. LeviathanX
3. Axel (Lordsirsama)
Anyone up for a Fresh CE Normal run? Wanna take my buddy through it. He's run it before but not a ton of experience. Would need 4 more.
Don't think I've ever shared my Destiny characters, but I am nearing Destiny ascendancy now so I felt the need to shamelessly show off:
Titan (my main squeeze)
(Maxed Oversoul Edict on this one instead of Defiant due to incoming AR nerf/PR buff.
No stealth weapon switching.All characters have Icebreakers at their disposal too and can switch multiple weapon/armor exotics in and out depending on subclass/needs. Enough different elemental weapons on each class to handle whatever burn this game throws my way.Yes, those are 3 seperate maxed Horns.
Now just to gather those last few radiant mats and some relic iron & filaments to max out the last armorpiece and two weapons on my Hunter and I can go into Destiny exile for a while.
It's funny that I'm putting in all this effort now to max everything for the sole purpose so that I can quit for a while lol.
Ya but what perks does it have? I'd buy one but generally vendor versions are shit.
Good time for me. I'd like to join if there's a spot.At 6pmEST, I'll be running a HM Crota checkpoint on PS4. I'll likely be sword bearer, but that can be decided once we get together.
6pm HM Crota Kill
1. ArkkAngel007 ; 32 Bladedancer
2. Hyrduxxo ; 32 Titan
3. Mindlog ; 32 Titan or whatever
If enough people want to join in but want to get in earlier, I can bump the time up as long as it works for everyone.
Good- everyone who is unhappy with the game needs to follow this example.I won't be buying comet or any future dlc they try to pawn off on us
I don't swap gear at all, I just try to have competent loadouts on all three characters, and mix it up, especially now that I'm swimming in viable elemental primaries.Hawt!
Having multiple copies of the same gun is a lot of work tho. Wow. No trips to the tower to change gear? That's a nice luxury!
Won't lie, after getting the Ballerhorn and being excited the fun of the game went away in 1 hour when I realized that I now achieved most of what this game has to offer. . going to make a Titan tomorrow once my Hunter alt gets this HM Crota kill tonight.
Might pick up Dying Light tomorrow, and see how well 1886 does with reviews.
Won't lie, after getting the Ballerhorn and being excited the fun of the game went away in 1 hour when I realized that I now achieved most of what this game has to offer. . going to make a Titan tomorrow once my Hunter alt gets this HM Crota kill tonight.
Might pick up Dying Light tomorrow, and see how well 1886 does with reviews.
I don't swap gear at all, I just try to have competent loadouts on all three characters, and mix it up, especially now that I'm swimming in viable elemental primaries.