Jupiter is a good dude; one of the few people crazy enough to stay up all night with me when I got my first NM Crota kill, and only guy who offered to run sword that first week, as a Warlock no less, so I actually got a loot drop on another character. He was moving and hadn't played for a while so he's not quite as familiar with HM Scrota as some of us.
As long as everyone is okay with it, going for 2 swords is fine as a novelty but there's no practical reason for it if people just want the kill and get on w their lives, especially if there's wife enrage or other IRL issues. A 3 sword kill takes 7-8 minutes and should be #teamfirsttry every time that lag or glitches doesn't fuck it up (or if you have newer players that need to learn strat details). There's a huge margin for inefficieny in shield break timing/sword damage with 3 swords-6 breaks and you have all the time in the world to safely kill ogres and reset for the last sword. But I digress, I'm trying to put a personal moratorium on denigrating Scrota since everything's been said 1000x by now.