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Destiny |OT18| CA$H-4-CROTA

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I still can't get my head around this, and I need to clean up vault space, so I need help:
what's more important, perks or stats?
I'm more concerned about weapons, but I'll take into consideration any advice regarding armour also.
To use specific questions, even though I hope I'll get advice on the broader spectrum:
- How big is the difference between, say... 300 Thunderlord and 331 Thunderlord?
- Should I ditch my 300 legendaries for 294 rares from Dark Below? some stuff I got from ROC playlist seems really interesting.
- Are there commons and rare added with Dark Below which outclass legendaries and exotics in PvE? I don't care about about an answer on PvP, since I play PvP a lot but I'm always switching weapons around.
- Why is armor penetration on weapons so important? Is the damage buff it gives useful? Because the only time I tried it out on was on autorifles and pulses and didn't see a noticeable spike in damage.
- At the moment, here is what I consider the most meaningful stat on weapons classes. Any explanation on why I'm doing it wrong will be most welcome.
hand-cannons: impact
pulse rifles: stability
auto rifles: rate of fire
rocket launchers: blast radius
heavy machine guns: undecided :D I usually throw away anything with a clip above 50.
shotguns: not a problem anymore XD
sniper rifles: ANY ADVICE I'D GLADLY LISTEN WITH THE OUTMOST ATTENTION. And yes, I have Icebraker.
fusion rifles: someone explain to me why this weapon has a stability stat, since I don't see the reason for it.
Thanks in advance to anyone who will take the time to answer.


Just got a Mida Multi-tool from a ROC Strike a few minutes ago. Its also where I got my Hawkmoon and The Last Word. I've gotten 5 or 6 total out of hundreds of strikes.

Hah, I did too today, was a few hours ago. The only other one I think I have gotten was Ice Breaker a long ass time ago (before TDB if I remember right).


Just got a Mida Multi-tool from a ROC Strike a few minutes ago. Its also where I got my Hawkmoon and The Last Word. I've gotten 5 or 6 total out of hundreds of strikes.

Edit: decided to look up exact amount of strikes: 521

Wow, I'm nowhere hear 521.What keeps you going, the hope of another exotic drop?

Deku Tree

Just got a Mida Multi-tool from a ROC Strike a few minutes ago. Its also where I got my Hawkmoon and The Last Word. I've gotten 5 or 6 total out of hundreds of strikes.

Edit: decided to look up exact amount of strikes: 521

Where did you look up 521?
I thought the Grimoire strikes did not include ROC or Tiger etc just vanilla map strikes.
Thanks for the link Deku, super excited for Saint Helm. Kinda bummed if he's seriously already repeating IceB (again) and UR so quickly but oh well. Just hope he'll actually sell TLord eventually since it's in his pool.

How much ammo does it hold with FS?

FS is described as "+100 mag, +80 Reserve" but I'm not sure how it works for each weapon. For example, Fate Bringer mag only goes from 12 to 13. It depends on the specific weapon and what the starting mag size is, but typically it's a pretty big boost. I believe scout rifles that start with ~19 go to 27, like VoC. Usually a ~50% increase or so.


Just got an exotix bounty, shall I go for the Pocket Infinity or Bad Juju. I already have an old (300 damage) Bad Juju but don't have a Pocket Infinity...
Just got an exotix bounty, shall I go for the Pocket Infinity or Bad Juju. I already have an old (300 damage) Bad Juju but don't have a Pocket Infinity...

PI used to be deadly, but bungie broke it.

BJJ is better, especially after the PR buff.

Unless of course you want to get PI just for collection purposes.


PI used to be deadly, but bungie broke it.

BJJ is better, especially after the PR buff.

Unless of course you want to get PI just for collection purposes.

I'll probably go for another BJJ then, I at least want exotic's that are useful. I'll pick up the PI bounty another time. Thanks!


Got a 200 point Grimoire score boost today, now at 2825 something. I still need those Ogre and Hydra kills. Also 10,000 pulse rifle kills.
Anyone ever manage to, or even try to solo the deathsinger with a hunter sans ghorn? I keep getting close, but I just can't do it fast enough. Two tickets for each shrieker and four per wizard uses a full launcher power side, and doesn't leave me with anything for the end. Using regular weapons on the wizards is taking me too long.


Is anyone up for HM Crota? I have four, need 2 more. If you have the Crota checkpoint that'd be perfect, otherwise we gotta do it from the start.

1) Buttchin-n-Bones
2) Friend
3) Friend
4) Friend
lol I just noticed the new SPLAT sound when you get killed with a sniper headshot.

Yeah I hate that sounds. Only serves to piss me off even more

baby blue v2


this dropped a while ago and it's got armor piercing and ambush. i'd use it more but it has less stability than shortgaze, so the scope moves around too much.

I don't want to say armor piercing is completely useless in PVP but I haven't been able to shoot through anything yet. Have they specified exactly what types of materials we can shoot through?
I still can't get my head around this, and I need to clean up vault space, so I need help: .
what's more important, perks or stats?:

Both matter, but it depends on the specifics. A low attack rating weapon can be great in normal Crucible with the right perks but useless in PvE. Fate Bringer is still generally regarded as the best hand cannon due to it's perks despite being limited to 300 attack. Related to your next question:

- How big is the difference between, say... 300 Thunderlord and 331 Thunderlord?

Damage calculations in this game are fucking bizarre but my understanding is that above 300 attack is only really important for enemies above Lv30. I know a higher attack weapon does more damage to all enemies, but it's not critical, e.g. a 300 GHorn is still the second best possible PvE weapon. Could be talking out my ass here, but I think you just get a noticeable damage penalty when your attack rating is below the enemy level, similar to light level scaling. Someone please correct me if this is wrong. So only HM Crota's End will really be important for 331 weapons.

Level scaling is still pretty tame in Iron Banner so imo 300 vs. 331 isn't a big deal there. Any TLord will wreck in any PvP mode.

- Should I ditch my 300 legendaries for 294 rares from Dark Below? some stuff I got from ROC playlist seems really interesting.

Sure, always fun to use new/interesting stuff. If you really just want extra vault space make some alt characters to store things and move stuff around with the new app functionality. Try to keep a variety of weapon types with various elemental damages for burns and shielded enemies.

Rares can be a lot like legendaries, they just have fewer possible perks to combine, but if you get the right ones it can be beastly.

- Are there commons and rare added with Dark Below which outclass legendaries and exotics in PvE? I don't care about about an answer on PvP, since I play PvP a lot but I'm always switching weapons around.

Probably not commons, but for rares it's going to depend on the perks and what PvE you are doing. Really broad question so kinda hard to say. The key is to consider the specific perks of the rares you have combined with the level of enemies you are fighting. Roc strikes, normal or even hard VoG, story missions, and Weeklies will have more flexibility here (even NFalls if the rare has the right element). Not so much HM CE.

- Why is armor penetration on weapons so important? Is the damage buff it gives useful? Because the only time I tried it out on was on autorifles and pulses and didn't see a noticeable spike in damage.

AP was only important for sniper rifles, and it isn't terribly important anymore. Sadly it was nerfed in the last patch. Previously it was only important mainly in PvP for scum-bag-sniping through walls and specific PvE situations (like shooting Ogres or Sword Bearer during Scrota fight). I know it still works in some PvE and PvP situations but it seems inconsistent so I'm not sure.

- At the moment, here is what I consider the most meaningful stat on weapons classes. Any explanation on why I'm doing it wrong will be most welcome.

I wouldn't break these down too much by weapon class. My golden rule: go for high impact, lower rate of fire weapons. Charge rate is the RoF for fusion rifles, Blast radius is the impact for rocket launchers.

More importantly it depends on the overall combination of stats and perks. For example, a low RoF weapon doesn't need a lot of stability because the aiming reticle will typically re-center before you can even fire again. Also, you want perks that offset the intended weakness of the weapon, e.g. a high impact fusion rifle with accel. coils.

Bungie has messed with ARs so much that even the high impact versions are scrubby now, especially since they were hit hardest by this last nerf.

sniper rifles: In PvE- go for impact, same as anything else. Black Hammer and Eff. Spear (Iron Banner) have highest in the game, they're both beasts. Vanguard vendor sells LDR that's also excellent.

fusion rifles: someone explain to me why this weapon has a stability stat, since I don't see the reason for it--- more stability keeps the beams in a given blast grouped more tightly.


What were you playing specifically?

Edit - this is getting ridiculous. I'm now asking what PvP mode is dropping exotics so I can play that mode hoping for a horn.

Haha I feel like we are on a ledge and someone needs to talk is down. It's super depressing knowing Xur will probably never sell it again and it is such a random drop our chances of getting it are so low yet we both lust for one day finally getting it.


Damn, spent 2 hours trying to solo the bridge with my hunter.
Managed to make it across the bridge once, used the little corner just to the left of the middle plate, but got rushed by thralls here and died. After that it took me a loooong time to manage to cross the bridge another time, but I finally did it, and got the boots I needed to be able to reach 32.
Quite happy with it, it was worth the trouble. <3


I don't want to say armor piercing is completely useless in PVP but I haven't been able to shoot through anything yet. Have they specified exactly what types of materials we can shoot through?

in my experience armor piercing became absolutely useless after last patch
What were you playing specifically?

Edit - this is getting ridiculous. I'm now asking what PvP mode is dropping exotics so I can play that mode hoping for a horn.

I'm in the same boat. Out of all the weekly exotic drop locations, all I picked up were a chest of lupi and ANOTHER f-ing MIDA.

I really wish I had kept count, but there is a chance this is my tenth or more. I sharded a bunch early on since that's all I would get and already had one for each toon. I then sharded the ones on the characters because I was pissed off. After that, I gave into RNGesus and leveled one up. I liked it, so I started keeping them and put one on each toon again. Now they've been stacking up, and I just cleared some room to pull extras out of the post master to shard. And then got another.


I'm retracting my previous statement about the Pocket Infinity not being "that" bad in PvP.

It's just bad, the last patch put that little bit of what this weapon had going for it that made it so great down the shitter.
Avoid using this weapon at all costs in PvP, it's a waste of your exotic slot.
Its slow ass charging time combined with a terrible range/stability and the new projectile spread makes this perhaps the most ruined exotic. It still even has that bug where it doesn't auto fire fast enough at times.
Such a shame, I loved the gun. Great work Bungie, I guess that's it for me regarding PvP.


PVP should not give exotics.
It should give way more blues and blue engrams that it does now, and sometimes a purple engram.
I'm retracting my previous statement about the Pocket Infinity not being "that" bad in PvP.

It's just bad, the last patch put that little bit of what this weapon had going for it that made it so great down the shitter.
Avoid using this weapon at all costs in PvP, it's a waste of your exotic slot.
Its slow ass charging time combined with a terrible range/stability and the new projectile spread makes this perhaps the most ruined exotic. It still even has that bug where it doesn't auto fire fast enough at times.
Such a shame, I loved the gun. Great work Bungie, I guess that's it for me regarding PvP.

I was using it a bit the other day and would have said "not... that... bad" but it's definitely lost the magic. I get why they do it but I'm also tired of needing to constantly adjust play styles. I like Pulse Rifles okay but they still feel off to me compared to my old favorites. I'll still do PvP with friends but kinda bummed out that so many weapons feel so bland now. Crucible has always been a low-TTK cluster fuck, and it still is, but fewer weapons feel fun to use for me now.

The lack of game play mode and map selection variety has always been the issue with PvP, not these balancing gymnastics they keep focusing on. I mean there are 0 modes that incorporate vanilla and TDB maps for crying out loud....
PvP should totally give exotics, they should just add armors to the pool. I'm fine with the random part, it doesn't bother me at all when the last place guy gets the TLord I still don't have. I've seen 10+ TLords drop for other people in the last 2 weeks and I don't give a shit, it just makes me laugh heartily.

Random, very low probability drops are fine. The issue is that there is no additional incentive for skilled play (guaranteed blue to top player, guaranteed purple for every X matches won or total Crucible score reached, etc.). There should be a balance to both encourage less skilled players to participate at all while also rewarding more skilled players.


I was using it a bit the other day and would have said "not... that... bad" but it's definitely lost the magic. I get why they do it but I'm also tired of needing to constantly adjust play styles. I like Pulse Rifles okay but they still feel off to me compared to my old favorites. I'll still do PvP with friends but kinda bummed out that so many weapons feel so bland now. Crucible has always been a low-TTK cluster fuck, and it still is, but fewer weapons feel fun to use for me now.

The lack of game play mode and map selection variety has always been the issue with PvP, not these balancing gymnastics they keep focusing on. I mean there are 0 modes that incorporate vanilla and TDB maps for crying out loud....

Even in PvE I don't like using pulse rifles. I mean Oversoul Edict is effective, it's just not fun in any way.
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